Franconia - Franconia

Franconia - Localization
Coat of arms and flag
Franconia - Coat of arms
Franconia - Flag

Franconia is a region of the Germany.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Wanting to make a choice of the largest or most interesting cities in Franconia we could not help but list:

  • Nuremberg (Nürnberg) - A true cultural and administrative center of Franconia, Nuremberg boasts a very respectable history. Famous since the Middle Ages, it is today one of the most characteristic cities in Germany. Do not miss the Christmas markets.
  • Ansbach - The origin of the city dates back to the Benedictine monastery founded in 748 by a Franconian nobleman, Gumbertus, who was later canonized. The monastery was founded between the Rezat stream and the Onold (Onoldsbach, in German), and over the centuries it merged with the nearby village of Onoldsbach, forming the city of Ansbach, today a small Bavarian center of unusual beauty.
  • Aschaffenburg - The city is called "the Bavarian Nice" due to its mild climate. It is also known as Tor zum Spessart (gateway to the Spessart). Although Aschaffenburg belongs to Bavaria, the inhabitants are proud of their origins, and do not feel Bavarian. The city was part of the Archbishopric of Mainz for a long time.
  • Bamberg (Bamberg) - Historic city of the region, Bamberg preserves a wonderful historic center declared a UNESCO heritage.
  • Bayreuth - A charming Franconian city, Bayreuth hosts a festival dedicated to Richard Wagner.
  • Erlangen - Erlangen today is dominated by the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg University and the numerous branch offices of Siemens AG, as well as by a large research institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. An event that still affects the city is the settlement of the Huguenots after the withdrawal of the Edict of Nantes in 1685.
  • Forchheim - In 2005 the city celebrated its 1200th anniversary and is today a picturesque Franconian tourist center, famous for being formerly a "royal city".
  • Fürth - Together with Nuremberg and Erlangen, Fürth is part of the Middle Franconia region. Although it is not a particularly important or large city, Fürth retains its old 19th-century town hall, an imitation of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.
  • I have f - Of artistic importance are the houses along Ludwigstraße from the Biedermeier era, built in the middle of the 19th century. The chiaroscuro are the brand new theater, built at the end of the twentieth century, and the Theresienstein park with an Art Nouveau building and an artificial ruin in the maze. The city has been ranked among the 300 most beautiful old towns in Germany.
  • Schweinfurt - An intercultural city of Lower Franconia, Schweinfurt hosts numerous museums and some theaters as well as important scientific research centers.
  • Würzburg - Ancient university center and seat of its own diocese since ancient times, Würzburg is famous for the "Residence of Würzburg", a magnificent noble palace, and for being the point where the ancient Roman road begins, today an important tourist route.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Franconia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Franconia
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