Al-Dakhiliyya governorate - Governatorato di al-Dakhiliyya

Al-Dakhiliyya governorate
Al-Dakhiliyya Governorate - Location

Al-Dakhiliyya governorate is a region ofOman.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • unescoBahla - This interesting city is home to a large fort which is part of the Unesco list, but also has a great tradition in the production of ceramics.
  • Al Hamra - Located right at the base of the mountains, this city is famous for a number of Yemeni-style mud brick buildings, some of which are among the oldest houses in Oman. They are located in an older part of the city and overlook the newer city; in recent years many of the older houses have been abandoned as the inhabitants have chosen to move to more modern buildings.
  • Misfah al Abriyyin - Town perched on the mountains with a traditional old town, made up of narrow streets and splendid views
  • Nizwa - Ancient capital of Oman, it is the second most visited city after Muscat and is a good starting point for day trips to the mountains or to the nearby wadi.
  • Tanuf - Village with a clay castle and a nearby water bottling plant.

Other destinations

  • 1 unescoḤajar Mountains - Magnificent mountain range of considerable interest are the fortresses scattered in the area of ​​the mountains and the sites UNESCO of Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn. The mountainous area affects the north of the governorate.

How to get

How to get around

What see

Al Hoota cave
  • 1 Al Hoota cave (كَهْف ٱلْهُوْتَه, Kahf Al-Hūtah, Al Hutah, Al Hotta, Al Fallah, Al Falahi), Al Hoota Cave Rd (exit highway 21 towards Al Hamra), 968 24 498258 (reservation required), @. Ecb copyright.svgRO 7 / 3.5 (tourists / children 6-12), RO 3.5 / 1 (Omani adults / children 6-12), free (children under 6) (Nov 2019). Simple icon time.svgSat-Thu 09: 00-13: 00, 14: 00-18: 00; Fri 09: 00-12: 00, 14: 00-18: 00. A 2.7km long cave network with a large chamber of stalactites and stalagmites, as well as an 800m long lake, which is home to a species of blind fish. There's also an on-site geological museum, as well as a café and gift shop. Al Hoota Cave (Q2636101) on Wikidata


What to do

At the table


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