Ioannina (peripheral unit) - Giannina (unità periferica)

Ioannina (peripheral unit)
Landscape around Konitsa
Ioannina (peripheral unit) - Location
Institutional website

Ioannina, understood as a peripheral unit, includes the territory surrounding the city of Ioannina and that is why a region ofEpirus.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

  • Zagori - A series of traditional villages north of Ioannina. The most famous are those of Papingo, Vitsa and Monodendri with their characteristic stone houses.
  • Northern Tzoumerka - It is the region on the border with Thessaly, extending over the Athamanika mountains that separate the valleys of the Arachthos rivers to the west and Achelòos to the east. Although it has not been advertised as Zagori, Tzoumerka is still an authentic land, appreciated by tourists, especially for the possibility of descending the course of the two rivers by boat and stopping at waterfalls, beaches, canyons otherwise not reachable by land.
  • Katsanochoria - The region on the west bank of Arachthos is known as "Katsanochoria" (the villages of Katsano) made up, like Zagori, of villages with characteristic stone houses. The villages were inhabited by Arumeni and some houses have been restored to be used as hotels such as the Princess Lanassa, the most famous (and most expensive) of all that will not make you regret the sea.

Urban centers

  • 1 Ioannina (Ioannina, Ιωάννινα) - Regional capital, Ioannina it stretches on the shores of Lake Pamvotida and still retains the romantic atmosphere described by Alexandre Dumas in his novel the The Count of Monte Cristo.
  • 2 Konitsa (Κόνιτσα) - Village with characteristic stone houses, Konitsa it is a summer resort thanks to its proximity to areas of considerable scenic interest such as the gorges of the Vikos river.
  • 3 Metsovo (Μέτσοβο) - Traditional village where once theAromanian, dialect derived from Latin and not from Greek.
  • 4 Vovousa (Βοβούσα or Βωβούσα) - The most remote of the villages of Zagori, located near the headwaters of the Aoos River.

Northern Tzoumerka

  • 5 Kalarites (Καλαρρύτες Ιωαννίνων) - Village in the Tzoumerka region, once inhabited by Arumeni, skilled silversmiths. Sotirio Bulgari was born there (Σωτήριος Βούλγαρης) who in 1884 founded the famous Bulgari goldsmith house in Rome.
  • 6 Pramanta (Πράμαντα Ιωαννίνων) - Equipped with a quartet of hotels and a couple of mountain huts, Pramanta it is worth a stop even if only to eat at its renowned tavern, Vountza. The town is located on the northern side of Mount Strongoula (Στρογγούλα) with a pyramidal shape that makes it vaguely similar to the Matterhorn even if its height is modest (2107 m.).
  • 7 Prosilio (Προσήλιο Ιωαννίνων)
  • 8 Sirrako (Συρράκο Ιωαννίνων)

Other destinations

  • 1 Dodona (Δωδώνη) - Archaeological site of a famous ancient oracle.
  • 2 Ziros Lake (Λίμνη Ζηρού)
  • Grammos Mountains - Remote mountains of the Pindus chain that mark the Greek-Albanian border. In the years following the Second World War they were the hiding place of the partisan forces who opposed the restoration of the monarchy in Greece and advocated the country's entry into the communist bloc. Surprisingly, some of the villages are frequented in the summer by a handful of Greek holidaymakers, even young and happy to spend a few days in complete isolation from the world. But be careful because in the mountains there is a certain amount of smuggling also of drugs carried for a walk by innocent donkeys pushed from the Albanian side into Greek territory and without any guide. Their illicit cargo is then collected by cronies and transported to Athens or Western Europe.
  • 3 Vikos-Aoos National Park (Εθνικός Δρυμός Βίκου-Αώου) - The most visited point of the park is the canyon of the Vikos river, about twenty km long and with a depth ranging from 120 to 490 m.
  • Pindos National Park - Mountain of 2637 m. Its top, lo Smolikas it is the highest in Greece after Olympus and is accessible only in summer to those willing to camp or stay in its spartan huts.

How to get

How to get around

What see


Along the state road 20

What to do

At the table


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