Department of Cundinamarca - Dipartimento di Cundinamarca

Department of Cundinamarca
The plateau of Sabana de Bogotà
Department of Cundinamarca - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Department of Cundinamarca - Coat of arms
Department of Cundinamarca - Flag
Institutional website

Department of Cundinamarca is a department of the Andean region of the Colombia.

To know

The current name is a deformation of Quechua Kuntur marqa (Condor's Nest). Indeed namarca it is a deformation of the word comarca or brand, which were names formerly used to name some territories in Europe.

Geographical notes

The department of Cundinamarca borders to the north and east with the Boyacá department, south with the departments of Half, Huila is Tolima. To the west the Magdalena River separates it from the departments of Tolima and Caldas.

The territory of Cundinamarca is mainly mountainous. With the exception of the plain on the right bank of the Magdalena, the territory in the central and eastern part is crossed from north to south by the Andean chain of the Eastern Cordillera. impressive falls of Salto del Tequendama. In the far east, the department of Cundinamarca slopes down into the Llanos region.


Cundinamarca was one of the nine original US states of Colombia.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Bogotá - Capital of the department and capital of the country, although not part of it, constituting it the so-called Distrito Nacional, entirely surrounded by the department itself.
  • Choachí - Small town.
  • It works - A friendly suburb with interesting local crafts.
  • Fusagasugá - Famous for its spring climate and its flowers (especially orchid plantations).
  • Girardot - Its tropical climate just 3 hours from Bogota makes it a popular destination.
  • Suesca - A popular destination for Capitoline weekends. Excellent rock climbing possibilities.
  • Zipaquirá - 40 km north of Bogota, and known for its salt cathedral.

Other destinations

  • Guatavita Lagoon - Mountain lake on the Andes mountain range located in the municipality of Sesquilé.

How to get

How to get around

By car

Some of the streets outside Bogotá they are pretty basic and an off-road 4x4 might come in handy.

What see

Botero Museum al Banco de la República
  • Botero Museum - Located in Bogotá.
  • Salt mines - Inside is the splendid salt cathedral (Cathedral of Sal) which is located in Zipaquira

What to do

At the table


Other projects

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