Marano lagoon - Laguna di Marano

Marano lagoon
Marano Lagunare

Marano lagoon is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

It is made up of three basins, that of Lignano (51.06 km²), of Sant'Andrea (22.21 km²) and of Buso (About 20 km², half belonging to the Grado lagoon). To these basins correspond as many lagoon mouths (or ports), known with the same name, which unite them to the sea. The lagoon is fed by three main streams, the Stella, the Corno, and the Ausa and by other secondary ones, including the Zellina and the Cormor. , are known as mud flats, while the emerged areas are defined salt marshes. The latter can also sometimes be flooded by the high tide which in some cases can even reach a meter in height.

Flora and fauna

The flora has both brackish vegetation, frequent in velme (rushes but also halophytic plants), and semi-brackish, present in sandbanks (limonium but also rushes). Rather extensive, in the sandy areas, are the populations of agropiro giunchiform and ammophilous species (including ammophilous sandstone). There is also a plant now almost extinct in other areas of Italy and Europe, the Venetian apocinio; On the other hand, the maritime pine is widespread in the mainland areas.

Both fish and poultry fauna are very rich. The lagoon waters are particularly rich in fish and have a wide range of fish species, including many types of fish, such as mullets, mormore, croaker, eels, flounder, silversides, also valuable as sea bass or the famous Marano oratine, molluscs and crustaceans.

The Marano lagoon represents the first large maritime or pre-maritime area for migratory birds from central and northern Europe. It is therefore populated by a large number of birds belonging to the most diverse species, from the most common ones (geese, gulls, turtle doves, barn owls, owls, wood pigeons, cuckoos, magpies, thrushes, mute swans, herons) to the rarest (marsh harriers) and terns in particular). Thanks to its ornithological wealth, the lagoon was declared, in 1979, a protected area of ​​international value.

When to go

The climate is humid sub-Mediterranean, with average annual temperatures of about 13.5 ° C. The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is around 1.5 ° C, while that of the hottest month, July, is of the order of 30 ° C - 35 ° C. Precipitation is concentrated above all in autumn (October-November) and, to a lesser extent, in spring (May) and is around 1000 mm per year. During the winter, precipitation of a snowy nature can occur.


The name is probably of Latin origin. In fact, it seems that it derives from the family of Roman origin to which the area belonged, Praedium mariani (ie farm, possession of Mario), which in the early Middle Ages transformed into Mariano. With this name it was known until about the thirteenth century. Subsequently, with the fall of the i, Marano was obtained, a toponym that has remained unchanged to this day. However, the presence of a (salty) lagoon does not exclude other etymologies of pre-Latin origin, through the roots mara and maru which expressly indicate stagnant places of brackish water.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Latisana - It has a good urban heritage in the historic center and seaside tourist facilities in Aprilia in the coastal area of ​​its municipal area.
  • Lignano Sabbiadoro - Located on a peninsula between the Marano lagoon and the Adriatic, it is today the largest seaside resort in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia with Degree. Its demographic development is relatively recent (starting from around 1950), although the first accommodation facilities (a hotel and a bathhouse) have sprung up since the first decade of the twentieth century
  • Marano Lagunare - An ancient center known since the early Middle Ages, it is an active fishing port. The beauty of the environmental context and the establishment of two nature reserves in the immediate vicinity of the town have given rise, in recent years, to a steadily increasing tourist flow

Other destinations

  • Aprilia Marittima - a locality belonging to the Municipality of Latisana, it is home to one of the most important tourist ports on the Adriatic and a very popular seaside resort in the summer months.

How to get

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Marano lagoon
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