The Footsteps of Marx and Engels - 马克思与恩格斯的足迹

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Karl Marx(Karl Marx) andFriedrich Engels(Friedrich Engels) YesMarxismFounder. Marx and Engels visited throughout their livesEuropeMany countries, this guide will take you to travel to these countries, to find the footsteps of Marx and Engels.



Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818GermanyTrier. After graduating from high school, in October 1835, Marx went toBonnUniversity andBerlinHe studied at Humboldt University and obtained his doctorate in 1841. In July 1841, Marx and his friend Powell went togetherBonn. In 1842, Marx moved toCologneContributed to the "Rheinland" and became the editor of the newspaper. After the newspaper was seized, Marx went toParisGet in touch with new ideas and participate in the labor movement.

On November 28, 1820, Friedrich Engels was born inGermanyBarmen (nowWuppertal). Under his father’s order, in August 1838, Engels dropped out of middle school and went toBremenBe a clerk. In September 1841, it came againBerlinPerform military service and go to Berlin University to listen to philosophy lectures in his spare time. In 1842, Engels arrivedU.KManchesterAs the general manager of "Oumen-Engels Textile Factory", he began to understand the living conditions of the working class in depth. In the winter of 1843, Engels andIrelandThe female worker Mary Baines met and began to live together. In 1844, the "Outline of Criticism of Political Economy" was published to make a preliminary critique of the capitalist economic system.

On August 28, 1844, Marx and EngelsFranceParisMeet at a coffee shop in, and start a deep friendship between the two. Subsequently, the two began toParisCo-authored "The Holy Family". After the two said goodbye, Engels returned to his hometownGermanyBarmen.

Middle age

In February 1845, Marx moved toBelgiumBrussels. In April, Engels also moved from Barmen to Brussels to help Marx in trouble.

Old age


Before you start traveling, you need to have a general understanding of the life of Marx and Engels. In this regard, it is recommended that you read the letters in the "Complete Works of Marx and Engels" and the biographies related to Marx and Engels.

Since most of the countries visited by Marx and Engels areEuropean UnionMember States andSchengen areaCountry, so in addition to applying for a passport, you also need to know the following related information:Visa policy for EU citizensTraveling in the Schengen areaEuropean Train PassWait.


If you want to continue to learn about the history of other socialist revolutions, you can check these travel guides:

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