Cres - Cres

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Cres is the second largest Croatian Island.

Historical map of Cres and the surrounding area (ca.1910)


City of Cres


North: Mountains, partly barren vegetation (influenced by the bora wind that blows from the mountains of the mainland), partly wooded areas with deciduous forest

Middle: olive groves, pastures, vines

South: Mediterranean flora (continues on the island of Lošinj). 50% of the island surface is covered by dry grass and stone willows, 1/3 by forest, 1/10 is used for agriculture.


Cres porta orologio.jpg
  • Predošćica is a small place framed by stone walls with a beautiful view of the island Krk and the mainland. 8 residents still live here. On the way from Predošćica to Cres you pass the middle of the northern hemisphere, the 45th parallel.
  • Beli. Inhabited hill fort for 4,000 years - was called Caput insulae (the central place of the island) in antiquity, as it was one of the most important places of Cres due to its strategic location high above the sea. The name goes back to the Hungarian-Croatian King Bela IV, who found protection from the Tatars (Mongolian warriors) here. The way to Beli leads over a well-preserved Roman bridge that spans the 12 m wide valley. Shortly before the city gate is written on the left wall "Beli ima što cili svit nima - Beli has what the whole world does not have" ...
  • The city of Cres. Cres, which has 1,900 inhabitants, is located in a bay with a narrow passage and a protected location. Capital of the island since the 15th century, after Osor was abandoned as capital.
  • Lubenice. Settlement already 4,000 years ago, Bronze Age hill fort and refuge settlement - the city is located on the crest of a vertical rock wall. It is therefore narrow and elongated, which is why no defensive wall was necessary on this side. Former remains of the wall are still partially preserved on the eastern and northern outskirts of the city.
  • Osor. Once one of the most important cities in the Adriatic. Founded allegedly before the Trojan War in 13th century BC
    • Legend of the founding of Osor and the name of the Apsyrtides islands - Golden Fleece and its history:
    • Jason once wanted to bring the golden fleece back to Iolkos from Colchis at the behest of his father. According to the instructions of the goddess Athena, he had a ship built by the most skilful builder in Greece and named it "Argo" after the builder. Jason gathered many Greek heroes around him and they called themselves the "Argonauts" after the name of the ship. King Aites ruled Colchis. Jason submitted his request for the golden fleece. Medea, the king's daughter, immediately fell madly in love with Jason. The king responded to Jason’s request, but he had to fulfill three tasks beforehand: There were two flame-breathing bulls in the king’s stable. He was supposed to conquer them, harness them to a plow, plow a field with it, and sow dragon teeth there, from which iron men armed with lances would grow. Jason heroically agreed. Medea was a magician. So she gave Jason an oil with which he should rub himself and his weapons and armor. The next morning Jason took the bulls by the horns and took them by the horns with inhuman force, harnessed them to the plow and their fiery breath slipped off his body without harming him. He plowed the field, sown the dragon's teeth from which the iron army grew, and then, as Medea had ordered him, threw a stone that she had given him into the middle of them. Immediately a skirmish broke out among them for existence and they fell upon each other until the whole field was littered with the slain. The king was furious and devised a plan to get rid of Jason. Medea suspected this plan and warned the Greeks. Together with Jason, she set out to steal the golden fleece. It was nailed to an oak tree and was guarded by a dragon. Medea, well versed in magic, gave the dragon a piece of cake to eat, which she had previously soaked with a sleeping pill. In addition, she soothed the dragon with a song and rocked him to sleep. Jason was able to detach the golden fleece from the tree undisturbed and the two fled with the Argonauts from Colchis. Aites discovered the robbery of the golden fleece and the betrayal of his daughter. He mobilized his entire fleet under the leadership of Medea's brother, Apsyrtus. When the pursuers reached the Argonauts, Medea lured her brother on the pretext that she wanted to negotiate. Jason killed him in ambush. Medea cut the dead body of Apsyrtes and threw the limbs into the sea. The Apsyrtes Islands, the Apsyrtides, emerged from the parts of the Apsyrtes. The army of Apsyrtos no longer dared to go back to their king, to Colchis and they stayed here and founded the cities of Pula and Apsyrtos = Slavic OSOR
    • history:
    • 9th century BC The foundations of the city wall are evidence of a settlement. Osor was considered by the Illyrian tribe of the Liburnians as the most important city on the Amber Road (trade route between Europe and Asia, on which amber, spices, silk and other things were transported.)
    • 1st century BC The 11 m wide channel between the islands of Cres and Lošinj (Kavuada) was probably dug by the Romans to simplify the trade route. Before that, ship loads or even entire ships were moved mechanically, probably with rollers, from one side to the other.
    • Osor experienced its heyday at the time of the Romans, and grew into a large city with the status of a municipality. At that time the ships could not yet cross and were often forced to lay berth for long periods. Allegedly 20,000 people are said to have lived here during this time. Surrounded by a city wall there were several temples, a theater, a forum, thermal baths, an aqueduct and palaces.
    • Today 80 people still live here.
    • 841 The city is devastated by the Saracens (Arabs).
    • 10th century Osor recognizes the rule of the Croatians.
    • 11th century Venice takes over the rule.
    • 15th century. With the discovery of America and the accompanying larger ships, the port of Osor becomes too small. The old harbor basin of Osor becomes a salt works. In the muddy and overgrown swamps of the salt pans, malaria and the plague developed in the 15th century and the population was drastically reduced. The city walls are torn down because it was thought that the bad air would make people sick. Osor is thus vulnerable to attacks.
    • 15th and 16th century The island administration and the episcopal residence move to Cres. A large part of the population also emigrates to Cres after the city fell into disrepair.

