Rigolato - Rigolato

View of Rigolato
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Rigolato is a center of the Friuli Venezia Giulia.

To know

Geographical notes

Located in the upper Val Degano, in Carnia, rises at the foot of the Talm and Pleros mountains and is surrounded by some of the most impressive and evocative mountains of the Carnic Alps.

The inhabited areas, partly perched on steep slopes, are surrounded by dense woods very rich in flora and fauna.


The Degano valley, as well as much of Carnia, was inhabited for a long time by the Carni, a people of Celtic lineage. The first documented records of the existence of Rigolato date back to the 13th century.Some believe that an important development took place between 1400 and 1500, when the exploitation of the silver and copper mines on Mount Avanza in the nearby municipality of Forni Avoltri.

Like the rest of the Carnia, Rigolato was part of the Patriarchate of Aquileia (1077-1420) and later from 1420 to 1797 of the Republic of Venice.

After the fall of the Serenissima, with the proclamation of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy (1805-1814), it became the capital of the Canton of Rigolato, in the District of Tolmezzo, Department of Passariano.

Under the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia it became a third class municipality with a municipal council without its own office, counting more than 300 people, and the capital of the District of Rigolato (aggregated in 1863 to that of Tolmezzo), belonging to the Province of Friuli.

In 1866 it was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy.

The depopulation of the town, already perceptible in the first post-war period, has continued uninterrupted from the fifties of the twentieth century to the present day, so much so as to reduce the population to well below five hundred inhabitants.

How to orient yourself

Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Givigliana, Gracco, Ludaria, Magnanins, Valpicetto and, in addition to the localities of Autimis, Casadorno, Fornace, Grac, Ricciol, Soclap, Stalis, Tors and Vuezzis.

  • 1 Parking via della Vittoria

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

By bus

How to get around

What see

- the church of Saints Philip and James
  • 1 Church of Saints Philip and James, via della Chiesa. The first mention of a church in Rigolato dates back to the fourteenth century. This small church was probably restored in the following centuries. The current parish church was built between 1734 and 1735 on a project by Domenico Schiavi from Tolmezzo; the consecration given in 1735 by the patriarch of Aquileia Daniele Dolfin. The building was remodeled in 1744. Between 1939 and 1940 the floor of the presbytery was redone. In the eighties the presbytery underwent changes and the new altar was placed facing the assembly. Finally, the church was completely renovated at the beginning of the 21st century.
Valuable works preserved inside the church are the high altar, in polychrome marble, on the sides of which there are two statues of saints, and the frescoes painted around 1930 depicting angels and the Evangelists. Church of Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Rigolato) on Wikipedia church of Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Q64365538) on Wikidata
  • Urban heritage. Rigolato is a characteristic Carnic village, with well-preserved buildings dating back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and its church dedicated to Saints Philip and James
Church of San Nicolò in Vuezzis
  • 2 Church of San Nicolò (in Vuezzis). Building of the fourteenth century, it contains an important cycle of frescoes on the life and works of San Nicolò (The child in the boiling water, The three daughters, The icon - or the thief -, The broken stick - The miracle of 'Jew, The killing of the Christian, The killing of idols) attributable to frescanti trained in the "vitalistic environment or in any case in a shop operating in Friuli just after leaving Udine of the Bolognese master. Some naturalistic accents referring to everyday life, characteristic in the painting of the Tomaso da Modena, active in Treviso starting from 1348, they suggest that the frescoes on the walls of San Nicolò were executed, if not close to the works of the aforementioned masters, over a period of time ranging from the sixth to the seventh decade of the fourteenth century ».
The single lancet window, surmounted by a small pyramidal spire, houses an ancient bell that escaped the depredations of the First World War, which came out of the factory of the Venetian Marco di Vendramo (14th century). : Inside there is a wooden statuette depicting the Madonna enthroned with Child (it is a copy made by the sculptor Gehard Demetz; the original is deposited in the Diocesan Museum of Udine), probably coming from a lost and «inserted in all probability in the center of an altarpiece placed above the main altar of the primitive fourteenth-century church of San Nicolò di Uecis ", whose iconographic subject" belongs to the type very widespread throughout Romanesque Europe and derived from the Byzantine apocryphals of Hodegetria " on which "the gothic ideals are already acting perhaps unconsciously". For this reason its dating to the first decades of the fourteenth century "seems to correspond most to the aesthetic and cultural substance of the Madonna of Uècis".
  • 3 Church of Santa Barbara, via June 2 (in Valpicetto). Built in the sixteenth century, in a dominant position, it preserves some frescoes inside.
  • 4 Forest of Gracchus (Bosco banished) (to Gracchus). Remains of an ancient beech forest, once owned by the Patriarchs of Aquileia, in which there are centuries-old trees; the beech wood is known as a banished forest.
In Carnia there are numerous woods bearing this name which dates back to the period in which Carnia was under the dominion of the Serenissima. Venice in fact needed a lot of wood to build its ships, therefore the Carnic population was forbidden to supply wood in numerous forests, appropriately marked, which took the name of the forbidden wood.
  • Bell tower (in Givigliana).
  • Bell tower (to Ludaria).

Events and parties

What to do

  • Chiampizzulon Refuge, 39 0433 68001. From the refuge, which also allows catering and accommodation, you can leave for a series of equipped mountain excursions.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Pizzeria bar restaurant Al Cacciatore, via della Vittoria, 39 334 3469717.
  • 2 Al Fogolar, Via della Vittoria, 41, 39 331 2839398.

Where stay

Average prices


  • 3 San Giacomo Pharmacy, Durigon Square 23, 39 0433 618823.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Italian post, Durigon Square, 1, 39 0433 68350.



  • Churches of Carnia - Ten ancient parish churches that were once not only centers of worship but also seats of civil power.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Rigolato
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Rigolato
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