Lower Lusatian mining tour - Niederlausitzer Bergbautour

“On the trail of the devil” is the motto of Lower Lusatian mining tour, a 510 kilometer long cycle path through the Lusatian mining region.

Lower Lusatian mining tour - Logo.svg

Route profile

  • Length: approx. 510 kilometers (without detour)
  • Signposting: Essentially pretty good. Niederlausitz has a uniform signage system, if there is no sign, there is usually a sticker somewhere with the cycling devil.
  • Slopes: There are only a few inclines in the area around Spremberg (Kippengebiet) and between Bad Muskau and Weißwasser.
  • Path condition: Essentially, the entire cycle path consists of newly built asphalt paths.
  • Traffic load: The traffic load is rather low. A few parts of the public road are only moderately traveled. Much of it runs on separate bike paths. There is increased traffic only in the localities when the cycle path runs through the town center.
  • Suitable bike: Every fitness and cross bike is ideally suited here. But children on their little bikes can usually also ride the route. Racing bikes are only conditionally suitable due to some unpaved passages and the damage caused by roots on the asphalt.
  • Family suitability: Quite good, there are many quiet sections as well as good transport connections - and last but not least, few mountains.
  • Inline suitability: Not consistently. Much of the cycle path is paved, but the beautiful forest sections in particular have underrooting and, associated with this, many unpredictably broken areas.


According to legend, it was the devil who once hid the coal deep in the earth from the Lusatians. The first lignite mines were built as early as the middle of the 19th century and thus contributed to an industrial boom in the region. In addition to mining, the cloth and glass industry also saw a steep upswing. In the former GDR, lignite was of crucial importance for energy generation. The then Cottbus district was the center of the energy industry. Opencast mines are still in operation today and extract coal for the production of electricity. Over a distance of 510 kilometers you will encounter old and new landscapes as well as contemporary witnesses of the Lusatian mining industry.

Interesting for travelers on this themed cycle path are the viewpoints at the opencast mines, the Lusatian Lakeland as a post-mining landscape and future local recreation area, as well as the technical monuments such as the largest conveyor bridge in the world, the F60 near Lichterfeld.


Separate special preparations do not have to be made for a tour on the bike path. However, tools are important. The bike path runs in rural areas. The nearest bicycle repair shop is far away - sometimes even the next busy highway where you could stop a car. On some parts of the route, longer sections run across fields and meadows and also in the area of ​​the opencast mines. This means that shade is rare and sun protection is essential.

getting there

Public transportation

By bicycle

The Niederlausitzer mining tour meets in some places together with national cycle routes, including the one Spree cycle path (in cottbus and Luebbenau) and the Oder-Neisse cycle path (in Forest).

In the street

Federal motorway: For cyclists with a further journey there are some starting points with a motorway connection. At the A15 there are exits in cottbus and Forst (Lausitz), within reach of the A13 lie Luebbenau (Symbol: ASLübbenau), Calau (Symbol: ASBronkow), Großräschen (Symbol: ASGroßräschen), Klettwitz (Symbol: ASKlettwitz), Senftenberg and Lauchhammer (Symbol: ASRuhland).

Route description with sights

Cottbus - Forst (Lausitz) - Kerkwitz - Cottbus

In the Branitzer Park in Cottbus. The cycle path itself follows the “Englische Allee” on the right - but an impressive name for an unpaved forest path. At the end you have to cross the very busy federal road B115. From now on it's going to be cozy. A separate and asphalt bike path leads across woods and meadows through the village of Haasow, the Kathlower Mühle to Klinge (17 km). This is where the robber barons gate and the “Zeitsprung” open-air museum are located (see also the article on Wiesengrund). An information board provides information about the Klinge mammoth, which was found here and can now be viewed in Forst. After a look into the recultivated Jänschwalde open-cast mine and the flooded Klinger See, follow the cycle path to the small village of Gosda. The last stretch to Forst leads again separately on asphalt over woods and fields to Klein Jamno. From here you have to cover the last few kilometers on a public but not very busy road. The inner city area up to the Forster train station is well and clearly signposted and easily accessible. Forst offers a good opportunity for a rest, as well as a view of the beautiful water tower or a visit to the famous rose garden. Arrived at the Neißedamm, it continues along the Neiße to the north. ...

Important sights:

  • State Theater and Dieselkraftwerk art museum in Cottbus.
  • The Fürst Pückler-Park Branitz - The national park of Prince Pückler with Branitz Castle in Cottbus.
  • Rose garden forest - Garden landscape with tens of thousands of roses on 16 hectares in Forst.
  • Peitz Hut Museum - Interesting museum about the history of the Erisenhütte in the old fortress town of Peitz (detour)

Places and regions crossed: cottbus - Meadow ground - Forster area - Forst (Lausitz) - Forster area - Jänschwalder Heide - Pond land - Peitz (Detour) - cottbus


  • Adler Klinge sports field (Shortly before the knight's gate, follow the crossing street to the right for 200m).
  • Donkey farm Gosda I (directly on the bike path at the end of the village towards forest). Open: Tue-Sun, 11: 00-18: 00. - Small snack right at the donkey farm in Gosda

Bed & Bike:

