Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park - Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft

The Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park is a national park in the Baltic Sea Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Resting cranes near Tankow on Ummanz
Coastal waters at Barhöft (Barhöft harbor, bottom right in the picture). Parts of the island of Bock can be seen in the middle. Bock is uninhabited and, as the core zone of the national park, is not accessible. Above Bock is Gellen - the southern tip of Hiddensee (also a closed total reserve). Incidentally, the northern fairway of the port of Stralsund runs between Gellen and Bock to the open Baltic Sea. Without continuous dredging, Gellen and the island of Bock might even have grown together, as the Baltic Sea deposits a lot of material here.


The Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park was established on October 1st, 1990, before German reunification. It has an area of ​​78,600 ha, of which 83% (65,200 ha) is water and 17% (13,400 ha) is land.[1]



Flora and fauna


A total of 163 species of birds are at home in the park. 67 of them are on the red list for endangered species. Between September and November the crane migration with up to 60,000 gray cranes is an attraction for bird lovers.

Are in the sea Conical robes to guest. Seals can also be found. The otter also lives in the park area.

Otter in sight - keep calm!

In the beach and dune areas of the region is partly the Adder, a native endangered venomous snake, native. Especially in the wild Darßwald and in the dune heath Hiddensee the adder still finds suitable habitats. It is therefore best for walks on smaller, more natural hiking trails sturdy, closed footwear use. When hiking, the animals usually disappear before they can be seen due to the vibrations of the ground. The cold-blooded reptiles (grow to around 60 to 80 cm long) sometimes bask on the groynes in the beach area. So here too, it's best to take a closer look where you are stepping. But don't panic: the animals are not aggressive. On the contrary: They try to disappear if you let them. The bite is purely an act of defense.[2] If you don't corner them (e.g. try to chase them away) there is usually no danger. In some cases, some of those bitten do not even notice that they have had physical contact with the snake. If you are bitten, you should immediately consult a doctor and immobilize the part of the body that has been bitten. Under no circumstances try the poison suck out and spit out! This can make it even more dangerous. Small wounds in the mouth area run the risk that the poison will spread even further in the body.[3] For healthy, adult people who behave properly, there is usually not an acute one Danger to life, as the adder has only a very small amount of poison. However, it is dangerous for children and elderly, weakened people.


getting there

  • How to get to the Fischland-Darß-Zingst peninsula (located in the western part of the park) see there Section in the article
  • For directions to the parking area on the west coast of Rügen, see the Arrival section in Island article "Rügen".


The park is freely accessible (provided entry is permitted).


Tourist Attractions

The main protagonist in the park is the diverse, often unspoilt natural landscape.

island Hiddensee

The much-visited "dream island" is located off the west coast of to reprimand. Large parts of Hiddensee are protected by the national park. The hilly northern tip of Hiddensee with the is particularly worth seeing Lighthouse on the thorn bush hill range. Tip: Hike on the high riverside path above the steep coast with beautiful views of the Baltic Sea. The also invites you to take a walk Dune heather between Vitte and Neuendorf (this is where the adders live more often). The southern tip of Hiddensee, on the other hand, is a closed total reserve that can only be entered during guided tours.

island Ummanz

The small island of Ummanz can be found in the Bodden waters off Rügen. They rest here in autumn Cranes as well as other migratory birds. There are observation stands for bird watching as well as a small information center in Waase at the approach to the island.

Darß peninsula

West beach at the height of the Darßer Ort lighthouse (to be seen in the background on the right)

A popular destination on the much-visited peninsula is the Darßer Ort lighthouse with Natureum. The structure on the northern tip of the Darß peninsula is at 54 ° 28 ′ 22 ″ N.12 ° 30 '8 "E to find. The tower is a popular destination for bike tours through the wild Darßurwald. The 35.4 m high tower can be climbed. From above you have a beautiful panoramic view of the headland "Darßer Ort", the west beach and the wide Darß forest. You can also find this on the tower Natureum, a branch of the German Maritime Museum in Stralsund. The unspoilt Darßwald is bordered to the west towards the Baltic Sea by an approximately 9 km long, quite wild, natural sandy beach. It is known West beach on the Darß also for them "Wind evacuator". These trees in the beach area have adapted their growth to the prevailing winds inland. This resulted in bizarre tree and bush shapes.

The principle of the "Compensation coast" study that characterizes the entire Western Pomerania lagoon landscape. Due to the prevailing westerly winds and water currents, the Darß is losing more and more land on the west beach. But only a few kilometers north on Darßer place the Baltic Sea deposits the material again. This is how new land is created here. The best way to experience this phenomenon is to take the short circular hike from the lighthouse over Darßer Ort. By the way, in autumn you can watch the deer heat on the Darßer Ort.

  • getting there - Large parts of the Darß are only accessible on foot and by bike. Sometimes horse-drawn carriage rides are also offered. There is a route. The closest places from which access to the Darßwald, Darßer Ort and Weststrand is given are Ahrenshoop and Prerow.

Information centers

There are more than 10 information facilities spread across the entire park area. An overview is on the National Park website to find.


to buy


  • see local article


The east baths and holiday resorts in the area of ​​the national park offer a large number of guest beds from private rooms to pensions and holiday apartments to hotels. The accommodation providers are listed in the individual local articles in and on the edge of the national park:

  • Barhöft - Small hamlet with a marina on the Bodden coast between the Zingst peninsula and Hiddensee (approach on the road from the south via Stralsund)
  • Born - State-approved resort on the lagoon coast of the Darß peninsula
  • Dranske - next place to the Bug peninsula on Rügen
  • Hiddensee - Much-visited natural paradise in front of Rügen
  • Schaprode - Ferry location on Westrügen to Hiddensee
  • Prerow - Ostseebad on the Darß peninsula with a long sandy beach
  • Wieck on the Darß - The former fishing village is now a state-approved resort with a romantic harbor and thatched-roof houses on the Bodstädter Bodden.
  • Ummanz - "Kranichrastinsel" off the west coast of Rügen
  • Zingst - Ostseebad on the peninsula of the same name




Individual evidence

  1. National Park Info 22, Vorpommern National Park Office, April 2012
  2. Information from the Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft National Park on the adder
  3. May 3, 2013: Report on nonstopnews.de about an adder bite on Rügen (accessed on June 3, 2012).

Web links

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