Fuenterrabía - Fuenterrabía

View of Fuenterrabía (Guipúzcoa, Spain)
View of Hondarribia from the Bidasoa river.

Fuenterrabía (Basque and official name: Hondarribia, French Fontarabie) is a city located in the province of Guipúzcoa, Autonomous Community of Basque Country, in the Bay of Txingudi, on the border between Spain Y France. 16,000 inhabitants. Longitude 01º 47.4 'W Latitude 43º 23.2' N, 9 nautical miles from Donostia-San Sebastian and 4 miles from Saint Jean de Luz.


Fuenterrabía is the name in Spanish and is also used to refer to the city of Hondarribia, located in Gipuzkoa, (Basque Country). The fact that Hondarribia is the only official denomination (http://www.map.es/documentacion/entes_locales/registro_alcaldes.html), instead of indistinctly Hondarribia / Fuenterrabía, it is due to the policy of the Basque institutions to give priority to Euskera in the toponymy, so that Fuenterrabía does not appear on the signs. Nonetheless Fuenterrabia it is still used, since applying the regulations of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, the Spanish meanings of place names, if they exist, must be used when speaking in Spanish. That is why it is said London and not London or New York and not New York.

Hondarribia is currently the only walled city with bastioned fortifications in Guipúzcoa, since the walls of San Sebastián were demolished in 1864. It has a beautiful, well-preserved old town, between the walls, and a typical fishermen's neighborhood, the Marina.

Originally it was a town with a heterogeneous population, composed mainly of Basques and Várdulos, and strongly Romanized due to its proximity to the Roman city of Oiasso. During the maximum power of the kingdom of Navarre in the Middle Ages it was nominally under its rule, but it was promoted in 1203 by the King of Castile, Alfonso VIII, to the category of town, and its inhabitants joined the Kingdom of Castile receiving in their Carta Puebla numerous privileges, due to the strategic importance of its city, being located at the mouth of the Bidasoa River.

The people of Hondarribia, as good Gipuzkoans, honor the motto of the coat of arms of Gipuzkoa, "Fidelissima Bardulia, nunquam supleta" (Bardulia, the most faithful, never conquered).

Against the wishes of the inhabitants of Hondarribía, the kings of Navarre, sometimes alone and other times allied with the French, did not cease in their attempt to take the city by force, which until now has courageously resisted all attempts to conquer it. the most notable victory being that of 1638, which is commemorated annually in its biggest festival, the Alarde.

After Henri Bourbon y Albret, French pretender to the throne of Navarre, acceded to the French throne as Henri IV, he and his successors waged wars again and again against Spain to seize Hondarribia, being the closest coastal port to the kingdom. of Navarre that they wanted to conquer by force.

Only with the Peace of the Pyrenees, signed on the Isle of Pheasants between Philip IV of Spain and Louis XIV of France in November 1658, will the claims of the kings of France cease.

As a guarantee of this peace treaty, in 1659, the Infanta María Teresa of Austria, daughter of King Felipe IV, will marry Louis XIV in San Juan de Luz (Donibane Lohitzun), the wedding being celebrated by proxy in the Church of Hondarribia. The night before, the Infanta and her entourage sleep in Hondarribia in the Casadevante Palace, today converted into the most charming hotel in the city.

The city has two zones of great interest, clearly differentiated:

The main street of Hondarribia, with the Casadevante Palace and the Church.
  • The old city: still walled, it has palaces such as Zuloaga, the Casadevante Palace on Calle Mayor (Nagusi kalea), the Gothic church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción and del Manzano, the castle of Carlos V, Pampinot street ....
  • The Marina neighborhood: located next to the old fishing port (Kai Zahar), with the multicolored fishermen's houses on San Pedro street and Santiago street

The beach, the marina, the new fishing port, the port of refuge, the lighthouse, Ondarraitz beach on the other side of the bay, in Endaia and the slopes of the Jaizkibel, are equally attractive, and explain the interest that Hondarribia has had, since the early twentieth century, as a vacation spot.

To get

15 km from Saint Sebastian, 20 km from Biarritz. 100 km from Bilbao. 80 km from Pamplona. 120 km from the wine region of Rioja.

Highway A8 and highway N1.

By plane

An unbeatable place of access thanks to the airports of San Sebastián-Hondarribia, Biarritz (20 km away), Bilbao (80 km) and Vitoria (100 km).

