Gadoni - Gadoni

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Gadoni is a center of the Sardinia, in the province of Nuoro.

To know

Geographical notes

Gadoni is located in the Barbagia di Belvì and borders on Aritzo, Laconi (Oristano), Seulo (SU) e Villanova Tulo (UP).


The locality was inhabited both in pre-Nuragic and Nuragic times. In Roman times it was part of that region called Barbaria (Barbagia) which was never totally Romanized. The extraction of copper at the Funtana Raminosa mine probably dates back to the Nuragic era, due to the discovery of some tools now preserved in the national archaeological museum of Cagliari, and lasted until 1980.

During the Middle Ages it belonged to the Giudicato of Arborea and was part of the curatoria of the Barbagia di Meana; in the fourteenth century it was joined to the curatoria of Mandrolisai. At the fall of the Giudicato (1410) it passed under the government of the Marquisate of Oristano, and at the defeat of the latter it passed under the Aragonese dominion, where it was part of the lordship of the Barbagia di Belvì.

In 1768 the town was incorporated into the county of Santa Sofia, assigned as a fief to Salvatore Lostia. It remained under the lordship of the Lostia until 1839, when it was redeemed with the abolition of the feudal system.

The revaluation of the mines in the first post-war period, during the fascism, and in the second post-war period produced considerable wealth for the inhabitants of the district but also resulted in the partial abandonment of the luxuriant lands present and a consequent partial loss of the agro-pastoral knowledge that for centuries made the important country for the whole district. The type of deposit and the drop in copper prices caused the gradual abandonment of mining, until the final closure of the mines in the 1980s; the subsequent failures of policies to reuse the existing structures have created a strong economic hardship causing a continuous emigration of residents to the peninsula (especially Lombardy, Tuscany, Veneto, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna) or the coast (Cagliari).

How to orient yourself


  • Funtana Raminosa

How to get

By plane

From the following airports, thanks to several car rental companies present, you can rent a car to reach Gadoni.

By car

  • From Cagliari take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and continue to the "Senorbì-Isili" exit, then take the SS 128 towards Isili. Continue until Laconi, then, after the latter, take the "Aritzo-Tonara" exit and take the SS 295. Continue to the "Gadoni-Seulo" exit, continue towards Gadoni and take the SP 8 to reach your destination.
  • From Tortolì take the SS 198 for Lanusei. After this last town, continue for Seui, then, having passed the latter, continue to the "Seulo-Gadoni-Aritzo" exit, then turn right and take the SP 8 towards Seulo-Gadoni to reach your destination.
  • From Olbia is Golfo Aranci take the SS 131 d.c.n. for Nuoro and continue to the main entrance of Nuoro. Once you have taken this last exit, do not enter the city but continue towards Lanusei-Tortolì and take the SS 389 Var. Continue until the exit for Fonni, then continue towards Fonni. Entering the latter center, continue for Desulo and take the SP 7 Fonni-Desulo. After Desulo, continue until the junction with the SS 295, then continue for Belvì is Aritzo. Passed Aritzo, continue to the "Gadoni-Seulo" exit, continue towards Gadoni and take the SP 8 to reach your destination.
  • From north-west Sardinia (Alghero, Sassari is Porto Torres) take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and continue until the exit Nuoro-Macomer, then take the SS 129 Macomer - Nuoro. Continue towards Nuoro until the exit for Bolotana is Ottana, continue towards Ottana-Sarule and take the SP 17 up to Sarule. Arrived here, turn right and take the SS 128. Continue until the exit for Tonara, then turn left and take the SS 295. After Aritzo, continue until the "Gadoni-Seulo" exit, continue towards Gadoni and take the SP 8 in order to reach your destination.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Tortolì-Arbatax, Olbia- White Island, Golfo Aranci is Porto Torres.

By bus

From They arise, Oristano is Laconi with the ARST line 438.

How to get around

What see


  • 1 Parish church of the Beata Vergine Assunta.
  • 2 Church of Santa Marta.

Places of naturalistic interest

  • 3 Corongia Forest.
  • 4 Rock formation of Su Campanili.
  • Chasm Su Disterru de Luritta.
  • Calcareous heel of Nurentulu.
  • 5 Sa Stiddiosa waterfall (Shared with the municipality of Seulo).
  • 6 Natural pools of the rio flumendosa.
  • 7 Natural pools and Is Caddaias waterfall.


Events and parties

  • Is fraccheras. Simple icon time.svgIn the night between 1 and 2 November. Rite in which asphodel torches (according to popular beliefs the plant of death) were lit and carried by young people through the streets and alleys to drive away evil spirits and were preceded by children who rang cowbells. The rite was recently rediscovered.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Central cafe, Via Umberto I 63, 39 0784 625723. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 7: 00-2: 00. Bar trattoria.

Where stay

Moderate prices


Useful numbers

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 5 Post Office, Via Umberto I 87, 39 0784 625973, fax: 39 0784 625973. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 45; Sat 8: 20-12: 45.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Gadoni
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Gadoni
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