Bad Zwesten - Bad Zwesten

Bad Zwesten
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Bad Zwesten is a community in North Hessian Schwalm-Eder-Kreis on the edge of the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park. Recognition as a health resort with the award of the title bath took place in 1992. Below the place is a mineral spring, the 1 Bad Zwestener LöwensprudelBad Zwestener Löwensprudel in the encyclopedia WikipediaBad Zwestener Löwensprudel in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBad Zwestener Löwensprudel (Q798798) in the Wikidata database.


Zwesten was first mentioned in the Codex Eberhardi from 817 as Tuvests mentioned. Another historical fixed point was that Zwestener blood wedding of 1538, which involved violent clashes between nobles and peasants in the village.

The health resort is the seat of the Hardtwald clinics with two large rehabilitation houses with an attached neurological acute clinic on the hill above the spa park.

Bad Zwesten is the seat of the municipal administration. There are also the following districts:1 BetzigerodeBetzigerode in the encyclopedia WikipediaBetzigerode (Q850651) in the Wikidata database, 2 NiederurffNiederurff in the encyclopedia WikipediaNiederurff in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNiederurff (Q1988704) in the Wikidata database, 3 Oberurff-SchiffelbornOberurff-Schiffelborn in the encyclopedia WikipediaOberurff-Schiffelborn (Q2011348) in the Wikidata database and 4 WenzigerodeWenzigerode in the Wikipedia encyclopediaWenzigerode (Q1489918) in the Wikidata database.

getting there

By plane

The nearest commercial airport is in Frankfurt am Main.

By train

With the train you can only get to from Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe Bad Wildungen. From there you can continue by bus (see below).

By bus

The one drives from Bad Wildungen Bus 410 about Bad Zwesten Bark. Flixbus also drives to Bad Zwesten. The 1 Long-distance bus stop Bad Zwesten is located on the B 485 (Brunnenstrasse).

In the street

Bad Zwesten is from the B3 crosses that to the Symbol: AS Bark the A49 ties up. This also ends in Bad Zwesten B485 in the B3.

By bicycle

  • The Schwalm cycle path, the Hess. Long-distance cycle route R5 and the Hess. Long-distance cycle route R4 pass the place.


Map of Bad Zwesten

Tourist Attractions

Löwensprudel fountain temple in the spa gardens
The decorate outside ...
  • 2  Kurpark at the Kurhaus. The Kurpark am Kurhaus has a sound adventure park, a rose garden, various ponds and a bowling green.Price: 0 EUR.


  • 3  Evangelical Church Bad Zwesten. In the main town there is the fortified church, which is well worth seeing, the origins of which go back to the 15th century.

Palaces, castles and castle ruins

  • 4  Zwesten Castle. Schloss Zwesten in the encyclopedia WikipediaZwesten Castle (Q1780000) in the Wikidata database.The castle is a two-storey, classicist building made of plastered half-timbering.
  • 5  Löwenstein castle ruins. Castle ruin Löwenstein in the encyclopedia WikipediaCastle ruin Löwenstein in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCastle ruin Löwenstein (Q1015417) in the Wikidata database.The former castle now exists as a partially reconstructed ruin. The rebuilt defense tower can be climbed, from here you have a wonderful view of the surrounding area. Immediately at the foot of the facility is the one that is mostly run on weekends Snack station.
  • 6  Niederurff Castle. Niederurff Castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNiederurff Castle in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryNiederurff Castle (Q1013326) in the Wikidata database.The castle ruins are located on the southwestern edge of Niederurff on a small hill.


  • 7  Bad Zwesten local history museum, Ringstrasse 2, 34596 Bad Zwesten. The local museum deals with the main exhibition Life and living in the old days, besides special exhibitions are shown.



  • 1  Indoor swimming pool, Hardtstrasse 7, 34596 Bad Zwesten. The exercise pool in the Kurhaus is ideal for sporting activities.


View from the observation tower on the 433 m high Altenburg towards Bad Zwesten and Kellerwald.
  • 2  Kellerwaldsteig. Kellerwaldsteig in the encyclopedia WikipediaKellerwaldsteig in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKellerwaldsteig (Q1738268) in the Wikidata database.Bad Zwesten is on the 9th stage of the Kellerwaldsteig.
  • 3  Archaeological trail. The archaeological hiking trail starts at the barbecue area in Neuental-Römersberg and leads over 6 km and 13 stations. He deals with the Altenburg from the 19th century to the Iron Age.
  • 1  Altenburg. Altenburg in the encyclopedia WikipediaAltenburg in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAltenburg (Q436904) in the Wikidata database.A wooden observation tower stands on the 433 m high elevation. From up here you have a nice view over towards Borken in the Schwalm-Eder-Niederung but also towards Bad Zwesten towards Kellerwald. A 360 degree panoramic view is not possible, however, as the structure is partly already grown in. But it's still worth climbing! There are also remains of a Celtic ring wall on the mountain. On foot from the center of Bad Zwesten: At an altitude of around 210 m, you simply hike around 4 km with around 220 meters of altitude to the tower. To do this, first head towards the campsite on the Schwalm. To the east of the square, the ascent takes place via paths into the forest (see also Openstreetmap). By car or bicycle access via Römersberg: There is one north of Römersberg 2 Hiking parking lot in the forest. This can be reached after driving through the village via somewhat coarser, gravel roads. From the parking lot at around 340 m above sea level, you only walk around 800 m to the tower. The partly quite steep route on coarse ground has an altitude of around 90 meters (sturdy shoes are useful). The path is not suitable for prams unless you have an all-terrain "trekking pram" with large wheels that you like to push over hill and dale. Touring bikes are therefore better connected to the parking lot as well. Even going downhill is not without risk on the steep, very rough path (danger of slipping despite careful driving due to the ground). There is also one at the parking lot Information board about the archaeological hiking trail Altenburg, which leads over the mountain in 2 hours from here and introduces the Keltenwall and the Altenburg at 12 stations.