Other goals


  • length: 66 km
  • width: 12 km
  • surface: 405.70 km²
  • Residents: 3184

Flora and fauna

Before humans intervened in nature, the islands were covered with oak forests. The forests of that time were completely cut down (shipbuilding, fuel and building material. Venice stands for a large part on tree trunks from Croatia.) What remains are so-called degraded stone fields. A total of around 1,500 plant species grow on the entire archipelago. (Comparison: the whole of Great Britain has 1,180 species)

Oldest oak in Europe. Over 1000 years! Once there were over 2 million olive trees, today there are only 200,000! The islands are rich in small game, game birds, birds of prey (griffon vulture, the largest bird in Europe, weighing up to 10 kg and having a wingspan of 2.80 meters, breeds on the island of Cres , Short-toed eagles) and songbirds and gulls.

Water supply

The Vrana lake As the largest fresh water reservoir, it supplies the population with drinking water.

Size: 5.5 km²

Water surface: 13 m above sea level

Bottom of the lake: 60 m below sea level

Kryptodepressionsee krypto: Greek kryptein "hide", Depression: geomorphologous. a self-contained hollow form of the land surface, especially for a depression below sea level) No connection to the sea -15 springs -10 wells are on the island

Legend to Lake Vrana:

A long time ago two sisters lived on the shores of Lake Vrana. One was rich and evil. She didn't want to help her sister and so she was punished: The water of the lake rose and sank the rich sister's castle. It is said to still be lying on the bottom of the lake today. When there is a storm, their sobs can be heard from the depths of the lake.


getting there


By train

The best way to get from Germany to Munich Hbf by train is to take the night train to Rijeka in the late evening. Without changing it takes about 10 hours in a through car via Salzburg, Villach, Jesenice, Ljubljana and Sapjane to the Adriatic. Of course there is also the return trip once a day. The night train is operated by the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB). We recommend booking a rental car from Rijeka.

By car

The fastest route leads over from Germany Salzburg, Graz, Villach, Ljubljana, Postojna(the cave there is worth a visit) over the border crossing at Rupa Rijeka. From there it goes over the bridge to the island Krk and then by ferry from Valbiska to Merag. Alternatively, you can go from Rijeka via Opatija drive along the beautiful Istrian Riviera and take the ferry from Brestova to Porozina. This route is only something for visitors with a lot of time and patience, especially in the main season, as the road from Porozina is largely the ancient, winding and very narrow road from the previous millennium. In contrast, the Merag route has now been almost completely rebuilt and straightened where possible.

