Saxon Switzerland National Park - Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz

The Saxon Switzerland National Park is a national park in Elbe Sandstone Mountainsthat goes to the state Saxony belongs. As Germany's only rock national park, it protects the unique landscape of Saxon Switzerland. In Czech Republic concludes the Bohemian Switzerland National Park at.

Saxon Switzerland National Park near Schmilka: View from above the Holy Stairs into the Heringsgrund


The area is characterized by deeply cut valleys and rugged cliffs. Large angular table mountains protrude from the plains. Individual volcanic cones made of basalt are prominent elevations in the landscape. This unique landscape was created by the deposition of sand on the sea floor, which was solidified by the masses of water that weighed on it. Over time, the sand deposits rose. Water began to shape the landscape over millions of years, and weathering also played its part.


In 1956 the landscape protection area Saxon Switzerland was established with 287.5 km². In 1990 the Saxon Switzerland National Park was embedded with a size of around 93.5 km². It consists of two separate areas on the right bank of the Elbe.

The western part is delimited by the places Schmilka, City of Wehlen, Lohmen, Rathewald, Mockery, Waltersdorf, Porschdorf and Bad SchandauThe eastern part is delimited by the places Ostrau, Altendorf, Mittelndorf, Lichtenhain, Ottendorf, Saupsdorf, Hinterhermsdorf and the Czech border.


Flora and fauna

Due to the gorges, flatness, table mountains and rocky areas, a large number of habitats arose here, where the elevation levels are reversed. In the grounds there is a mixed mountain forest with the corresponding plants, while a dry growth similar to heather can be found on the heights. Otherwise rare lichens, mosses and ferns can still be found here in the valleys. Likewise plants that actually prefer higher altitudes and the mountains. As well as a whole range of sub-Atlantic and Atlantic species.

In addition to trout, brook trout, grayling and salmon, there are also bitterling, burbot, bullhead, loach, bearded goby and brook lamprey in the rivers, while salamanders, newts, frogs and toads can be found in wetlands. Grass snakes and adder are also found, and kestrel, buzzard, sparrowhawk and hawk cavort in the sky. The common raven has also immigrated again. The populations of eagle owls, owls and owls are increasing. There are seventeen different species of bats, which find ideal conditions in the numerous rock caves, and beavers have also been spotted. There are different species of marten as well as badgers, otters and lynxes. Red deer and wild boar can be found in the forest landscape. Even the (imported) vegetables have made their home here.


The mean annual temperature is between 7 - 8 ° C. The mean precipitation is between 700 and 900 mm. The rainwater seeps away quickly and returns to the surface of the earth in the gorges. The region is generally poor in snow. The annual sunshine is around 4480 hours, but the microclimate of the gorges and grounds is interesting. These are characterized by greater coolness and moisture.

getting there

Bad Schandau as the seat of the National Park House.

By plane

Dresden Airport

By train

The journey with the S-Bahn line S1 out Meissen-Triebisch valley over Dresden to Bad Schandau or Schöna.

EC trains from Dresden to Czech Republic stop in Bad Schandau.

In the street

Bad Schandau can be reached very easily by car. On the highway A 17 between Dresden and Prague you drive the descent Pirna and from there follow the direction signs B 172 via Pirna and to the place Koenigstein, not towards Königstein Fortress.

By boat

Bad Schandau is a destination of the Saxon steam shipping, which the city also uses with old paddle steamers. Ships take off several times a day Dresden and Pirna with several stops en route. They also run from / to Bad Schandau in the direction of Decin (Tetschen) in the Czech Republic.

By bicycle

The Elbe cycle path also leads to Bad Schandau.


  • no

Protected area information points


Notes on the topic of "Hiking in the National Park"

In the area of ​​the national park there is a "path". So the area is allowed to protect nature not off the beaten track to be entered.

In the Core zone the area is only allowed to marked hiking trails to be entered. Extensive information on hiking maps for the region (which also include the national park) can be found in the article Saxon Switzerland to find.

Important markings for hiking trails in the national park:

  • Green Arrow on a white background: mountain path: A head for heights and surefootedness required.
  • Black arrow in a circle on a white background: access path to climbing rocks. For hikers this usually means a dead end. Therefore, do not take such paths (especially since there is no path and traffic safety).
  • Black X in a circle on a white background: The way is blocked (usually for nature conservation reasons).

