Champagney - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Champagney — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The castle of La Houillère
The castle of La Houillère
Postal code
Telephone prefix
47 ° 41 ′ 48 ″ N 6 ° 41 ′ 13 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

Champagney is a municipality of Haute-Saone, very extensive in the middle of fields and forests, and best known for its dam-reservoir and its House of Negritude and Human Rights. This place of memory around black slavery is rooted in local history. He recalls that on March 19, 1789, the inhabitants of Champagney asked, in article 29 of their book of grievances, for the abolition of this form of slavery. Champagney owns the label Green Station


Tourist information

Champagney does not have a tourist office but information can be obtained at theRahin et Chérimont tourist office in the neighboring town of Ronchamp.


Champagney's Wish

The Vœu de Champagney was written in March 1789 in the residents' complaints book; article 29 calls for the abolition of black slavery. The French Revolution broke out a few months later. On April 4, 1792, the National Assembly decided to grant full citizenship to all free of color.

The mines

The Ronchamp coal mines were exploited for more than two centuries, from the mid-18th century.e century until the mid-twentiethe century. Their exploitation deeply marks the landscape with its slag heaps, mining towns and mine shafts, but also the economy and the local population (Polish immigration and mining traditions in particular).

Exploitation began in galleries on the hillside before the Saint-Louis well in Champagney was dug in 1810, the first real extraction shaft in the mining basin. The layers of coal sinking more and more, the wells follow one another and are deeper and deeper towards the south until the company ends up digging twice in a row the deepest well in France on the territory. du Magny-Danigon: the Magny well (694 meters) in 1878 and the Arthur-de-Buyer well (1,010 meters) in 1900. In Champagney, the most productive coal mine is the Notre-Dame well located in the hamlet of Éboulet, operated for 38 years. Operation is also carried out at the Sainte-Pauline well (23 years) and at the Sainte-Barbe well (12 years) but many other wells have a more ephemeral lifespan (less than ten years). The last well dug in the town is the Tonnet well in 1884, it is also the deepest in Champagney (574 m). After the stop of the Notre-Dame well in 1896, the extraction of coal ceased for several decades in the town, the Notre-Dame well only used for the dewatering.

When the mines were nationalized in 1946, the working wells and the thermal power station located in the neighboring towns of Ronchamp and Magny-Danigon were entrusted to Electricité de France. The outcrops located in the hills to the north of Ronchamp and Champagney were exploited again in 1948. After the closure in 1958, the mining sites were made safe, the infrastructures were for the most part demolished and the workers were converted to other activities. . Later, a mining museum and two associations were created in Ronchamp to preserve the memory of this mining past; several sites are redeveloped to become visitable.

To go

By plane

Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg International Airport Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – From the airport, take either the motorway A 35 to join Mulhouse then the highway A 36 to reach Belfort, either go through Altkirch following the D419. In Belfort take the D619 towards Champagney.

By train

Champagney station.

1 Champagney station Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – A TER station is located by the road leading to Plancher-Bas.

Belfort - Montbéliard TGV station Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – There are car rentals on site. From this station, take the D619 to join Champagney.

By bus

Saônoise lines Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – Line 15 stops in the city.

By car

The D619 allows you to arrive in Champagney from the east from lure / Vesoul or the West from Belfort.


GR 59 Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – crosses Franche-Comté from north to south

Path of the Dukes Logo indicating a link to the website – from Montbéliard to Marckolsheim via Épinal


Traffic is generally heavy on the main axes (D619 and D4) but remains very fluid on the other roads of the town, little used.

To make traffic more fluid and avoid saturating the parking lot of the chapel, which is the most in demand, the community of municipalities has set up a summer shuttle which has several stops: the Ronchamp TER station, the church square, the market square, the Ronchamp chapel, the ballastières beach, the ballastières campsite, the center of Champagney, the Champagney basin, a point view of the chapel, Plancher-les-Mines and the Planche des Belles Filles.

Cycling is possible everywhere and a cycle route is being developed.

