Cordovado - Cordovado

A castle door
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Cordovado is a center of the Friuli Venezia Giulia.

To know

The town boasts a beautiful medieval village, valuable monuments such as the castle, the parish church, the sanctuary, and a fascinating environment that has provided poetic inspiration to characters such as Ippolito Nievo and Pasolini. It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Geographical notes

The town is located in the Friuli plain on the right side of the Tagliamento, on the border with the Veneto; is 6 km from Sesto al Reghena, another center belonging to the most beautiful villages in Italy; 8 from Portogruaro, 9 from San Vito al Tagliamento, 22 from Codroipo, 29 from Pordenone.


The Cordovado site was inhabited in prehistoric and Roman times. The birth of the town is linked to the presence of a large agricultural complex - Curtis - located on an ancient branch of the Tagliamento river, near a ford - Vadum -: thus the name Cordovado was born.

Its location on a river route and along the road that connected Portogruaro to the northern areas and to the Germanic world he made it a center of trade, fortified by the Bishops of Concordia in the 11th-12th century; they made it an important administrative seat as well as a military garrison.

The military function of his castle was exhausted after the fifteenth century Friuli became part of the Serenissima. The inhabited area developed around the Pieve di Sant'Andrea as a popular center, inside the walls as a managerial district and to the north as a commercial area and for the rising bourgeoisie.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also embraces the hamlet of Suzzolins.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A4 motorway Portogruaro motorway exit on the A4 motorway Serenissima.
  • A28 motorway Portogruaro motorway exit on the A28 Portogruaro - Sacile.
  • State Road 463 It is crossed by the state road 463 of the TagliamentoGemona del Friuli - Portogruaro

On the train

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Castle. The moat, the walls, two opposing gate towers on the sides of the current one remain today of the entire structure via Castello. The southern gate-tower no longer has battlements; the northern one still retains the whole tower, which has a clock. Between the walls, the church of San Girolamo and the Freschi-Piccolomini palace was the keep, which was the residence of the bishops and was demolished in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • 2 Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The church is a seventeenth-century work from the early years of the century; it was erected following an apparition of the Madonna. The building has an octagonal plan and is rich in stucco ornaments as well as bas-reliefs, statues, frescoes and paintings. The image of the Madonna object of veneration is contemporary with the construction. The Sanctuary was joined in 1711 by a convent of the Dominican Fathers, who resided there until 1806.
  • 3 parish church. Begun in 1950, the church was finished in 1966. It contains several works of contemporary art, plastics, paintings and glass by the Veronese artist Pino Cesarini, who produced the rose window on the facade, the bronzes of the tabernacle and the portal, the large frescoes of the interior.
However, the parish church is not just modernity; in fact, the works that were in the ancient Cathedral have been transferred inside: a Madonna of the Rosary late sixteenth century by Giuseppe Moretto and the eighteenth century Madonna del Carmine by an unknown author of the Venetian school; The name of Jesus by Nicola Grassi; there Purification of Mary by Giuseppe de Gobbis.
  • 4 Oratory of Santa Caterina. Built as a country oratory in the fourth century, it was later incorporated into the town with the building expansion north of the castle which reached its connotation in the seventeenth century. The church was probably privately owned, perhaps of a brotherhood, and was enriched with frescoes from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, with a large production of depictions of saints that testify the pictorial evolution in the Venetian area. The altarpiece is from the nineteenth century and depicts Saint Catherine with Mary, Jesus and some virgins.
  • 5 Parish church of Sant'Andrea (Duomo). The current Cathedral is the ancient parish church linked to the birth of the Chapter of the cathedral of Concordia. The church was then extensively remodeled in the late fifteenth century. The original single nave structure was enlarged in the seventeenth century with the addition of the side aisles. The church retains several traces of frescoes from the early sixteenth century: Holy Trinity, Saint martin, figures of doctors of the Church, evangelists and prophets. The ancient pulpit and the wooden choir loft also remain.
  • 6 Freschi-Piccolomini Palace, Via Castello. Obtained in the second half of the seventeenth century from pre-existing structures next to the ancient castle, the palace was built by the Attimis nobles. With three floors, it has an elegant facade with a large entrance door and a mullioned window that surmounts it, to illuminate the large reception hall. The staircase leading to the entrance door was built where there was a drawbridge of the castle. The building has a large park that extends towards the countryside.
  • 7 Beccaris-Nonis Palace, Via Battalion Gemona. It stands out in the center of the village that has developed north of the castle; its massive bulk is characterized by a portico with three large arches and sober but harmonious lines. The two families of Beccaris and Nonis who lived there were notaries, religious, landowners, administrators and had a notable impact on the society of the town in past centuries.
  • 8 Palazzo Agricola and Palazzo Bozza. A nucleus of buildings in front of the castle was used as housing for the administrative staff. Two of these buildings then developed, starting from the late Middle Ages, as stately homes: the Bozza-Marrubini palace near the Porta dell'Orologio, the agricultural palace further south. They have a Renaissance architectural appearance, with large arches on the ground floor and large three-mullioned windows and are equipped with a rear garden.
Palazzo Bozza-Marrubini internally preserves cycles of eighteenth-century frescoes by Giovanni Francesco Zamolo which are of considerable importance for local history as they reproduce urban views of the time, with the castle and the buildings of the ancient town.
  • Palazzi Cecchini, Mainardi and Marzin. They are all stately homes obtained from the Dominican convent complex sold to private individuals in the nineteenth century. Palazzo Cecchini has a facade redone in medieval style. The other two residences have kept the portico that characterizes the entire facade. They have frescoes in the interior rooms with grotesques and Pompeian, neo-Gothic and patriotic allegories.
  • Mills of Stalis.
  • Soppelsa Palace (at Belvedere).
  • Ippolito Nievo Literary Park. Conceived by the writer Stanislao Nievo in collaboration with the Municipality of Cordovado and local cultural associations; collects places of Cordovado that inspired the writer Ippolito Nievo and are remembered in his writings: the old Cathedral, the Fountain of Venchieredo, the Mill of Stalis, the Piazzale della Madonna.

Events and parties

  • Palio. Simple icon time.svgfirst Sunday of September. The Palio di Cordovado is a competitive-cultural event that takes place every first Sunday in September on the occasion of the historical re-enactment of Cordovado. It is one of the oldest historical reenactments in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Borgo, Saccudello, Suzzolins and Villa Belvedere districts challenge each other, on the Sunday of the Historical Reenactment, to the games of the Palio. The games that assign the necessary scores to win the trophy are "Symbol Hunting", reserved for children aged 9 to 11, the "Carousel of flags", "Theft of the barrels" and archery.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices

  • La Stazione hotel restaurant, Viale Stazione, 1, 39 0434 690557, fax: 39 0434 691709.


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 5 Bariani Pharmacy, Via Battaglione Gemona, 79, 39 0434 68151.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Italian post, Via Battaglione Gemona 9, 39 0434 68059, fax: 39 0434 68059.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cordovado
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cordovado
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).