Bohemian Switzerland - Böhmische Schweiz

The Bohemian Switzerland is located in the north of the Czech Republic and is together with the Saxon Switzerland part of Elbe Sandstone Mountains. The East Elbe area along the German-Czech border forms the Bohemian Switzerland National Park. The largest part of it extends over the Dittersbacher walls (Jetřichovické stěny).

Canyon of the Elbe near Dolní Žleb


View of the border town Hřensko from the mouth of the Kamnitz
  • Děčín (Eng. Tetschen) - largest city in the treated area; Děčín Castle. It starts south of the city Central Bohemian Uplands.
  • Hřensko (Eng. Herrnskretschen) - an excursion and shopping location directly on the German border; At 112.5 m it is the deepest place in Bohemia.
  • Jetřichovice (Eng. Dittersbach) - village on the southern edge of the national park with traditional glass blowing.
  • Labská Stráň (Eng. Elbleiten) - village on the right bank of the Elbe; Nearby is the Belvedere viewpoint.

Other goals

  • Schneeberg (Děčínský Sněžník) near Děčín, at 723 meters the highest mountain in the whole Elbe Sandstone Mountains.


The area is characterized by deeply cut valleys and rugged cliffs. Large angular table mountains protrude from the plains. Individual volcanic cones made of basalt are striking elevations in the landscape. This unique landscape was created by the deposition of sand on the sea floor, which was solidified by the mass of water that weighed on it. Over time, the sand deposits rose. Water began to shape the landscape over millions of years, and weathering also played its part.

history: The Bohemian Switzerland National Park ("Národní Park České Švýcarsko") with an area of ​​79 km² was created in 2000 in the Elbe Sandstone ("Chráněná krajinná oblast Labské pískovce") with an area of ​​324 km².

flora: Due to the gorges, flatness, table mountains and rocky areas, there was a multitude of habitats in which the elevation levels were reversed. In the grounds there is a mixed mountain forest with the corresponding plants, while a dry growth similar to heather can be found on the heights. Otherwise rare lichens, mosses and ferns can still be found here in the valleys. Likewise, plants that actually prefer higher altitudes and the mountains, as well as a whole range of subatlantic and Atlantic species.

fauna: In addition to trout, brook trout, grayling and salmon, there are also bitterling, burbot, bullhead, loach, bearded goby and brook lamprey cavorting in the rivers. Salamanders, newts, frogs and toads can be found in wetlands. Grass snakes and adder are also found. Kestrel, buzzard, sparrowhawk and hawk cavort in the sky. The common raven has also immigrated again. The populations of eagle owls, owls and owls are increasing. There are seventeen different types of bats, which find ideal conditions in the numerous rock caves. Beavers have also been spotted here and there. There are different species of marten as well as badgers, otters and lynxes. Red deer and wild boar can be found in the forest landscape. Even the (imported) vegetables have made their home here.

getting there

By train

  • EC trains on the main line BerlinDresdenPrague keep in Děčín.
  • The hourly S-Bahn from Meissen above Dresden and Bad Schandau ends at the train station Nicethat is opposite the Czech city Hřensko lies. It can be reached with a pedestrian and cyclist ferry. The ferry runs on demand.
  • The Bad Schandau – Schöna – Děčín hl.n. runs every two hours at the favorable special tariff ("Elbe-Labe-Ticket") when crossing the border. It stops on the Czech side in Dolní Žleb and several northern suburbs of Děčín on the left bank of the Elbe.
  • Regional trains from Děčín also run every two hours Rumburk and vice versa, through the south of Bohemian Switzerland (stops in Markvartice, Česká Kamenice, among others). The Elbe Labe ticket is also valid here.

In the street

On the A 17 motorway DresdenPrague you drive to the exit Pirna and then follow the direction signs B 172 via Pirna, Bad Schandau and Schmilka. On the Czech side, the route continues as I / 62 away after Hřensko, from where roads lead to other places in Bohemian Switzerland.

On the Czech motorway D8 (Prague – Dresden) Exit 80 Knínice and on about the I / 13 to Děčín, possibly also towards Česká Kamenice.

By bicycle

There is Elbe cycle path along the Elbe. The almost traffic-free path is mainly on the left bank of the Elbe.

By boat

Ships take off several times a day Dresden and Pirna with several stops en route. From, to Bad Schandau they also run over Hřensko to Děčín (Tetschen) in the Czech Republic. It is inexpensive Czech line out Děčín to Hřensko. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday it continues to go to Bad Schandau and back at 2 p.m.

A ferry connects the German side with the train station Nice and the right side with the place Hřensko. Ferry price: € 1.50, bike € 1.


All information about mobility is in this notebook the national park administration well summarized.

Tourist Attractions

View of the Prebischtor

Great Prebischtor (Pravčická brána)

1 The Great Prebischtor is the largest natural sandstone rock bridge in Europe. It has a height of 16 m and a span of 26.5 m. It has been developed for tourism since 1826 and is one of the most impressive natural monuments of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. Since the privatization of the former hotel and today's tourist restaurant Sokolí hnízdo (Falcon nest) privately owned. It can be visited during the opening times for an admission fee (2019: 75 CZK / reduced 25 CZK or 3 € / reduced 1 €). It has not been possible to step onto the rock bridge since 1982, and the stairs and railings have been dismantled. The gate is 4 km northwest of Hřensko and can be reached via a 4 km long red marked hiking trail. From the Prebischtor, stairs can be used to reach several vantage points with breathtaking views.

The falcon nest (Sokolí hnízdo)
Footpath to the Prebischtor
Hiking suggestion:
  • Parking at the hotel in Mezní Louka (German: Rainwiese); Access via Bad Schandau → Hřensko (German: Herrnskretschen) (parking costs: around € 3.50; parking in Hřensko 2019 CZK 120 / EUR 5)
  • Red route (see hiking maps) to the Great Prebischtor (distance: 6 km, approx. 1.5 hours; degree: T2, mountain hiking)

The Elbe Sandstone Mountains is a low mountain range on the upper Elbe and is three quarters in Saxon Switzerland and a quarter in Bohemian Switzerland. It extends from Pirna in Saxony to Děčín in Czech Republic.

More Attractions

  • Dittersbacher rocks (Jetřichovické skály)
  • Falkenstein (Falkenštejn) Rock castle
  • Khaatal (Kyjovské údolí)
  • 2 Kamenice gorge - Edmundsklamm (Silent Gorge) (Edmundova Soutěska or Tichá Soutěska) and Wilde Klamm (Divoká Soutěska) in the Kamnitz Gorge of the Kamnitz River - A path was built in 1889 through the rock gorge and since 1890 it has been possible to take a boat through the Edmundsklamm over a length of 500 m. The higher Wilde Klamm has been passable at 250 m since 1898. The operation runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or for the lower until 6 p.m. Both boat trips cost 140, - Kč (about 5.70 €), children up to 15 years half.
  • Marienfels (Mariina skála) Lookout point
  • Rudolfstein (Rudolfův came) Lookout point
  • Schauenstein (Šaunštejn) Rock castle
  • Wilhelminenwand (Vileminina skála) Lookout point






The mean annual temperature is between 7 and 8 degrees Celsius. The mean precipitation is between 700 and 900 mm. The rainwater seeps away quickly and returns to the surface of the earth in the gorges. The region is generally poor in snow. The annual sunshine duration is approx. 4480 hours. What is interesting, however, is the microclimate of the gorges and grounds. These are characterized by greater coolness and moisture.



  • Karl Klettmann: Saxon and Bohemian Switzerland - hiking, climbing, cycling, bivouacking, ..., ISBN 978-1495928123

Web links

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