Glencoe (Scotland) - Glencoe (Scozia)

Glencoe (Scotland)
Glencoe Valley, near the village of Glencoe, in the Scottish Highlands

Glencoe (also Glen Coe) is a famous hilly area of ​​the Scottish Highlands, characterized by narrow valleys and forests, from which the town Glencoe takes its name adjacent to the valley on the western side.

To know

Glencoe is managed by National Trust for Scotland and is considered one of the most spectacular and beautiful places in the Scotland. It is part of the National Scenic Area of ​​Ben Nevis and Glen Coe.

Glencoe actually has two spellings, both of which refer to different things. "Glen Coe" is the name of the valley itself, while Glencoe, or Glencoe Village, refers to the village of the same name.

The valley is surrounded by wild and sparsely inhabited nature (despite the presence of several cottages). For its importance in the local history and the UK, was used as a location for some movie scenes Bravehart, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 and of Skyfall.

Geographical notes

Glencoe in winter

The area around Glencoe is famous for its landscape where you can admire some of the most spectacular mountains in the UK. The valley is U-shaped and like many others in the region it was formed following the last ice age. It is about 16 km long and the valley floor is less than 700 meters wide, with towering mountains rising abruptly from the valley floor to heights of about 900 meters.

Loch Leven, in the adjacent area, is a saltwater lake connected to Loch Linnhe, a sea lake.


It was also the place of the historian Glencoe massacre which took place on February 13, 1692, one of the bloodiest episodes of the revolution that at the end of the seventeenth century would have led to the parliamentary monarchy in UK. When William III replaced James II on the English throne in 1689, he offered peace, on condition that they swore allegiance by a certain date, to the rebellious Scottish clans who remained loyal to them. The leader of the MacDonalds objected, but came into submission on the last day. Some procedural disputes ensued and his opponents wanted to teach him a lesson, even though he was allowed to take the oath. Previously, on the way home from the battle of Dunkeld, the MacLains of Glencoe, a sect of the MacDonald Clan, along with their relatives from Glengarry, plundered Robert Campbell's lands of Glenlyon. Eventually he was forced to take a military commission. Robert Campbell and his men were accommodated in Glencoe and accepted the traditional warm MacDonald hospitality. At one point during their stay, Captain Campbell was ordered to "put everyone under 70 to fire and sword." Thirty-eight men were killed, and forty women and children were frozen to death after the village was burned. Some of the officers refused to follow orders and broke their swords in protest.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map of the area

Other destinations

Some of the other villages worth visiting in the Glencoe area:

  • Ballachulish - With an old slate quarry.
  • Kinlochleven - On West Highland Way with the Aluminum Story visitor center and a new ice climbing wall. This is a good starting point for walks in the south Mamores.

How to get

View of the Glencoe area

By car

Drive along the A82 and you will cross it. Glencoe is approximately a 2 hour drive from Inverness, the main city of Scottish Highlands, and is about 30 minutes from Fort William, near the Ben Nevis.

By bus

Local buses operated by Stagecoach range from Fort William is Kinlochleven in Glencoe Village. Bus Citylink from Glasgow (ed Edinburgh during the summer season) in Fort William, Kyle of Lochalsh is Skye they pass through the valley itself and stop at Glencoe Village several times a day. In addition, the Citylink means that run between Oban and Fort William stop at Ballachulish several times a day.

How to get around

This is an area for hikers, so you can walk around the valley.

By car

Those wishing to reach more distant places independently, the best way is a rental car to be taken, however, in one of the larger cities such as Edinburgh or Glasgow.

With guided tours

A large number of tourists visit the area by coach from Edinburgh or Glasgow. In many cases, Glencoe and Loch Ness are part of a single tour. Listed below are some of the tour operators.

What see

  • 1 Glencoe Museum, Main Street PH49 4HS (In the village). Ecb copyright.svg. Simple icon time.svgApril-October Tue-Sat 10: 00-16: 30.
  • 2 National Trust Visitor Center. The new National Trust Visitor Center provides an explanation of Glencoe's geology and history, as well as an explanation of the National Trust's work.

What to do

The best way to experience Glencoe is to walk. Recommended walks include:

  • The lost valley: a walk in a hidden valley (2 hours round trip).
  • Buchaille Etive Mor: This is the great mountain that you see upon entering Glencoe from Rannoch Moor.

For the more experienced:

  • The Aonach Eagach ridge is regarded as the most thrilling climb of the UK continental. Across the Glen are the three sisters of Glencoe and above them Stob Coire am Lochan is Bideann nam Bean. There are numerous walks on this side, but be cautious and get advice from a guide rather than invent your own route. Bideann was the scene of several incidents.
  • Glencoe is also a great place for rock climbing. Don't forget that rock climbing is a potentially dangerous activity and it is essential to be well equipped. Tips and maps are available at the Glencoe Visitor Center.
  • The National Trust for Scotland organizes various events, such as Wildlife Walk £ 10, Spring Wildflower Walk £ 5, Storytelling Walk £ 2, Massacre Land Rover Safari £ 15, workshops, film festivals and so on in and around Glencoe periodically. Check out what's in program.
  • Glencoe Outdoor Center, Carnoch House, Glencoe Village, Argyll PH49 4HS, 44 1855 811350, fax: 44 1855 811644, @. Ecb copyright.svg99.88 / 235 £ / person based on arrival on Monday at lunchtime and departure on Friday at lunchtime, includes full board accommodation, provision of equipment for activities and lessons. The quotation will be made individually for groups of adults and families. Simple icon time.svgFrom January to November. Outdoor activity center. Activities (depending on the season) include skiing, hill walking, climbing and rappelling, archery, orienteering, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, canoeing and team-building exercises. From a half-day session of didactic activity to a week of multi-activity course or longer. Good dormitory style accommodation for groups of up to 35 people. For those who prefer more luxurious accommodation, they can arrange rooms in local hotels and offer some courses on a non-residential basis.

At the table

  • Clachaig Inn (2 miles from Glencoe Village). Climber's Bar inside with live music, beers and of course a large collection of whiskeys.
  • Kingshouse Hotel (At the other end of the valley on the West Highland Way).

Tourist infrastructure


In spring and summer it is highly recommended to have an insect repellent to keep away the "midge ", of the annoying midges typical of Scotland.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Glencoe (Scotland)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Glencoe (Scotland)
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