  • San Sebastian airport, [1]. It is located right at the entrance of the city, and has access by Lurraldebus (bus) every 15 min during the week and 30 min on weekends and holidays. the stop is right in front of the airport and the bus goes to Donostia-San Sebastián, passing through cities like Irun. There are direct flights to Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Y Seville

By train

  • Irún Station (Paseo de Colón) - RENFE and EuskoTren. 3 km from the city.
  • Hendaia Station (France) - SNCF and TGV. 3 km.

By bus

There are only local buses Hondarribia-Irún or Hondarribia-San Sebastián

From Irún (Renfe Station) or from San Sebastián (Bus Station) there are lines that connect with Bilbao, Asturias, Galicia or Madrid among other destinations.

By car

From Donostia-San Sebastian, take the A-8 motorway, direction Pasaia-Irún-Frantzia

Take exit number 2: Irún-Merkatal Zentrua / Shopping Center-Hondarribia-Airport

Once past the airport, at the first roundabout you can choose to go to the City Center or take a detour that will take us to the Beach, the Marina, the Puerto de Refugio (Fishing Port) and the Lighthouse.

Coming from France, on the A-63 motorway, pass the border without leaving the motorway, take exit no. 2 Irún-Hondarribia-Airport



Although there is no art museum in Hondarribia, within a radius of 100 km we find three fundamental references for modern art:

And, in the vicinity:

  • In Irún the Oiasso Roman Museum[3] that brings together the remains of Roman times found around the city of Oiasso, and those found under the waters in Cala Asturiaga, under Cape Higer
  • Acquarium of San Sebastián[4]A museum and 700 years of Naval History


  • The marine, neighborhood of typical fishermen's house, declared a Monumental Complex, which is currently full of bars, terraces, where to dine outdoors or enjoy pintxos.
  • Butron Walk

It begins along the river, with the city of Hendaia on the other side. You get there by walking to the beach and the marina and continuing further on until you reach the small Port of Refuge where the fishing fleet anchors.

On the Port of Refuge, the castle of the Pirates, or San Telmo. A path to the left will take us to the Los Frailes Beach, little crowded.

Following the road we will reach the Lighthouse with extraordinary views over the sea: the Bay of Saint Jean de Luz, the Biarritz lighthouse, the Landes.

From there, back towards the town, this time along the cornice road which will allow us to deviate towards Guadeloupe, where there is a huge fortification from the 19th century and a small church with the Virgin of Guadalupe and, again, extraordinary views over the sea or over the Bay of Txingudi.

From Guadalupe we could also take the road that runs along the sea to Lezo and Pasai Donibane, a town, the latter, that we should not miss.

  • The second itinerary, or the first according to taste, takes us to the old town, between the walls that are still standing.
Entrance to the Calle Mayor through the Puerta de Santa María in Hondarribia.

We can enter through the Door of Santa Maria and go up Calle Mayor (Nagusi kalea), where we will see, on the left, the town hall in a baroque palace from the 18th century, on the right the Palacio de Casadevante, on the left again the Palacio Zuloaga and, on the right, the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and of the Manzano, with a black virgin, the Virgin of Guadalupe. At the end of Calle Mayor we come to the Plaza de Armas where we will see the mass of the castle called Carlos V (today the National Parador).

From the Plaza de Armas we should wander behind the church to the Plaza del Obispo, take the transversal street to reach Calle del Sol, Calle Pampinot, Calle Tiendas and then go down Calle Juan de Laborda to La Plaza de Gipúzkoa, La Polboriña and finally, passing by the Tourist Office towards the Marina.

In addition to the aforementioned palaces, we find the house on Calle San Nicolás, at number 13 Mugarretenea, from 1665, the house Eguiluz, in Juan de Laborda, where Juana la Loca and Felipe el Hermoso stayed, on their way from Brussels to Toledo to be proclaimed hereditary princes of Castile, the house of Arsu, at number 4 on Ubilla Street, the house Rameri at 16 Pampinot Street (today the headquarters of the Society of the Friends of the History of Hondarribia), the house Palencia, where Cristóbal de Rojas was born, chaplain of Carlos V.

And, on the ramparts, the bastion of the Queen, recently restored.

