Friuli - Friuli

Udine: Liberty square
Friuli - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Friuli - Coat of arms
Friuli - Flag

Friuli is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

Friuli borders to the west with the Veneto, to the north with theAustria, to the east with the Slovenia and the Venezia Giulia, to the south with the Adriatic Sea.

Spoken languages

Almost all the inhabitants of the region know theItalian as a first language.

The Friulian it is the main minority language of the region (from which it takes its name) and is mainly used in the home, sometimes at work and in cultural circles. As for the written use, there are several local newspapers entirely in the Friulian language. The internet has also influenced the use of language, and today there are many pages (for example on social networks) that make use of this language.

Friulian (in its local variants), Slovenian and German are recognized and protected as historical minority languages. Areas where minority languages ​​other than Friulian are spoken:

  • German in its variants local Bavarian pronunciations (in the Val Canale, in Sappada and in the hamlet of Timau, on the border withAustria, and Sauris);
  • Slovenian in its local variants (in Val Canale, in Slavia Friulana, in Collio and on the Gorizia Karst, in some municipalities of Bisiacaria and in Val di Resia).
  • In the historical-geographical region of Carnia, Carnic Friulian is historically spoken, a dialect derived from standard Friulian.
  • There are also other languages, recognized and protected, including the Venetian dialects on the western border (Pordenone and District of Portogruaro), in Marano lagoon, in the city of Udine with the Udinese dialect, as well as in Bisiacaria.
  • We must also remember the speeches of Erto and Casso (on the border with Veneto).

Territories and tourist destinations

Friuli, like many Italian regions, enjoys a complete orographic variety; in fact it offers mountain, hilly, plain and sea environments. The territory therefore differs in three main areas.

Map divided by regions
      Friuli plain

Urban centers

  • Udine - Main city of the Friuli it is in fact the capital. He took over from Aquileia is Cividale, which were the main cities of the region, when the seat of the Patriarchate of Aquileia was transferred to Udine. It was the capital of Homeland of Friuli until the conquest by Venice which left a considerable architectural imprint on it. Monumental is the central Piazza della Libertà, with harmonious buildings. The Castle, built on the site of the castle of the patriarchs of Aquileia, is a massive sixteenth-century building.
  • Cividale del Friuli - The ancient Roman "Forum Iulii" gave the name to the whole Friuli, of which it was the ancient Lombard capital before Udine. It is listed among the sites UNESCO among the leading cities of Lingobard civilization in Italy.
  • Gemona del Friuli - The reconstruction of the city after the terrible 1976 earthquake that brought it to its knees is an unparalleled example of the value of its people who, in addition to the houses, have rebuilt, stone by stone, its beautiful Cathedral as it was.
  • Latisana - It has a good urban heritage in the historic center and seaside tourist facilities in Aprilia in the coastal area of ​​its municipal area.
  • Palmanova - Fortress city planned by the Venetians in 1593 to defend its borders with the Austrian empire, it is called the starry city for its polygonal star shape with 9 points. It has been a national monument since 1960 and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2017 World Heritage.
  • Pordenone - The great industrial and economic development has given rise, next to the old city, a vast area of ​​new districts. It has a beautiful old town with mainly Gothic monuments. It is the home of the painter Giovanni Antonio de 'Sacchis, known as precisely the Pordenone.
  • Spilimbergo - The city has an important historical center that derives from a past as a crossroads of trade and the main center of the possessions of the Spengenberg counts: in the sixteenth century it was a cultural and artistic center where painters and writers worked.
  • Tolmezzo - In a wide valley in theFriulian Alpine Arch, the city is the most important center of Carnia and is therefore considered its de facto capital.

Other destinations

  • Aquileia - It was an important Roman city; its excavation area of ​​that era is certainly unique in the regional context for importance, quality and quantity of evidence, and is rightly placed among the archaeological destinations of great national importance. It was later the most important center of the region in medieval times; the Patriarchate of Aquileia reached the apex of its splendor in the first decades of the year 1000: its splendid Romanesque Basilica remains.
  • Lignano Sabbiadoro - Seaside resort with various leisure opportunities.
  • Passariano - Very small fraction of Codroipo, hosts in its territory the spectacular grandiosa Villa Manin; of Palladian inspiration, the villa was built by Ludovico Manin, the last Doge of the Serenissima.
  • Pontebba - It is a multilingual reality in which Friulian, Slovenian and German are also spoken in addition to Italian. It is located at the foot of the Nassfeld-Pramollo ski area, the largest ski area in the Carinthia (Austria).
  • Sacile - It had municipal freedoms and administrative autonomy starting from 1190; it was chosen by the prince-bishops of the Patriarchate of Aquileia as a place for long stays. It was then annexed to the Serenissima in the fifteenth century. Its church of San Liberale, rebuilt after its ruin in the First World War, shows the physiognomy of the church painted by Raphael in the Marriage of the Virgin.
  • Tarvisio - It has the characteristic of not geographically belonging to the Italian region as it lies beyond the Alpine watershed (Sella Camporosso) and is part of the catchment area of ​​the Danube and the Black Sea: in fact, the Slizza river that crosses Tarvisio flows into the Gail at Oristagno. On Monte Forno there is the triple frontier, where the boundaries of Italy, Austria is Slovenia. In its territory there are some well-known ski resorts.
  • Venzone - The center shows the signs of the destruction of the 1976 earthquake, which erased the fortification walls of the city, destroyed the Duomo and ruined the town hall. Its notoriety is also linked to the discovery in 1647, during the extension works of the Cathedral, of mummies dried by natural process.

Spa towns

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

Friulian cuisine is the result of the contact between the cuisine of the Po area and Central European cuisine. In general, soups, pork-based dishes and combinations of sweet and savory are abundant. The best known dishes of Friulian cuisine are i cjarsons of Carnia (stuffed ravioli with sweet-salty filling), the frico (dish based on melted cheese and potatoes and onions), la brovada (dish made with turnips soured in marc and eaten together with muset), la gubana (sweet stuffed with dried fruit), the San Daniele ham and the Sauris ham, the pitina of Val Tramontina. Among the cheeses, the Montasio.


Among the wines, the whites of the Collio area such as Friulian and the Verduzzo. The productions of Merlot, Cabernet, Sauvignon and indigenous vines that are not very common such as Ramandolo, the Fussy, lo Schiopettino, the Tazzelenghe and the Picolit.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Friuli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Friuli
  • Collaborate on WikisourceWikisource contains original works by or about Friuli
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Friuli
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