With the ferry

Ferry either from Brestova (mainland Istria) to Porozina or from Valbiska (island Krk) according to Merag. Please refer Ferry timetableCatamaran off Rijeka (no car transport). Please refer Timetable

By plane

You land on the island by plane Krk located 1 Rijeka airportRijeka Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRijeka Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryRijeka Airport (Q1141414) in the Wikidata database(IATA: RJK). Transfer bus via Omišalj to and from Rijeka. From Omišalj there is a bus connection to Veli Lošinj.


Tourist Attractions


  • Gothic church from the 15th century at the entrance to the village
  • Loggia, the place where gatherings used to be held and court sat
  • Pillory, the path continues to a place where the pillory used to stand.
  • Old residential architecture, the house on the square is a good example of the old residential architecture with an external staircase and a covered terrace (= baltura)
  • Parish church with a bell tower from the 18th century. It stands at the highest point of the ascending path on a large, paved square surrounded by stone benches. From this observation tower, all ecclesiastical and civil news were communicated to the island's residents through a complicated system of acoustic signals.
  • The house with the stone head of the legendary Hungarian-Croatian King Bela IV stands next to the church

City of Cres:

  • City wall: Surrounded the city in the Middle Ages. Was razed by Venice in the 16th century to create new living space for the growing population. A square floor plan emerged during this time. Remnants of the city wall: a round defense tower at the northwest corner a 200 m long wall section 2 city gates: 1st southern gate: Mala vrata (small gate) with clock tower 2nd northern gate: Grace vrata or Marcella both gates are from the High Renaissance and with decorated Venetian coat of arms
  • Loggia: a hall on slim pillars from the 16th century. Public place: reading of pronouncements and court judgments, closing of contracts, trade, debates and meeting place. One of the pillars of the loggia was also the pillory: a chain was attached to the front of the loggia, in the middle column. Here the Cres administration tied up the violators of the law and exposed them to the public.
  • Mandrać: A small port in the port. Under Venetian rule, this small harbor basin was closed with a chain at night or in times of war. Today this part of the port is filled up and paved.
  • Parish church St. Maria im Schnee: built in the 15th century in the Gothic style and a Renaissance portal with a free-standing bell tower. The name of the church probably comes from the fact that it was snowing when the church was consecrated. The portal shows a relief of the Mother of God with her child. Above the portal there is an inscription: NIHIL DEEST TIMENTIBUS DEUM (Nothing is lacking for those who fear God). A quote from the Holy Scriptures, which the Osor Bishop Marco Negri took as a motto in his coat of arms. Relics of St. Isidore (patron saint of Cres) and relics of St. Gaudentius (patron saint of Osor) are in the church.
  • Church of St. Isidore: oldest church in the city from the 12th century, built in Romanesque style. The church bell from the 14th century is one of the oldest on the island. It is dedicated to the city's patron saint. The request of the locals can be read in the Creser-Cakawic dialect: "Sveti Sider, kampanun do grada, ti nas čuvaj do gveri i glada" (Holy Sider, patron saint of the city, save us from war and hunger) Above the entrance portal is a relief of St. Isidore seen with an image of the city.
  • Patrician palace: Palais Arsan, this is where the old arsenal used to stand. A building built in the style of the typical, very beautiful Venetian Gothic. Birthplace of the philosopher Frane Petrić (born 1529), one of the most important philosophers of his time. Because of his aversion to the Venetians and his sympathy with the Protestants, he was expelled from the city and went to Vienna. There he was tutored by one of Luther's most important employees. He wrote books on history and geometry and translated from Greek into Latin (e.g. the prophecies of Zarathustra). Today the palace is the seat of the city museum on the ground floor a collection of amphorae from the 2nd century BC. Chr.
  • Franciscan monastery with the church of Sv. Franjo: built in the 14th century, the bell tower was added to the church in the 18th century. The tower is decorated with faces on the keystones of the Biforias: Disgruntled, frowning grimaces are exposed to the lazy, rain-bringing south wind "Jugo", happy faces look towards the fresh and healthy, sun-bringing north wind "Bura". In the church a wood-carved choir stalls, in the monastery a collection of Gothic sculptures and a missal in Glagolitic script. In the large, solemn cloister courtyard, there are tombs and grave slabs of Cres families, on the east wall posts of famous men who have emerged from this monastery. In the small, old cloister courtyard there is a fountain that bears the oldest known city coat of arms of Cres, an upright panther, from the 14th century.
  • Street paving: Not only on Cres, but also in many other old towns in Croatia, the original stone paving is noticeable, some of which have a straight line of paving stones in the middle. This line indicates a thoroughfare. The pavements of the streets that end in a dead end do not have this line.