Crossing the border, in the Basque-French Country, very close we can visit:

  • Château d'Urtubie[5]: in Urruña, 3 km from San Juan de Luz: visit to the Park and the Castle, built in 1,341 with extensions in the 16th and 18th centuries
  • Château d'Abbadia[6]: in Hendaia, built for Antoine d'Abbadie between 1864 and 1879
  • Sara Caves[7]: with sound and light show, museum and multimedia room
  • Museum of mar[8], in Biarritz
  • Larrun Train[9]To contemplate from the top of Mount Larrun (905 m) the Pyrenean peaks, San Sebastián, Biarritz and the Atlantic coast


  • Guadalupe Fort. Guided tours on Sundays at 11:00 (prior reservation at the Hondarribia tourist office, ARMA PLAZA) and many days in summer (without prior reservation, inquire at the Tourist Office).
  • Guided visits to the old town and the Marina neighborhood. Organized by the ARMA PLAZA Foundation.
  • Itsas gela[10]In the nearby Pasai San Pedro, it offers trips to the sea, Marine Workshops, educational visits in the traditional tuna boat Mater, training ship for teaching and research on the way of life of Basque fishermen

Events (edit)

  • medieval fair (June)
  • July 25 - On this day, the minutes of the Confraternity of Mareantes are transported from the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and Manzano to the Confraternity itself. The ark (or kutxa) is carried by a young woman on her head. The young woman must be a relative of some arrantzale (fisherman) and must turn as many laps as possible. Tradition says that the more laps you give, the better the fishing campaign will be.
  • Traineras Regattas - August and september.
  • Procession on the afternoon of Good Friday. One of the few that remain in Gipuzkoa.
    Drifter regattas. August 2007.
  • Boast September 8. The lifting of the siege of Hondarribia is commemorated in 1638 by the troops commanded by the Prince of Condé. It was agreed on that date to go, in gratitude, to the hermitage of the Virgin of Guadalupe. For this reason, the Boast in which a great part of the men of the town participates, formed in companies, participating in each one of them a Cantinera. The parade is of great showiness and emotion for the people of Hondarribiarras.


  • Trekking
  • Sport fishing
  • Candle: The Hondarribia Nautical Club offers sailing courses (Optimist, Vaurien)
  • Jaizkibel Charter[11] offers navigation through the Cantabrian Sea, cruise courses, fishing trips and other marine activities
  • Canoeing: the Sociedad Deportiva Santiagotarrak (located in Irun, next to the international bridge of Santiago (10 minutes from Hondarribia)[12] offers canoe rental with or without instructor and summer Rowing and Canoeing courses
  • Golf: in a radius of 30 km around Hondarribia we find numerous golf courses, among them:
    • Real Club Golf San Sebastian [13], located in Hondarribia
    • Anglet
    • Arcangues
    • Bassussarry
    • Biarritz
    • Bidart
    • Cyber
    • Saint Jean de Luz
  • Thalassotherapy: Serge Blanco[14], in Hendaia
  • Beaches

Hondarribia beach, just 1 km from the town center, is a sheltered beach, without waves, with a Blue Flag, although sometimes with slightly cloudy water. It has lifeguard services, showers, etc. Pets are prohibited. Parking, in summer, is paid and rather expensive like all car parks in the city.

Ondarraitz beach, in Hendaia, is extraordinary, open to the Cantabrian Sea and clean, extensive. From Hondarribia you can get there by crossing the estuary in a boat, or by car. But it is simpler and parking problems, important in summer, are avoided if the estuary is crossed in the motor boat.

The nearby beaches of Saint Jean de Luz (Donibane Lohitzun), of Biarritz, with very good waves for surfing and, further afield after Bayonne, the endless beaches of the Landes, a surfer's paradise.

Below the Hondarribia Lighthouse, arriving by a dirt road from the San Telmo castle, is Playa de los Frailes, a small cove of stones and rocks, with clear waters, very good for snorkeling, and little frequented.

Starting from the Lighthouse, along the slope of Mount Jaizkibel and up to the port of Pasajes there are beautiful secluded coves, made of stones and rock, with difficult access but, for that very reason, with few visitors. Ideal for spearfishing, or simply snorkeling.



You can find work, more or less temporary, in the hotel industry and, so far at least, on fishing boats.

The city has no industry and important companies are located in the surroundings: Irún, Oiartzun, Renteria, Donostia-San Sebastian

To buy

  • Souvenirs, crafts, fishing items in Lehendabisiko Etchea, Rosario Berrotaran's store. A visit not to be missed in any case, buy or not buy. A unique store, of those that no longer remain.
  • Art and Antiques Gallery Shillings FACEBOOK [15]in calle Javier Ugarte, 6.
  • A shop where puppets are made and sold (Calle Mayor / Nagusia)
  • Jewelry, Accessories and Jewelry in silver Enara FACEBOOK [16], in calle San Pedro, 6.
  • Deli in Jon Alzaga, also in San Pedro street
  • Clothing store´´KOTTE´´ FACEBOOK[17], in calle San Pedro, 6.
  • ¡Espadrilles!, of the usual ones, on Calle Mayor in front of the Church, in the marina (c / San Pedro)
  • Cakes!! in the many pastry shops in Hondarribia. Many of them are in the Navy. Recommended, Hawaii

To eat

It is not easy, in a country where people eat so well almost everywhere, to make a selection of Hondarribia's restaurants.

