Friulian Alpine Arch - Arco alpino friulano

Friulian Alpine Arch
Monte Bìvera near Sauris

Friulian Alpine Arch is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

It is the vast mountainous area of ​​the Alps that borders the region in its northern part, marking the border with theAustria and the Slovenia; com takes the Carnic Alps / Friulian Dolomites and part of the Julian Alps.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions

Urban centers

  • Tolmezzo - It is the most important center of Carnia, and also exerts a strong attraction on the Tarviasiano, to the point that it is in fact considered the capital of the Friulian Alps. In its territory there are some well-known ski resorts, in particular the famous "Di Prampero" slope, on Monte Santo di Lussari. Its symbol is the Amariana (1906 m), the beautiful mountain that with its pyramidal shape rises above the city.
  • Gemona del Friuli - It is the most important city in the area that takes the name of Gemonese, on the slopes of the Julian Pre-Alps. Its notoriety is linked above all to the tragic earthquake of Friuli which in the seventies caused great destruction throughout the area. Its important Cathedral, symbol of its rebirth, was literally rebuilt stone by stone, with a sort of gigantic puzzle who gave us back this beautiful monument
  • Maniago - The city is known for the blacksmith's art, which gives Maniago the name of the city of the knife: there are many handcrafted cutlery shops starting from the medieval age. Since the fifteenth century the skilled maniacese cutlers forged knives and blades, which also supplied the troops of the Serenissima. It is the main center of the mountain and foothills area between the border Veneto and the Tagliamento. The town rises on a plain at the foot of the Carnic Prealps. Among the main reliefs of Maniago are Monte Jôuf, Monte Fara and Monte San Lorenzo. In its territory there are very different environments, which involve a great variety of flora and fauna.
  • Tarvisio - It has the particularity of being part of the catchment area of ​​the Danube and the Black Sea: in fact the river Slizza, which crosses Tarvisio, flows into the Gail, a tributary of the Drava which in turn flows into the Danube. Another peculiarity: on Monte Forno there is the triple frontier, where the boundaries of Italy, Austria is Slovenia The city is a center of summer and winter tourism, and is in fact the capital of the eastern area ofFriulian Alpine Arch.

Other destinations

  • Ampezzo - Summer residence center, its parish church was rebuilt in the eighteenth century.
  • Arta Terme - Mountain resort and spa of the Friuli.
  • Pontebba - Preserves a Gothic church of some interest. In the past it was a border town between the Austro-Hungarian area and the Serenissima.
  • Trasaghis
  • Venzone - Famous for his mummies, the country has risen from the ruins of the earthquake.
  • Zuglio - It was a Roman city and a bishopric. It preserves an ancient parish church.

How to get

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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