Chihuahua (state) - Chihuahua (stato)

Chihuahua (state)
Chihuahua City Hall: an example of neoclassical architecture that was erected during the presidency of Porfirio Díaz
Chihuahua (state) - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Chihuahua (state) - Coat of arms
Chihuahua (state) - Flag
Institutional website

Chihuahua it is a state Mexican in the territory of Northern Mexico.

To know

This state is renowned because the Chihuahua dog lineage was born from here.

Geographical notes

It borders to the north with the states Americans of the New Mexico is Texas, west with the Mexican states of Sonora is Sinaloa, south col Durango and to the east col Coahuila.

It is the state with the largest surface area in the country.

The "Sierra de Chihuahua" consists of the northernmost part of the Sierra Madre Occidental, which in this area reaches its peak at Cerro Mohinora, about 3,300 meters high. It occupies a third of the state area and is rich in canyons, sometimes even larger than the Grand Canyon of theArizona.

The transition zone between mountains and desert is represented by a plateau, which is the northern extension of the Central Plateau of Mexico.

The remaining third of the territory is occupied by a desert surface, which extends to the neighboring state of Coahuila is Durango. In this basin the rivers have no mouth and their water flow is consumed by evaporation.

When to go

In the mountains Temperatures at the bottom of the canyons can reach 40 ° C in summer and rarely drop below 0 ° C in winter, while at the top the climate is temperate, with maximum temperatures rarely exceeding 30 ° C in summer and autumn and which, on the other hand, can reach -20 ° C in winter. The rainfall in this area is concentrated between May and September. In the months from November to March there are usually snowfalls that vary in intensity depending on the altitude.

In the plains rainfall is scarce and concentrated between July and September. Temperatures can reach 40 ° C in summer and even -15 ° C in winter, while snow is frequent in the months from November to March.

In desert area the climate is very dry with little rainfall, temperatures can exceed 40 ° C during the summer and in winter it is cold, although not as intensely as in the mountainous area. Snow is a rare occurrence.


Remains of houses a Casas Grandes dated between 1205-1260 AD which belong to the Paquimé culture

The earliest evidence of the culture in the state are the sites of Samalayuca and Rancho Colorado with finds of hunter-gatherer tribes dated between 12000 and 7000 BC. Shortly after 2000 BC the first crops have been identified. Between 300 and 1300 A.D. what is now the archaeological area of ​​the civilization of Casas Grandes it is part of the great pre-Columbian cultures related to the Anasazi and Mogollon civilizations, which developed further north. In the fifteenth century this state was also affected by colonization Spanish.

Culture and traditions

Tarahumara crafts in Chihuahua

Chihuahua is not known for its handicrafts and artisans, as much as some of the Southern states which are generally preferred by tourists. But here you can find clothing (boots, hats and shirts), as well as saddles and spurs, of high quality and honest prices. Finding a suitable size can be a challenge for some visitors.

Other typical products are:

  • Ceramic - The one made in the pueblo of Mata Ortiz it is regarded as one of the best in the world.
  • Cheese - Made by the Mennonites in the north of the state. You should try it because it is famous throughout Mexico and the southwest of the United States United States of America.
  • Vanilla is tequila - They are great purchases and worth taking home some.

Suggested readings

A basic understanding of Spanish, even if not necessary, it will make your visit much easier and more enjoyable. Those traveling in tour groups are often accompanied by a speaking guide English.

The Tarahumara live in remote areas where they often speak only their native language and very limited Spanish. There are also other areas where the Menonites live and where they use their own language (based on German is Dutch); for example a Ciudad Cuauhtémoc the largest community is located there.

Territories and tourist destinations

The state of Chihuahua is administratively divided into 67 municipalities and is made up of three macro-regions called mountains (or sierra), plain (or plateau) and desert, which follow one another going west-east. This makes the climate and the geographic landscape extremely rich in contrasts and gives this territory the images we know best: great deserts, mountains, canyons and forests.

Urban centers

  • Chihuahua - Modern capital of the state of Chihuahua with an interesting historical center.
  • Ciudad Juárez - It is the largest border town, opposite El Paso, Texas.
  • Creel - The mecca of sack travelers and gateway to the land of canyons.
  • Guachochi - Founded by Jesuit missionaries in the mid-18th century.
  • Madeira - A lumber town north of Creel on the border of the Sierra. The canyon to the west of the city, as well as being beautiful and a great hiking area is also full of numerous ancient cave dwellings of the Pueblo Indians.
  • Ojinaga - Ancient border town.

Other destinations

Samalayuca Dunes, near Ciudad Juárez

How to get

By plane

The main airports are located in the cities of Chihuahua, Ciudad Juárez and in El Paso, just across the border from Juarez.

By car

The points of entry from the Texas are located in El Paso-Ciudad Juárez is Presidium-Ojinaga.

It is possible to enter from New Mexico from Route 6 south of Columbus for Puerto Palomas.

How to get around

What see

Ancient cave dwellings near Paquime
  • Ancient cave-houses - Present in various sites near Casas Grandes and Paquime which are inscribed on the World Heritage List ofUNESCO.
  • Mennonite colony around Cuahtemoc - It is the largest in the world, and is known for a number of agricultural products, especially its cheeses and apples.

What to do

  • Rock climbing is abseiling in the numerous canyons and rock formations.

At the table

  • Burritos - With different fillings.
  • Warm de oso - Spicy dish with chilli and fish (hot means broth).
  • Empanadas de Santa Rita - Stuffed with fried pork with onions, almonds and raisins.
  • Gorditas de cuajada - Small corn tortillas covered in butter, sugar, cinnamon and eggs; cooked in an orange foil.
  • Machaca with huevo - Traditional dish of beef and scrambled eggs served with flour tortillas.
  • Quesadillas - Grilled tortilla with white cheese and sauce.


  • Some travelers report that here thetap water it is safe, but most tourists prefer to play it safe and buy bottled water (universally wise choice).
  • Margaritas - This world famous tequila-based cocktal was born here in Ciudad Juárez in 1942.


There land of canyons he is relentless with the incompetent. This land is hard, harsh and with a dry climate that sees extreme wild temperatures. It is important to know your limits and abilities. Never go to remote areas alone. Money spent on hiring local guides is almost always well spent. The guides will introduce you to the people who live secluded in the remote barrancas. They will also explain the cultural history of the area and some are even quite familiar with the flora and fauna of the area (although aside from the birds there isn't much of the local wildlife left).

There are military checkpoints at all remote areas of the state. Most of the soldiers are young but educated; all heavily armed. There are also narcos in most of the remote sections of the Sierra Tarahumara. They too are heavily armed. The guides will be able to tell you which areas should be avoided.

The greatest danger is probably the ground same. The mountains are not particularly high, but they are very steep and uneven. Here it is easy to sprain an ankle or break a wrist. Medical services are few and far between. Traveling in large groups is usually not practical due to the limited supplies available in the area. The best travel arrangement is to form small autonomous groups.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Chihuahua (state)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Chihuahua (state)
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