  • Alameda Restaurant, with a star in the Michelin Guide
  • Gran Sol Restaurant, at the end of Calle San Pedro. Extraordinary pintxos, but also a menu of the day.
  • Ramon Roteta, a classic from Hondarribia, and before in Madrid.
  • Sebastian Restaurant, in the old town. To highlight, the building, and the frescoes by Gaspar Montes Iturrioz.
  • Zeria Restaurant, on Calle San Pedro. A charming restaurant, in a house of 1,575, very well preserved, with a delicious terrace in summer, spring and autumn. Part of a whale skeleton, found deep underground, is on display.
  • Abarka Restaurant a classic and always taking care of both the menu and the aesthetics, he wins it by hand. Great kitchen
  • A novelty SUGARRI restaurant under the baton of Bixente Muñoz (Gran Sol) is a commitment to good taste and the defense of flavors, investigating the products of the land. The restaurant has a very nice porch. Not to be missed, located in the same Hotel Río Bidasoa. http://www.sugarrirestaurante.com

Drink and go out

  • Bar Gran Sol
  • The San Pedro Street - For pintxos, terraces.
  • Until 3 in the morning, there are friendly bars on Calle San Pedro, Itxaropena, Lekuona and some more. Near the Paseo Butrón there are also several friendly bars such as Uxoa. By the time the bars close, the only place open until 5:30 is the Truck, near the marina, next to the sports center, a meeting place to dance and have drinks until dawn.

There are also more bar terraces in the beach and marina areas.



  • Hotel San Nikolas - Well located in the Plaza de Armas, within the walls.
  • Hotel Palace - Located in the Plaza de Gipuzkoa in the historic center of the city of Hondarribia.


  • Hotel Jaizkibel, from € 95 (low season) to € 175 (high season) for a double room. An unforgettable stay !!!
  • Hotel ObispoIn a 14th century palace, it is also a reasonably priced historic hotel with charming staff, which, however, is suffering from intolerable late-night noises from the clientele in a nearby bar.
  • Hotel Rio Bidasoa - Tel. 00 34 943 645408 - www.hotelriobidasoa.com - a very good option. Enjoy a less noisy situation, in a beautiful garden, and also a SUGARRI restaurant, trying it will be a success, parking, a swimming pool and a cafeteria. You can have breakfast even if you are not staying and it is a pleasure to do it on the porch with the noise of the birds. Peace of mind is assured and the best: the staff, always friendly and attentive.

A luxury

  • Hotel Pampinot, [18]. Not because of its price, which is reasonable, but because of its location, in a 17th century palace, a Historic-Artistic Monument, with only 8 exquisite rooms, with service and personal attention typical of a luxury hotel. Breakfast is simply unforgettable. (currently closed)

It does not have parking and that is a big problem in the area


  • Parador de Hondarribia, in the castle of Carlos V, in the Plaza de Armas. The most expensive in Hondarribia. The chain of Paradores in Spain is frequently being overtaken by new charming hotels nestled in all sorts of palaces and other historic buildings. Small hotels, generally, that offer an extraordinary level of care and services. From € 200 (low season) to € 372 (high season) for a double room, breakfast included.

Keep in touch


The city is very safe for visitors. There are usually no car thefts, but in any case, it is not advisable to leave visible objects in the car.

parking: in the entire downtown area you have to pay for parking. Also on the beach during the summer months. The municipal police are strict and the tow truck will take the car if it is badly parked or without the OTA ticket.

We do not think, in any case, a friendly policy towards visitors

The phone of the Municipal police: 902 20 30 99

The phone of the Ertzaintza (Autonomous Police): 112


Hospital Comarcal del Bidasoa: 943 00 77 00

Red Cross: 943 61 12 03


  • Towards Irún
  • Toward Vitoria-Gasteiz[19]
  • Toward The Rioja, Elciego and the Hotel-Bodega de Riscal del Gehry [20]
  • To him Basque-French Country:
Biarritz [21]
Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Donibane Lohitzun)[22]
Bayonne [23]
Sare [24]
Ainhoa [25]
Espelette: an unavoidable purchase, the Espelette pepper [26]
And other localities of Laburdi
Of Benabarra, or Basse Navarre[27]
Of Zuberoa, or Soule[28]

external links

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