  • Patrician coats of arms: patrician coats of arms or walled-in stone fragments above the doors of the houses still bear witness to the glorious times and prosperity of the city.
  • Roman city wall: Remains of the Roman city wall can be found in today's cemetery.
  • St. Mary's Cathedral: from the 15th century with a free-standing bell tower from the 16th century, on the main square. Because of the arrangement of urban buildings at the time, the cathedral had to be built in an east-west direction instead of the usual north-south direction. Renaissance portal, three figures on the gable: middle: the Redeemer, left: St. Nicholas, right: St. Gaudentius, main altar: Baroque, 17th century. Due to its good acoustics, the interior is used in the summer months as a concert hall for the internationally recognized, traditional "Osor Music Evenings", which have been taking place here since 1976 from mid-July to mid-August.
  • All over the city you can find modern bronze statues of men and women playing music by the sculptors Kršinić, Rosadrić and Ivan Meštrović.
  • Bishop's Palace: from the 15th century. It houses a rich collection of chasubles and gold and silver liturgical objects.
  • Former town hall with loggia: from the 15th century. The building, which is now used as a municipal museum, has an archaeological collection consisting of: - Roman glass - Lapidarium (stone collection) with inscriptions and stone reliefs from Roman times, early Christian. Time and the middle ages.
  • Gaudentius Church: from the 15th century with a Gothic pointed vault Gaudentius is the patron saint of Osor, born in the hamlet of Tržić in the 11th century near Osor. He was a monk, Benedictine, and sage and became Bishop of Osor.
    • Legend to St. Gaudentius: Since Gaudentius, in his function as bishop, repeatedly reprimanded the sin and depravity of the Osorers, he was expelled from the city. He sought refuge in the “Vela Špilja” cave on the “Osoršćica” hill, near the town of Osor. Since the cave was full of poisonous snakes, he prayed God to rid the island of all poisonous snakes forever. Gaudentius lived the life of a hermit in this cave. He died in a foreign country. However, his remains were strangely washed up in a wooden coffin in Osor. His relics are kept in the sacred collection in the Bishop's Palace. The cave of St. Gaudentius can be visited. Legend has it that if you take a stone with you from this cave and carry it with you, it will protect you from the bite of a venomous snake for a lifetime, no matter where you live. The old islanders always carried such a stone with them when they left the island. In the Gaudentius Church there is a painting of St. Gaudentius with a snake coiling at his feet.
  • Old Christian basilica of St. Mary: from the 5th - 9th centuries. Remains with the remains of the baptistery and memorial chapel from the 5th century. Both are in the cemetery, outside the city wall.
  • Ruins of the monastery of the Glagolitic Franciscan mendicant order and the Gothic chapel: from the 11th century. Abandoned since 1841, are close to the outskirts.
  • A swing bridge crosses the “Kavuada” canal and arrives at the island Lošinj.










The climate on the island of Cres is influenced by the Adriatic Sea. The temperatures are in the Mediterranean area. In autumn and winter the notorious bora blows over the bare island plateaus. Summer temperatures are around 30 ° C during the day.


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