Devín - Devín

German Thebes; ung. Dévény
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Devin (German Thebes; ung. Dévény) is a district (mestská časť) of the Bratislava city district Bratislava IV. The village at the confluence of the March and Danube, which was incorporated into Bratislava in 1946, is the location of the historically significant Devín Castle. The settlement has retained its rural character to this day


The history of Devín is closely related to the castle. The settlement was first mentioned in 1237 as "Villa Thebbyn". The castle and the rocks below it represented the western border of Hungary until 1918. The village was traditionally German-speaking; from the 16th century also settled by Croatians.

Because of the German-speaking majority of the population, Theben was awarded to Germany in the Munich Agreement in 1938 and included in the Gau Niederdonau incorporated, although then as now there was no land connection (bridge) to the heartland. The German-speaking population was evacuated to the west in 1945 before the advancing Red Army, and Devín was incorporated into Czechoslovakia in April 1945.

The population fell sharply in the post-war period. In 1991 Devín had only 779 inhabitants. Today the village is a popular suburbanization area of ​​the Slovak capital and the population has almost doubled to 1,300 inhabitants.

The former strategic importance of Devín with the castle lies at the confluence of the March into the Danube, which flows here through the Theben Gate. The Thebener Kogel (Devínska Kobyla, 515 m) and the Braunsberg (346 m) offered excellent conditions to secure this natural bottleneck.

getting there

With public transport

Devín is served by bus routes from Pressburger local transport served:

  • Bus route 28: Nové SND (Euroveva center) - Most SNP (inter alia long-distance buses from Vienna) - Botanical Garden - Devín - Devínska Nová Ves (train station; trains from Vienna Central Station) - Opletalova
  • Bus route 29: Most SNP (including long-distance buses from Vienna) - Botanical Garden - Devín - Devín Castle
  • Night bus route N29: Hlavná Stanica (Central Station) - Kramare - Mlynská Dolina - Botanical Garden - Devín - Devín Castle

Devín is in Zone II. Tickets must be purchased in advance or from the machine before the journey. Bus drivers do not sell tickets, and there are no machines on the buses.

By car

  • From the city center of Bratislava drive along the left bank of the Danube below the castle (Nábrežie arm. called Ludvíka Svobodu) always out of town, under the D2 motorway. Shortly after the Botanical Garden, at the beginning of the Karlova Ves district, the main street with the tram makes a right turn. There you turn slightly to the left onto Devínska Cesta, which you drive straight ahead into the village.
  • Out Vienna Coming you cross the border in Berg or Kittsee and drive over the D2 Lafranconi Most to the other bank of the Danube. Exit 62 Mlynská Dolina; Motorway within the section described Not vignette required. Continue as above.
  • Out Vienna (alternatively) via the March ferry Angern and over Devínska Nová Ves.
  • Coming from the north (Břeclav, Brno) you take the D2 Exit 50 Stupava júh and drive past the VW plant via Devínska Nová Ves.

There is a large, chargeable car park below the castle.

By boat

In May, August and September there is a ferry connection from every Sunday and public holiday Hainburg to Devín. Two courses a day. Fares:

  • Adults round trip 12 euros (one-way trip 10 euros)
  • Children 6-14 years round trip 8 euros (one way 6 euros)
  • Bike 2 euros
  • More info:
Event-Schifffahrt Haider. Tel.: 43(0)664 281 31 41, Email: .

Devín can also be approached with private boats and paddle boats on the Danube and March. There have been no more border controls since 2007.

By bicycle

Along the March there is a cycle path away from busy roads. About 5 km north of Devín, the bicycle bridge connects Devínska Nová Ves with Freedom Castle courtyard. The drive through Marchfeld over this bridge is also the recommended approach from Vienna. Coming from Vienna on the Danube Cycle Path, you can only cross the river in the city center of Bratislava, which means you have to take a long way back on the other bank. The drive from the city center of Bratislava leads along busy roads on the left bank of the Danube and is less attractive.


Devín itself is small enough to be able to walk to everything. However, steeper gradients have to be overcome to reach the castle ruins.

Tourist Attractions

Devín Castle

The Devín Castle (hrad Devín, also: Theben Castle) was mentioned for the first time in 864, due to the fact that there was an outpost to the Danube Limes here as early as Roman times. The castle was steadily expanded with stately, sacred and fortress structures until it was blown up by Napoleonic troops in 1809.

The castle was an important national symbol of both Hungary and the new Slovak national consciousness in the 19th century. In 1836 Ľudovít Štúr established the tradition of "national pilgrimages" here. In 1896, for the Hungarian millennium celebrations, the 33 meter high Árpád column was erected on the castle rock; it was blown up in 1918 by Czech legionnaires.

In 1961 the castle ruins were declared a national monument. Today it includes an open-air museum, you can climb the ruins and from the towers you have very good views of the surroundings.

1  Hrad Devín (Devín Castle), Muránska 10. Tel.: 421 265 730 105, Email: . Open: November-March Mon-Sun 10-16; April and October Tue-Sun 10 am-5pm; May-September Tue-Fri 10 am-6pm, Sat Sun 10 am-7pm; Admission up to 30 minutes before the closing time.Price: adults 4 euros, children and students 2 euros; Reductions with the Bratislava Card.


"Gateway to Freedom": Memorial for the escape victims.
  • Open-air geological museum (in an old quarry on the banks of the March): various geological formations of the earth's history, for example the sea level in the Tertiary, is shown.
  • Pamätník železnej opony: Monument of the Iron Curtain
  • Brána Slobody (Gateway to Freedom) Memorial for the people who perished trying to escape over the Iron Curtain: During communism, numerous people tried to swim across the March near Devín to Austria.
  • Holy Cross Church (svätého Kríža)


  • The Devín-Bratislava run (12 km) takes place every year after Easter.
  • Hiking on the Thebener Kogel


There are several souvenir shops in the castle. There are larger supermarkets in Devínska Nová Ves and in Bratislava itself.


  • Hradná Brána
  • Reštauracia Devín
  • Café Eden
  • U Rastislava
  • Some food stalls in the parking lot below the castle


  • Wine cellar ("Buschenschank") Devínska viecha sv. Urbana


  • Hradná Brána


Practical advice

  • District administration: Kremeľská 39
  • Tourist information at the entrance to the castle.
  • Post Office Bratislava 46 (Kremeľská 39)



Web links

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