Notes on cross-border hikes

Although the Czech Republic is also part of the Schengen area, border crossings at the border of the two national parks are only permitted at the designated crossings for nature conservation reasons. The three passages can be found in the Hinterhermsdorf area. For reasons of nature conservation, there are no crossings between the Kirnitzschtal and the Elbe. The 1 Cross-border hiking route Großer Zschand (route is closed) The route through the Großer Zschand from the Zeughaus (Germany) to Rainwiese (Czech Republic) is also closed, as is the 2 Cross-border hiking route Grenzweg / Fremdweg Transition from the Großer Winterberg to the Prebischtor.

Tourist Attractions

Part of the park front Saxon Switzerland

View of the Bastei bridge with the Lilienstein in the background.
  • 1 Bastion - For many the most magnificent view in Saxon Switzerland. Therefore also heavily visited. Gastronomy is available.
  • 2 Uttewalder Grund - A ravine overgrown with mosses and ferns. The Uttewalder Felsentor was created by falling boulders. The leads through the romantic Uttewalder Grund Malerweg, of whose stations the artists of the Romantic period (including Caspar David Friedrich, Johann Clausen Dahl, Carl Gustav Carus) are commemorated, who played a major role in the tourist development of Saxon Switzerland through their depictions of the then still pristine nature.
  • 3 Sweden holes at Rathen behind the bastion. Jagged rock walls and fallen blocks sometimes form very dark gorges with rock bridges and numerous niches. From the bastion, a hiking trail with many steps leads through the Schwedenlöcher into the Amselgrund. The route is no longer an insider tip and is therefore very busy. Location:
  • 4 Hockstein - Viewpoint in the wild Polenztal opposite Hohnstein
  • 5 fire - Saxon Switzerland balcony with panoramic view and excursion gastronomy
  • 6 Waitzdorfer Höhe - you look down on the sandstone world
  • 7 Lilienstein (415 m) - striking table mountain in the Elbe loop near Königsstein. Due to its secluded location, the mountain is also known as the "King of the Table Mountains" in Saxon Switzerland. On the mountain there are various viewpoints with a view of the Elbe and a mountain hut (open from April to October). The highest point on the plateau is marked by the weather obelisk. The 16 m high structure was built in 1889 on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the house of the Wettiner built.
  • Polenztal - Märzenbecherwiesen (location?)
Panorama: You can scroll the picture horizontally.
View from the Neuen Wildenstein towards the Winterberg massif
Image: pano_neuer_wildenstein_ds_wv_06_2010.jpg
View from the Neuen Wildenstein towards the Winterberg massif

Part of the rear Saxon Switzerland park


8 Imposing up to 425 m high rock formation east of Bad Schandau. There are several viewpoints on the much-visited Schrammsteins. The best known is the Schrammstein view at an altitude of 417 m. In front of the Schrammstein is the striking, single standing Falkenstein (only accessible to climbers). A secured ridge path leads over the rear Schrammstein chain.

Monkey stones

West of the Carolafelsen: The striking rock in the middle of the horizon is the Lilienstein. Below is the Falkenstein, which is only accessible to climbers. To the left of this are the oblong Schrammsteine. Diagonally to the left above the Schrammsteinen you can see the Papststein and Kleinhennersdorfer Stein on the horizon. At the right end of the Schrammsteine, the Table Mountain of the Königstein Fortress still peeks out.

Well-known, strongly fissured rock formation east of the Schrammsteine. The main vantage point is the 458 m high 9 Carola rocks with a beautiful valley view to the west. The Carolafelsen is from Schmilka from over the well-developed staircase of the "Holy Staircase" in Heringsgrund, and from Kirnitzschtal accessible via the "Wilde Hölle", which requires a head for heights. Walking time from Schmilka about 1½ to a maximum of 2 hours simply with 300 meters of altitude (sports aces can possibly do it in just under an hour). You don't necessarily need alpine hiking boots for the ascent, but reasonably sturdy shoes with tread soles should be.