To see

  • 1 The Pelvis Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – fed by waters diverted from the Rahin, to supply the Haute-Saône canal with water. It was then necessary to build a dike of 785 meters so as to create a reservoir of 13 million cubic meters. The surface of the reservoir created is 106 hectares, with a maximum depth of 33 meters and a perimeter of 7 km. Its tourist role is not negligible because a dozen clubs offer the practice of sailing, kayaking or windsurfing, not to mention walking, swimming, picnicking, fishing, etc.
  • 2 House of Negritude and Human Rights Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link 24 main street, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3-84-23-25-45 – recounts the episode of the slave trade. It was created here because Champagney was the first town in France to officially stand up for the abolition of slavery, in 1789.
  • 3 Ballast pits Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Former ballast operation made up of two 7-meter-deep basins separated by a dam. The places are now devoted to tourism, fishing and water sports.
  • 4 Saint-Laurent church Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Large church topped by a Comtois bell tower with carillon.
  • 5 The Chérimont tunnel Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Abandoned canal tunnel 1,3 km long.
  • the Ronchamp-Champagney mining heritage.
  • 6 The balcony of Eboulet  – offers a wide view of Ronchamp, Champagney, the chapel of Le Corbusier and the Vosges, in particular the Planche des Belles Filles.


The Community of Communes of Rahin et Chérimont (CCRC) proposes a fifteen hiking trails around Champagney.

To buy


  • 1 The Blue villa Logo indicating a facebook link 9 rue du Plain – Traditional cuisine, pizzas, on the edge of the ballast pits.
  • 2 Manzara 23 Grande Rue – Kebab

Have a drink / Go out


  • 1 Le Pre Serroux (hotel) Logo indicating a link to the website 4 avenue du Général Brosset – downtown.
  • 2 Ballastières camping-caravanning Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 20 rue du Pâquis – on the edge of the gravel pits towards Champagney.



The main tourist and cultural sites in and around Ronchamp.
  • 1 Luxeuil-les-Bains Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (To 17 km north of Lure by the expressway and 28 km from Vesoul by the N57.) – Spa town already known in Roman times.
  • 2 lure Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – altitude 300 m. - 10,000 inhabitants - Paris 410 km. - Belfort 30 km, Besancon 80 km - SNCF on the Paris-Basel axis, sub-prefecture - Homeland of Georges Colomb, father of Sapper Camember.
  • Fougerolles  – Altitude 310 m. Paris 367 km. - Epinal 47 km, Vesoul 39, Remiremont 24, Plombières 11, Luxeuil 9 km by the N57 then the D83, in the Natural Park of Ballons des Vosges.
  • Saint-Valbert, coming from Luxeuil by the N57, at the crossroads for Fougerolle turn right.
    • Hermitage (7th century), listed church from the 18th centurye century - 54 crosses, one of which is listed as a historic monument - Oratories - Chapels
  • Ronchamp (To 4 km de Champagney on the D4.) – Former coal mining town whose slag heaps covered with vegetation and industrial heritage remain all around the city - Known for its chapel on the World Heritage List and its mining past described in a museum.
  • Faucogney  – Remains of the former priory of Saint John the Baptist, foundation of the monk St Colomban in 580 remains of the old fortress and the ramparts razed in 1674 - City with a long and glorious historical past, Faucogney was one of the last bastions of Comtoise independence. The city was taken by the French in July 1674, after fierce resistance.
  • Haut-du-Them-Château-Lambert  – Ecomuseum
  • Hericourt, To 30 km de Lure and 9 km of Montbeliard, until 1793 the Seigneurie D’Héricourt was part of the County of Montbéliard with a common history. Face to face of two civilizations: Celto-Gallo-Roman and Germanic, face to face of two churches: Roman and Reformed
    • The Minal Museum Occasionally hosts photo exhibitions, paintings, sculptures, crafts, student work, as well as themed exhibitions (liberation of Héricourt, Printemps Musical, Adolphe Kégresse inventor of the caterpillar and his famous Yellow Cruise ...).
    • True fortress of the Middle Ages, stood on a limestone bench in the upper part of the city on the north side, flanked by strong towers linked together by a solid rampart of 12 m from above - 4 m wide surrounded by a ditch 8 m filled with spring water - a well of 26 m deep and 2m50 in diameter fed the inhabitants of the castle. Dismantled at XVIIIe century, only the big tower remains - a stone staircase gives access to 3 spacious rooms - a fireplace occupies each one.
    • The Fort of Mont-Vaudois (1874), being restored and can be visited, served as an entrenched camp for Belfort with the fort of Salbert.
    • Héricourt town hall website
    • Site of the municipalities of the canton of Hericourt
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