Fortunago - Fortunago

Panorama of Fortunago
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Fortunago is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Geographical notes

Between the Coppa and Aldivestra valleys, inOltrepò Pavese. It is 22 km from Voghera, 39 from Pavia, 57 from Piacenza, 35 from Tortona and 67 from Alexandria.


It was a settlement of the Celts before the Roman Empire. With the subsequent barbarian invasions he was part of the Committee of Tortona,, therefore from 1047 it belonged to the Bishop of Pavia. Federico Barbarossa made it a fief in 1164 to the Malaspina nobles from Pavia, then in 1362 it was taken by the captain of the Visconti Luchino Dal Verme. Infeed by the Sforza to Pietro Dal Verme, upon his death it passed to Gerolamo Riario, who sold it to Cesare Malaspina. The Treaty of Utrecht assigns the Oltrepò to the Savoy in 1713; after the parenthesis of the French Revolution, the whole area enters the new Kingdom of Italy.

How to orient yourself


The towns of Cappelletta, Colombara, Costa Cavalieri, Costa Galeazzi, Gravanago, Molino della Signora, Sant'Eusebio and Scagni are inhabited centers of the municipal territory of Fortunago.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon
      • Voghera station
      • Casteggio station

By bus

  • Regular bus from Pavia and Voghera.

How to get around

What see

The greatest attraction of Fortunago is given by its environment, by the care with which it is maintained naturalness of the country. There are no shutters, smooth plaster, aluminum gates and anything else derives from the so-called modernity. Here everything is maintained according to the traditions of the past: the houses have stone walls, the paving of the streets is in porphyry, the balconies of the houses are triumphs of blooms. This atmosphere and this care in preserving the quality of life of the past have earned the town its inclusion in the group of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

  • Church of San Giorgio. It houses a beautiful tempera triptych on wood that dates back to the 16th century. Above the portal there is a fresco of the Annunciation certainly valuable. Nearby you can see traces of the foundations of the tower and the building of an ancient castle that dates back to the fifteenth century.
  • city ​​Hall. The Town Hall consists of an ancient one strong house

Events and parties

  • Feast of the Paciada. Simple icon time.svgon August 14. Dinner in the square
  • Festival of the Schita. Simple icon time.svgLast Saturday of July. Dances, dances, cabaret and consumption of the traditional focaccina, note there schita.
  • Feast of Sant'Eusebio (in the homonymous hamlet of Sant'Eusebio). Simple icon time.svgIn August. For over thirty years the feast of the hamlet of Fortunago has been characterized by gastronomic offers (wood-fired porchetta and other freshly prepared specialties), local wines, beer and dancing.
  • Fortunago in Art. Simple icon time.svgin August. Art exhibitions

What to do


  • Local products, Post Office Square, 1. Simple icon time.svgOpen on weekends. In the square there is a direct sales point of typical local products on weekends: meats, wines, cheeses, honey, jams, fruit and vegetables marketed by producers who only practice organic farming.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Not far from here there is Varzi, and therefore his famous salami is at home on the fortunaghesca table. A typical vegetarian dish is then i badly made, made with herbs - usually beets -, breadcrumbs, cheeses and eggs. Braised beef stewed with spices and Bonarda is also a frequent dish.

Average prices

  • The Pinewood, Via Roma, 2 (also hotel), 39 0383 875219. Typical local cuisine with appetizers of local cured meats, risotto with porcini mushrooms, mixed main courses of meat, homemade desserts.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • Varzi - Most important center of Alta Staffora Valley is a holiday resort, renowned for the quality of its well known Varzi salami which has a designation of origin ..
  • Zavattarello - Center colleague among the most beautiful villages in Italy, it preserves the wonderful Dal Verme castle.
  • Sant'Alberto - Its abbey, dedicated to the homonymous saint, has remarkable ancient frescoes.
  • Salice Terme - Well-known spa center.
  • Rivanazzano - It has interesting traces of the past, a spa, an ancient hamlet perched on a hill with a castle with a towering tower: Nazzano.


Useful information

  • Pro Loco: tel. 39 0383 875213, 8.30-14

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Fortunago
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Fortunago
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