Carnia - Carnia

Forni Avoltri
Carnia - Location
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Tourism site

Carnia (Cjargne in standard Friulian, Cjargna or Cjargno in Carnic Friulian, Karnien in German) is a region of the Friuli Venezia Giulia.

To know

Carnia has a great wealth of vegetation and thick woods cover the slopes of its mountains.

Geographical notes

It is located in the Carnic Alps and includes the upper Tagliamento basin. It borders to the north with theAustria; south with the Friuli plain Pordenone; to the west with the region Veneto; to the east with the Tarvisian (Canal del Ferro-Val Canale) Mount Coglians (2780 m) is the highest peak in the Carnic Alps and the highest elevation in the region. Together with the nearby Cjanevate group of Crete, it forms an imposing mountain massif on the border with theAustria.

There are four main valleys, each crossed by a stream from which they take their name. The valleys also take the name of channel (cjanâl), thus underlining their narrow and elongated conformation:

  • Val Chiarsò (Incarojo Canal or Val di Paularo (Cjanâl di Incjaroi)) - dominated by the Monte Sernio massif. In Val Chiarsò there is the municipality of Paularo and the villages of Lovea, Valle, Rivalpo and Piedim, fractions of the municipality of Arta Terme. The entire valley is about 21 km long and connects with the Val Pontaiba, left cross of the Valle del But, through the Duron Pass and the municipality of Ligosullo or through the Cason di Lanza Pass, with the Canal del Ferro and Pontebba . The Valley is crossed by the SP 40 of Paularo.
  • Val Degano (Canale di Gorto (Cjanâl di Guart)) - It has a North-South direction and a length of about 31 km. The main tributary is the Pesarina torrent (right tributary) in Entrampo. The entire valley is crossed by the State Road 355. The municipalities of Val Degano are: Forni Avoltri (Fôr Davuàtri), Rigolato (Rigulât), Comeglians (Comelians), Ovary (Davâr) e Symbol support vote.svg FavorableRaveo (Raviei)
  • Val Tagliamento ((Soclêf or Petecarie Cjanâl)) - The valley begins at Forni di Sopra, where the Tagliamento is born, and ends in Tolmezzo, where the river receives the waters of the But. The municipalities of Val Tagliamento are: Forni di Sopra (For Disore), Forni di Sotto (For Disot), Ampezzo (Dimpeç), Socchieve (Socleif), Preone (Preon), Enemonzo (Denemonç), Villa Santina (Vile di Cjargne) e Tolmezzo (Tumieç). From the orographic point of view, the valley separates the Carnic Alps to the north from the Carnic Prealps to the south.
  • But Valley (San Pietro Canal (Cjanâl di Sant Pieri)) - It has a north-south direction and is about 29 km long. The Bût crosses the towns of the valley Paluzza, Sutrio, Zuglio ed Arta Terme before throwing yourself into the Tagliamento a Tolmezzo. The entire valley is crossed by the state road 52 bis Carnica da Tolmezzo at the state border of the Monte Croce Carnico pass.

Alongside these there are smaller valleys:

  • Val Lumiei (Valade dal Lumiei) - In the fifties to obtain clean energy a dam was erected along the course of the Lumiei stream, which led to the formation of the Sauris lake (977 m). In Val Lumiei there is the municipality of Sauris with the hamlets of Lateis, La Maina and Field. It is connected via the Lumiei SP 73 with Ampezzo.
  • Val Pesarina (Cjanâl Pedarç) - It extends for about 22 km in a west-east direction; it borders the Cadore and the Sappada Valley, with which it shares some mountains. It is relatively narrow and with the shore reduced to a minimum, the north side is dominated by the peaks of the Pesarine Dolomites (mounts Pleros (2314 m), Siera (2448 m), Clap Grande (2487 ​​m) and Clap Piccolo (2463 m)), which they contrast with the soft and rounded peaks of the Forchia mountains (1901 m), Pieltinis, Novarza to the south. The municipality of Carnic meadow. The valley is crossed by the SR 465 which connects it with Comeglians is Ovary or with the Cadore.
  • Valcalda (Valcjalda or Cjanâl di Monai) - Arranged in a west-east direction, it is bordered to the north by the Crostis group (2,251 m), green with conifers and pastures, to the south by the steeper and stouter Monte Arvenis massif (1,970 m), but also rich in vegetation. It is accessible to the west from the Val Degano from Comeglians, while from the east from Val Bût to Sutrio. The municipalities of Valcalda are: Cercivento (Çurçuvint) e Ravascletto (Ravasclêt or Monai). Thanks to the ski area of ​​Mount Zoncolan, Valcalda has become not only a summer resort but also a well-known winter sports destination.

Each of these valleys is crossed by the homonymous torrents that flow into the valley floor where it rises Tolmezzo main center and capital of Carnia.

Spoken languages

The national language, Italian, is joined locally by the German language, the Friulian Carnic, the Venetian and the ancient German dialects: Sauran and Timavese.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Tolmezzo - Considered the capital of Carnia. Borgàt, historic center. Duomo. Carnic Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions.
  • Ampezzo - Ski resort. Church of San Daniele. Geological Museum of Carnia. Davanzo Art Gallery. Sac of Coronis.
  • Arta Terme - Thermal baths.
  • Forni Avoltri - Ski resort.
  • Forni di Sopra - Ski resort. Church of San Floriano. Rural Forensic Museum.
  • Ovary - Parish church of S. Maria di Gorto. Museum of Wood and Venetian Sawmill.
  • Paularo - Palazzo Calice Screm. Forra de Las Callas.
  • Ravascletto - Ski resort on Monte Zoncolan.
  • Sappada - Ski resort and summer resort.
  • Sauris - Ski resort. The needle.
  • Sutrio - In the vicinity of Monte Zoncolan and its ski lifts, the village of Sutrio is an important tourist center, counted among the authentic villages of Italy.
  • Timau - Ski resort and hamlet of Paluzza. Moscarda Tower. Great War Museum.
  • Verzegnis - The hamlet of Sella Chianzutan was a ski resort. Art Park. The needle.
  • Zuglio - Archaeological center. Parish church of San Pietro.

Other destinations

  • Natural park of the Friulian Dolomites
  • Churches of Carnia - There are 10 Pievi of ancient foundation often raised in an elevated position and far from inhabited centers, which allowed to control the valley bottoms and the main communication routes as well as to put them in communication with each other. Their pre-eminent role loses importance with the increase of the population and the constitution of the parishes starting from the XIV-XV century. They are found in Ceslans, Forni di Sotto, Illegio, Invillino, Ovaro, Socchieve, Tolmezzo, Verzegnis and Zuglio.
  • Sappada Vecchia - From the typical wooden houses. Between Most beautiful villages in Italy.

How to get

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Carnia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Carnia
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Carnia
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