To go biking

The network of Bad Zwestener bike paths has a length of approx. 70 km.


  • 1  good, Zum Kurpark 2, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 925024. Supermarket.Open: Mon-Sat 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • 2  REWE, Kasseler Str. 26, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 8159. Supermarket.Open: Mon-Sat 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.
  • 3  Edeka-Markt Eichhorn, Hauptstrasse 5, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 8364. Supermarket.Open: Mo-Fr 7: 00-18: 00, Sa 8: 00-13: 30.


  • 1  Trattoria Pane e Vino, Kasseler Str. 7, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 9224818, Email: . Italian restaurant.Open: Wed-Mon 17: 00-22: 30; Fri, Sat, Sun 11: 30-14: 30.
  • 2  Bürgerhof restaurant, Weststrasse 1, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)56 26 92 23 30, Fax: 49 (0)56 26 92 23 35, Email: . German cuisine, rustic butchery food.Open: Mon, Tue, Thu 11: 30-17: 00; Fri, Sat 11: 30-21: 00; Sun 11: 30-15: 00.
  • 3  Pizzeria Al Parco, In front of Tore 3, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 1621. Pizzeria, Italian restaurant.Open: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 11: 30-14: 00 and 17: 30-22: 30; Sun 11: 30-14: 00.
  • 4  Restaurant Pizzeria La Taverna, To Kurpark 3b, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 922352. Italian restaurant.Open: Thu-Tue 11 a.m.-11 p.m.
  • 5  Kamineck restaurant, Sandkaute 1A, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 921740. Public house.Open: Thu-Tue 5 pm-11pm.
  • 6  Da Enzo Pizzaria, Sandkaute 2, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 9227521. Pizzeria.
  • 7  La Bella Italia Oberurff, Berg Freiheiter Str. 8A, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 7379835. Pizzeria.Open: Tue-Sun 5:30 pm-10:00pm.



  • 1  Forest campsite, Am Campingplatz 1, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 379, Email: . The forest campsite is open from March 30, 2019 to October 31, 2019.
  • 2  RV sites, Hardtstrasse 7, 34596 Bad Zwesten. The mobile home port in Bad Zwesten offers space to park 10 vehicles.


  • 3  Landhotel Kern, Brunnenstrasse 10, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0) 56 26 99. Upscale country hotel with a good restaurant.
  • 4  Hotel Kavaliershaus, Schloßweg 2, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 92234-100, Fax: 49 (0)5626 922 34-122, Email: . The hotel is located on the southern outskirts, a 2-minute walk from the town center.Price: Single from € 69, double from € 120.


  • 5  To the little king, Hauptstrasse 4, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 8411, Email: . The guest house offers 7 rooms, divided into double, triple and single rooms.
  • 6  Pension Severin, Rosenstrasse 20 - 22, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 244, Fax: 49 (0)5626 9224915, Email: . Pension.Feature: pension.Price: single from € 28, double from € 56.
  • 7  Pension Wiechert, Nordstrasse 13, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 346. A total of 4 beds, 2 double rooms and 2 single rooms.Feature: pension.Price: Single from € 39, double from € 70.




There is no general hospital in Bad Zwesten, the following specialized facilities can be found on site:


  • 3  Dr. Anuta-Lucia Kiss, Schulstrasse 2, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 3079922. Family doctor care.Open: Mon-Fri 8-12; Thurs also 5-7 p.m.
  • 4  Detlef Schürbrock, In front of Tore 2, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 1087. Family doctor.Open: Mon-Fri 8-12; Tue, Thu also 5-7pm.


  • 5  Lion pharmacy, Wildunger Str. 1 b, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Tel.: 49 (0)5626 99890. Pharmacy.Open: Mon-Sat 8: 00-12: 30; Mon, Fri also 14: 00-18: 00; Thu also 14: 00-18: 30.


Practical advice

  • 8  Deutsche Post branch 591, Kasseler Str.5a, 34596 Bad Zwesten. Post office in the FA. Hans Eisenacher.Open: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 14: 00-17: 00; Wed 8: 30-12: 30; Sa 9: 00-12: 00.
  • 9  Public toilet facility, Mittelweg 4, 34596 Bad Zwesten.


Bad Zwesten borders in the northeast 5 FritzlarWebsite of this institutionFritzlar in the encyclopedia WikipediaFritzlar in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsFritzlar (Q492503) in the Wikidata database, in the East 6 BarkWebsite of this institutionBorken in the encyclopedia WikipediaBorken in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBorken (Q565488) in the Wikidata database, in the south7 NeuentalNeuental in the encyclopedia WikipediaNeuental in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNeuental (Q126873) in the Wikidata database, and 8 JesbergJesberg in the encyclopedia WikipediaJesberg in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsJesberg (Q573235) in the Wikidata database, in the West9 HainaWebsite of this institutionHaina in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHaina in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHaina (Q636145) in the Wikidata database, as well as in the northwest10 Bad WildungenWebsite of this institutionBad Wildungen in the encyclopedia WikipediaBad Wildungen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBad Wildungen (Q516462) in the Wikidata database.


Web links

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