Xigazê - Xigazê

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Xigazê is a city in Tibet.


Xigazê, better known to us in the spelling Shigatse, is the capital of the Tibetan administrative district of the same name. With around 90,000 inhabitants, it is one of the largest cities in Tibet, but its cityscape is more like a Chinese city designed on the drawing board. Only the area around the dzong, the market and the Tashilhünpo monastery make a Tibetan impression.

getting there

Tashilhunpo. Above left Matreya Hall, tomb of the 10th, tomb of the 4th, tombs of the 5-9 Penchen Lama, Thanka wall

By plane

In the street

The city is on the Friendship Highway about 300 km from Lhasa away.


Tourist Attractions

Maitreya Hall, Tashilhumpo

Samdrup tse

The Dzong with the name Samdrup tse dates from the 14th century and is located on a hill above the Tibetan old town. Today the building looks like the little brother of the Potala Palace, in fact, it's over 300 years older. However, the fortress was used during the peaceful liberation Tibet thoroughly destroyed, and what the soldiers of the army could not do, the Red Guards did in the Cultural Revolution. What is visible today is a reconstruction made of reinforced concrete, the new old dzong is supposed to house a museum about the culture of the region, at present (as of 2010) it is far from that far.


Residence of the Penchen Lama

The monastery Tashi Lhunpo was founded in the 15th century. It is traditionally the official seat of the Penchen Lama. The tenth Penchen Lama died in 1989, his successor chosen by the Dalai Lama disappeared under mysterious circumstances, the substitute recognized by the Chinese government is not without controversy.
Once up to 5,000 monks lived in the 30 hectare monastery complex, today there are around 800. Individual buildings protrude from the complex.
First on the left is the Maitreya-Hall. Inside it is a more than 26 m high future Buddha, made of 11 tons of bronze and around 230 kg of gold. Photography is prohibited in the hall.
The tomb of the 10th Penchen Lama has a gilded roof in the Chinese style. The residence of the Penchen Lama almost disappears next to it.
While the tomb of the 4th Penchen Lama remained unscathed during the Cultural Revolution, the graves of the 5th - 9th Penchen Lama were destroyed during this time, the tomb was consecrated by the 10th Penchen Lama immediately before his death.
Another worthwhile destination is the somewhat smoky monastery kitchen, its ovens and butter churns. From here, at lunchtime, novices bring tsampa and butter tea to the adjacent main hall for ritual sacrifice.
There is an exit gate next to the main hall. It opens a beautiful view down to the city of Shigatse, but also up to a huge windowless white building: it is one Thangka wall, it stands on the kora, an enclosing wall.

Monastery courtyard in the Kelsang Temple

Below the main hall you can reach the winding complex of the Kelsang Temple via a cloister courtyard.
The entrance fees are at a bearable level of 55 yuan. What is confusing are the fees for photos and videos. In some halls you are generally not allowed to take pictures. Fees are due for other halls, although the amount does not depend on the degree of the attraction. Video recordings cost about 10 times as much as photos.



Getting used to: dried lamb at the Shigatse market

There is a market on the edge of the Tibetan old town. Immediately on the road to the Tibetan Quarter there are typical souvenirs, some of them good quality, some of them mass-produced. Action is a duty. As long as the salespeople are interested, they will follow their customers over longer distances. Fruit and other foods are also offered. Some of them are not for European stomachs. One street further in the direction of the city center there is everything that local customers need.




  • Manarsarova Hotel Shigatse, Shigatse County, Shigatse. Tel.: 86-892-8841040, Fax: 86-892-8828111.


Practical advice

The problem with the 11th Penchen Lama, his recognition by the Dalai Lama or the Chinese government should not necessarily be discussed with a leader in public. He will try to answer in such a way that he does not lose his job or his friends.



Web links

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