Low Beskids - Beskid Niski

Location on the physical and geographic map of Poland

Low Beskids - mountain range located in the Carpathians, between The Bieszczady Mountains and Beskid Sądecki. The band lies on the borderline Polish and Slovakia. The highest peak of the Low Beskids on the Polish side is Lackowa (997 m above sea level), and the highest point of the whole mountains is Busov (1002 m above sea level).


The Low Beskids is the lowest and most extensive part of the Western Carpathians. It stretches from the Muszynka River to Osława (approx. 100 km in total), and to the south it reaches the Slovak city Bardejov. In the central part of the Beskid there is the Dukla Pass, which is the largest depression in the Carpathian Bend (the pass lies at an altitude of 500 m above sea level).

Czeremcha peak

The most important rivers of the region are Osławica, Wisłok, Jasiołka, Wisłoka, Ropa and Biała Dunajcowa, belonging to the catchment area The Baltic Sea. A water reservoir was established on the Ropa River in 1994 Klimkowskie Lake, were created by building a dam in Klimkówka. It is currently the largest water reservoir in the Polish part of the Low Beskids.

Worth seeing

Castle in Muszyna

The most important attractions of the region are numerous tourist routes, war cemeteries, wooden Orthodox churches, the Bieszczady Forest Railway and Magura National Park. In the past, the oil industry developed in the Low Beskids, as well as in the border Jasło Foothills (this is where the first oil digging in the world was established). Traces of this are visible, among others in the vicinity of Bóbrka and Ropianka. Other important elements of culture for the local lands are Ruthenian settlements and Lemko folklore. The most interesting of such places are Nowica, Bielanka, Bartne and Pielgrzymka. Unfortunately, not all of the old settlements have survived, incl. as a result of pacification and resettlement of Lemkos. Local cities that have lost their former character are also worth visiting. Among the most interesting are a few spas (e.g. Krynica-Zdrój, Rymanów-Zdrój) and several small borderland towns (eg Nowy Żmigród, Jaśliska).


Mountain huts

Old cottages on the market square in Jaśliska

Year-round shelters

  • Bacówka in Bartne
  • PTSM hostel in Desznica
  • PTSM hostel in Dukla
  • PTSM hostel in Gorlice
  • "Zaścianek" shelter in Jaśliska
  • PTTK hostel in Komańcza
  • Shelter in Łupków
  • The PTTK Magura Małastowska shelter
  • Graduation tower in Krynica-Zdrój
    Pod Chyrowej shelter

Seasonal hostels

  • PTSM hostel in Banica
  • PTSM hostel in Bodaki
  • PTSM hostel in Folusz
  • PTSM hostel in Gładyszów
  • PTSM hostel in Rrab
  • Rocks in the "Kornuty" Reserve
    PTSM hostel in Krempna
  • PTSM hostel in Nowy Żmigród
  • PTSM hostel in Owczary
  • PTSM hostel in Uście Gorlickie

Nature conservation

Several nature protection areas have been created in Beskidzkie Niski. Belong to them

  • Magura National Park (19 439 ha) - was established in 1995 with a buffer zone of the area of 22 697 ha. Over 90% of its area is covered by forests, mainly communities of Carpathian beech forests and sycamore forests, which are rare in the Polish Carpathians. There are three areas of strict protection: "Magura Wątkowska" (1189 ha), "Kamień" (378 ha) and "Zimna Woda" (841 ha), the rock reserve "Kornuty" and the nature monument "Diabli Kamień".
  • Jaśliski Landscape Park (29,911 ha) - established in 1992 and constitutes the eastern buffer zone of the MPN. 65% of the area is covered by forests, mainly Carpathian beech forests. A peculiarity is the unique in the scale of the Carpathians the community of mountain sycamore - a forest dominated by sycamores and elms, and in the undergrowth there is a very rare fern - the common tongue. A characteristic element are meadow and pasture complexes of non-existent villages.
  • The reserves of the Beskid Niski are: "Cisy w Mogilno", "Jelenia Góra", "Kornuty", "Łysa Góra", "Wadernik", "Needles", "Modrzyna", "Cisy w Nowa Wieś", "Tysiąclecia Reserve on Cergowa Góra Mountain" "," Przełom Jasiołki "," Kamień nad Jaśliskami "," Źródliska Jasiołki "," Bukowica "and" Kamień nad Rzepedzią ".
  • The Natura 2000 areas of the Beskid Niski are: "Ostoja Magurska", "Ostoja Jaśliska", "Ostoje Bats of the Gorlice Poviat", "Łysa Góra", "Źródliska Wisłoki", "Biała Tarnawska" (a small fragment), "Ostoja Popradzka" (a small fragment ), "Rymanów", "Trzciana", "Osuwiska w Lipowica", "Jasiołka" and the bird sanctuary "Beskid Niski".


The climate in the Low Beskids is transitional between the Atlantic and continental climate. In spring, winter and autumn, warm and dry southern winds, the so-called Dukla or Rymanów, which cause frequent changes in the weather. The average annual temperature is 4-8 ° C. The heaviest rainfall occurs in June and July.