Northwest Andes - Ande del nordovest

Northwest Andes
Lama in the Jujuy area

Northwest Andes is the region ofArgentina bordering on Bolivia is Chile.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

The six provinces belonging to this region are as follows:

Map divided by regions
      Jump (the western portion)
      La Rioja
      Santiago del Estero (the western portion)

Urban centers

  • Persimmon - In the town there is the Archaeological Museum Pío Pablo Díaz, with important pieces, about 5000, dating back to 10,000 years ago, and belonging to the pre-Hispanic cultures of the area.
  • Cafayate
  • Humahuaca - It is known for its position within the Quebrada de Humahuaca, a long and wide valley located in the eastern part of the Central Andean Plateau.
  • La Rioja - Capital of the homonymous province.
  • Purmamarca - It is probably the prettiest and most suggestive town in the quebrada of Humahuaca.
  • Jump
  • San Miguel de Tucumán
  • San Salvador de Jujuy
  • Saint Mary - Considered the capital of the Valles Calchaquíes region.
  • Tafi del Valle - It is a very popular tourist destination, due to its natural beauty and climate.
  • Tilcara - Particularly noteworthy is the Pucarà di Tilcara, an ancient fortress of the Inca era, built by the Tilcara Indians, from which the town takes its name.

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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