Eastern Cordillera (Colombia) - Cordigliera Orientale (Colombia)

Eastern Cordillera (Colombia)
View of the valle de los cojines, el cocuy national park, Boyaca
Eastern Cordillera (Colombia) - Location

Eastern Cordillera (Cordillera Oriental) is one of the three main branches into which the Andes mountain range in Colombia.

To know

The Eastern Cordillera is an economically dynamic and highly populated region thanks to its fertile soils and the abundance of water made up of natural and artificial lakes and a myriad of rivers mostly tributary of the Magdalena river that flows to the west and the Orinoco, part of the Amazon River basin.

Important cities such as, Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, are located on the Eastern Cordillera

Geographical notes

The Eastern Cordillera extends along a southwest-northeast axis, from the node of Almaguer or (Colombian massif), in the department of Cauca on the border withEcuador up to the Perijá mountain range, in the La Guajira peninsula which juts out into the Caribbean Sea.

Its western slope descends into the Magdalena river basin which separates it from the central mountain range, while the eastern buttresses affect the Orinoco region, consisting of the catchment areas of the Amazon, Orinoco and Catatumbo.

At its far north, at the Caribbean region, the Eastern Cordillera is divided into 2 branches that surround the Maracaibo Lagoon: the Sierra de Perijá and the Cordillera de Mérida, which extends to the coasts Venezuelan, well beyond the capital Caracas.

The major orographic features of the Eastern Cordillera are listed below:

  • Ritacuba Blanco - (5410 m a.s.l.) It is the highest elevation of the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, whose peaks are perpetually covered with snow.
  • 1 Páramo de Sumapaz (4306 m a.s.l.) -
  • Cerro San Luis (4100 m a.s.l.) - In the Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza
  • Páramo de Pisba (3906 above sea level) -
  • Páramo de Choachí (3870 a.s.l.) -
  • Páramo de Cruz Verde (3500 a.s.l.) -
  • Macizo Colombiano 3250 above sea level -
  • Altiplano Cundiboyacense
  • Sabana de Bogotá
  • Serranía del Perijá

Territories and tourist destinations

The eastern mountain range crosses the following departments and is their predominant feature:

The eastern and south-eastern foothills fall into the following departments:

The eastern buttresses extend into the four departments of the Orinoco region:

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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