An attractive hiking trail is the Upper Affenstein Promenade (also called Affensteinweg) with beautiful valley views. For this mountain path on the edge of the plateau, which is sometimes full of views, you need sturdy, ankle-high hiking boots with treaded soles and some surefootedness or a head for heights. As of 2010, the missing signs "Obere Affenpromenade" unfortunately make orientation unnecessarily difficult for hikers. The route is only signposted as a mountain path with a green triangle. Sometimes, despite the exact map, the hiker stands at a few branches and does not always know exactly where to go next (as of 2010, some markings were missing). The one from the promenade is also Idagrotto reachable, a natural impressive stone grotto on the Frienstein. The access is a very narrow path right on the slope. Metal rings are attached to the rock face about every meter for self-protection.

The rise over the Häntzschelstiege requires a head for heights and alpine experience. A climbing set for self-belaying is also recommended. The via ferrata leads up the rock faces in two stages.

Neuer Wildenstein with Felsentor cowshed

10 Here you can find the famous, cavernous one Rock gate and a nice view from the rock. From the spa town of Bad Schandau you can take the Kirnitzschtalbahn Drive to the Lichtenhain waterfall. From the end of the electric tram, a circular hike up to the cowshed is possible (about 3 km with 100 m). For the short circular hike you should plan around 2 1/2 to 3 hours without a stop.

  • Ladder to Heaven: The Himmelsleiter is a narrow, accessible crevice through which you can get to the viewpoint on the new Wildenstein. If you don't feel comfortable in tight spaces, you can easily use the stairway on the other side of the rock.
  • Stop: At the cowshed there is a viewing restaurant that invites you to refresh yourself.
  • Directions: Possible by car to the Lichtenhain waterfall. You can find one here 3 Paid parking lot at the Lichtenhain waterfall. Fees in June 2010: day ticket: € 3, one hour: € 1, two hours: € 2). In the area of ​​the parking lot there is also a bus stop for the Bad Schandau - Hinterhermsdorf line.

The unusually flat Wildensteiner Wald follows behind the Neuer Wildenstein. It invites you to a relaxed hike through the forest and leads directly to the monkey stones.

Upper lock

11 Kirnitzschklamm: Upper lock with boat trip The boat trip in the Kirnitzschklamm near Hinterhermsdorf is certainly one of the most popular excursion destinations in Saxon Switzerland. The boat trip on the 700 m long dam at the upper lock takes about 20 minutes. The season is from the beginning of April to October 31st (Mon-Fri 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sat, Sun and public holidays 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.), the stowage is lifted over the winter to ensure that the Kirnitzsch flows smoothly. The boat station can be reached via a 45-minute hike from the Buchenparkhalle car park. For more information see Upper lock in the article Hinterhermsdorf.

For more details, see the local article Hinterhermsdorf.

Hiking trail in Saxon Switzerland

More Attractions

  • 12 Great Winterberg (556 m) with mountain hotel and observation tower on the border with the Czech Republic. During the ascent from Schmilka you can, depending on the route chosen, the Kipphorn view visit high above the Elbe valley.
  • 13 Little Zschand - A wide valley with a great rock backdrop
  • Great Zschand - secluded Elbe sandstone landscape. One has a beautiful panoramic view of the wide rock valley from the Goldstein view at 14 . Attention: The cross-border hiking trail through the Großer Zschand from the Zeughaus (Germany) to Rainwiese (Czech Republic) is closed for nature conservation reasons (marked with a red dashed line in Openstreetmap Mapnik).
  • 15 Koenigsplatz - View of the endless forests as far as Bohemia. The Königsplatz can be found near Hinterhermsdorf. The ascent turns out to be very adventurous. From the Kirnitzschtal valley, following the red line, you cross a natural rock tunnel with an adjoining cave. Of Hinterhermsdorf the viewpoint can be reached within half an hour via a simple hiking trail.
  • 16 Little bastion - Elbe valley view above Schmilkas with a sweaty ascent over countless steps.
  • Great Pohlshorn - The great Pohlshorn is another secured viewing platform. It is a bit out of the way and can be reached from the nearest towns in less than an hour. The wide view of the national park is stunning.


  • Hiking / guided hikes]
  • Climb
  • Water hiking
  • horse riding




Overnight stays are permitted in the Boofen (Rock overhang, cave) possible. These are often used by hikers, but officially they are only intended for climbers. A list of these Boofen with GPS coordinates, pictures and comments can be found on the Internet.

Hotels and hostels


  • only on official campsites




Extensive information on hiking maps for the region (which also include the national park) can be found in the article Saxon Switzerland to find.

Web links

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