  • Hotel Haufe Forst, Cottbuser Str. 123. Tel.: 49 (0)3562-2844, Fax: 49 (0)3562-2845, Email: . Price: € from 35.00 / 55.00 (single / double).
  • Hotel WIWO Forst, Domsdorfer Kirchweg 14. Tel.: 49 (0)3562-9510, Fax: 49 (0)3562-984379, Email: . Price: € from 50.00 / 70.00 (single / double).
  • Waldhotel Cottbus, Drachhausener Str. 70. Tel.: 49 (0)355-87640. Price: from € 53.00 / 74.00 (single / double). - Quietly located hotel in the north of the city. Bike rental from € 10.00 per day.
  • Hotel Ostrow Cottbus, Wasserstr. 4th. Tel.: 49 (0)355-780080. Open: Mon-Fri: 6 a.m.-10 p.m., Sat-Sun: 7 a.m.-10 p.m.Price: from € 44.00 / 66.00 (single / double). - Quite centrally located near the city center
  • Ahorn Hotel Cottbus, Bautzener Str. 134. Tel.: 49 (0)355-478000. Open: Reception and rental open 24 hours.Price: from € 48.00 / 66.00 (single / double).
  • Hotel and restaurant Haus Irmer, Berliner Str. 88, Kolkwitz. Tel.: 49 (0)355-287474. Open: from 06:00.Price: from € 50.00 / 60.00 (single / double). - The nice little hotel is a little off the beaten track in the village of Kolkwitz west of Cottbus.

Bicycle shop or workshop:

Park forge in the Branitzer Park Cottbus
Through the meadow near Haasow
Water tower in forest
The Badlands of Brandenburg - old Jänschwalde open-cast mine
Former Neißebrücke in Forst

Cottbus - Vetschau - Lübbenau - Princely Drehna

Important sights:

  • Slavic castle Raddusch - Exhibition on archeology in Niederlausitz.
  • Luebbenau - Center of the Spreewald with a beautiful castle and an information center on the Spreewald biosphere reserve.
  • Fürtslich Drehna with one Moated castle on the former edge of the opencast mine.
  • Floating house near Laasow at the Gräbendorfer See (detour).

Places and regions crossed: cottbus - Spreewaldvorland - Gräbendorfer See (Detour) - Vetschau - Raddusch - Luebbenau - Princely Drehna

Bed & Bike:


Princely Drehna - Calau - Klettwitz - Lauchhammer

Important sights:

  • Klettwitz - Mining monument of the Klettwitz shaft and the Lausitzring.
  • Art casting museum and the Bio towers in Lauchhammer
  • Mining Museum F60 - The largest conveyor bridge in the world in Lichterfeld (detour).

Places and regions crossed: Princely Drehna - Calau - Lauchhammer

Bed & Bike:

Lauchhammer - Plessa - Schwarzheide - Senftenberg

Important sights:

  • Industrial museum Plessa power plant
  • Garden city of Marga as well as castle with permanent exhibition Industrial history of the region in Senftenberg

Senftenberg - Großräschen - Neupetershain - Spremberg

Important sights:

  • Center of International Building Exhibition IBA 2010 as well as visitor center of the Lusatian Lakeland in Großräschen.
  • Gut Geisendorf near Neupetershain on the edge of the Welzow Süd opencast mine.
  • Spremberg Castle with the Niederlausitzer Heidemuseum in Spremberg.

Spremberg - Hoyerswerda - Knappenrode - Spremberg

Important sights:

  • Modern coal-fired power station in Black Pump with a viewpoint on the high power station building. It includes an information center - pilot plant CO2-free coal power plant.
  • Hoyerswerda with listed Prefabricated buildings and one lock in the old City.
  • Lusatian mining museum Knappenrode energy factory.

Spremberg - Cottbus

Important sights:

  • State Theater and Dieselkraftwerk art museum in Cottbus

Places and regions crossed: Spremberg - Spremberger reservoir - cottbus

Bed & Bike:

  • Waldhotel Cottbus, Drachhausener Str. 70. Tel.: 49 (0)355-87640. Price: from € 53.00 / 74.00 (single / double). - Quietly located hotel in the north of the city. Bike rental from € 10.00 per day.
  • Hotel Ostrow Cottbus, Wasserstr. 4th. Tel.: 49 (0)355-780080. Open: Mon-Fri: 6 a.m.-10 p.m., Sat-Sun: 7 a.m.-10 p.m.Price: from € 44.00 / 66.00 (single / double). - Quite centrally located near the city center
  • Ahorn Hotel Cottbus, Bautzener Str. 134. Tel.: 49 (0)355-478000. Open: Reception and rental open 24 hours.Price: from € 48.00 / 66.00 (single / double).
  • Hotel and restaurant Haus Irmer, Berliner Str. 88, Kolkwitz. Tel.: 49 (0)355-287474. Open: from 06:00.Price: from € 50.00 / 60.00 (single / double). - The nice little hotel is a little off the beaten track in the village of Kolkwitz west of Cottbus.

Bicycle shop or workshop:

Spremberg - Forest (option)

Important sights:

  • Glassworks and coal-fired power station in Döbern.
  • Muskau Arch Geopark - an interesting geological region marked by mining.

Places and regions crossed: Spremberg - Spremberger reservoir - Bloischdorf Alps - Döbern - Jerischk Forest - Malxeland - Forst (Lausitz)

Bike rentals

Combinations with other cycle routes and paths

References to literature and maps

  • Bikeline: Bike tour book "Niederlausitzer Bergbautour" 1: 50,000. Esterbauer publishing house, ISBN 3-85000-164-4 .
  • Hiking and cycling maps
    • Oberspreewald-Lausitz district, 1: 50,000. Saxony cartography Dresden, ISBN 978-3-932281-58-7 .
    • District of Spree-Neisse region, 1: 75,000. Saxony cartography Dresden, ISBN 3-932281-16-0 .
    • Lusatian Lakeland district, 1: 50,000. Saxony cartography Dresden, ISBN 978-3-932281-21-1 .

Web links

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