Het Gooi - Het Gooi

The Gooi (Dutch Het Gooi) is in the region Gooi en Vechtstreek in the southeast of the province North Holland. Historically, the Gooi or Gooiland is the area lying on the higher sand ridges: the municipalities Naarden, Huizen, Bussum, Blaricum, Laren and Hilversum and the village of Muiderberg (in the former municipality Muiden). Only the village of 's-Graveland was added later. The highest point in the Gooi is the Table Mountain between Blaricum and Huizen at 36.40 m.


Town hall of Hilversum, the largest and most famous town in the Gooi

Other goals


The high Gooi with its sandy bottom is one of the longest inhabited areas in the Netherlands: prehistoric burial mounds and finds from the Hilversum culture are evidence of this. Ceramics found in the vicinity of Hilversum, especially in burial mounds, indicate a culture from the early and middle Bronze Age (1800 - 1200 BC). The hallmarks of the Hilversum culture are simple, barrel-shaped urns with thick vessel walls. They are usually decorated with finger and nail prints on the edge, combined with cord prints.

Water collected in the lower places and became watering places for the cattle. The villages Hilversum, Laren, Blaricum and Bussum were created from such watering places. The sandy soils, poor in nutrients, only allowed sheep to be kept, which led to wool processing.

Until about 1300 the Gooi was under the name Nardincklant (Land of Naarden) known. From 968 to 1806 it belonged to the imperial abbey of Hoch Elten, a noble women's monastery.

Until 1300 the Gooi remained largely undeveloped; there were only small farming communities who shared the land and forests. After 1300 the so-called erfgooiers, a brand organization unique in the Netherlands, which managed a common right of use of the floors. This was only abolished in 1972.

From around 1500 the sand of the Gooi was used for the city expansion of Amsterdam. Canals were dug for this purpose ('s Graveland, Naarden, Bussum). This reached a high point in the 17th century. The resulting canal system supported the economic development of the Gooi, among other things by offering regular towing services. An important channel was the still existing 's Gravelandschevaart.

In the 19th century the Gooi was popular with artists: picture by Co Breman (ca.1900)

From the middle of the 19th century the Gooi cast a spell over parts of the bourgeoisie who liked to settle in untouched nature. The villages of Laren and Blaricum became artist colonies. This led to an expansion of the steam tram lines with Amsterdam, which made further settlement of the Gooi possible.

In 1918 the Nederlandsche Seintoestellen Fabriek, the most important radio manufacturer in the country, in Hilversum. From the radio station founded in 1923 Hilversumsche Draadlooze Omroep developed the nationwide Algemene Vereniging Radio Omroep (AVRO) and as a result, this centrally located village became the focal point of Dutch broadcasting.

Since many radio and television announcers came from or lived in the Gooi, the local accent became something of a standard in national broadcasting. This is particularly noticeable Gooise 'r'which sounds more like the English 'r' instead of the tongue-tip 'r' common in most Dutch dialects. While some Dutch people in other parts of the country also copy this pronunciation because it appears elegant or "cool" to them, others reject it as blasé.

Due to the local media industry and the widespread affluence, there are numerous clichés about the Gooi and its residents. This is the proverbial "Gooise Mattress ”can be traced back to the supposed promiscuity among the media and rumors that some roles or jobs are given in exchange for sexual favors. The "Gooic Vrouw“According to the cliché, he has a man from the media industry or works in it himself, lives in a chic suburb, drives an expensive SUV and mainly deals with fashion and beauty care. The series broadcast in 2005-09 played a key role in spreading this cliché Gooic Vrouwen by and with Linda de Mol (a kind of Dutch version of Sex and the City or Desperate Housewives) at.


The original dialect of the Gooi has almost disappeared due to the settlement from surrounding regions, today practically accent-free standard Dutch is spoken here. A regional peculiarity, that Gooise 'r', however, thanks to Hilversum's important position in the Dutch radio and television world, it has got a certain entry into the standard Dutch language (see above).

getting there

By train

When arriving from West and South Germany with the ICE, the journey goes to Utrecht Centraal, there in one stop clean in the direction Hilversum change. The stations are located on this route in the Gooi Hilversum Sports Park, Hilversum, Hilversum North, Bussum-Zuid and Naarden-Bussum.

When traveling from northern and eastern Germany with the Intercity Berlin - Hanover - Rheine, the journey goes up to Hilversum, there switch to a sprinter to Amsterdam. The local transport stations are located on this route in the Gooi Hilversum North, Bussum-Zuid and Naarden-Bussum.

In the street

From Northern Germany, Het Gooi is via the BAB30 from Osnabrück Direction Rheine - Bad Bentheim (border). From there, the A1 leads in the direction of Amersfoort - Amsterdam. At the cross Eemnes crosses the A27. The next exit (33) in the direction Utrecht leads to the ring Hilversum.

From West and South Germany the BAB3 leads over the border crossing Elten on the A12 direction Arnhem - Utrecht. At the cross Bezels shortly before Utrecht it goes on the A27 in the direction Hilversum - Almere. The next exit (33) in the direction Utrecht leads to the ring Hilversum.

By boat

Hilversum is connected to the Vecht via the Hilversums Kanaal. This branches off at the bulge De Nes south of Nederhorst the mountain from the river.

Hilversum has two marinas at the end of the canal in the Nieuwe Haven:

  • Jachthaven van Iske Gooi & Eem CV, Tel: 035 6210503.
  • Hilversumse W.V. De Sporthaven (by the Wildschut pavilion), Tel: 035 6284917.



The Gooi is from the railroad tracks Amsterdam - Utrecht and Amsterdam - Hilversum - Amersfoort opened up. The train stations are on the route to Utrecht Naarden-Bussum, Bussum Zuid, Hilversum North, Hilversum and Hilversum Sports park.

By bus

The center of Hilversum is connected to the region by a dense bus network. The buses are run by society Connexxion operated.

  • 1, 2, 3, 103 and 104 are city buses within Hilversum.
  • 58 from Hilversum NS to Zeist, bus station via Hollandsche Rading, Maartensdijk, Bilthoven and De Bilt (Sun and Mon-Sat after 7 p.m. only to Maartensdijk). The bus runs Mon-Sun every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves Hilversum NS at 11.36 p.m., Maartensdijk at 00.16 a.m.
  • 59 from Hilversum NS to Zeist, bus station via Lage Vuursche, Den Dolder, Bosch en Duin and Huis ter Heide. The bus runs mo-sa every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves at 6:35 p.m. from Hilversum NS, 5:49 p.m. from Zeist.
  • 70 from Hilversum NS to Amersfoort NS via Lage Vuursche, Baarn and Soest. The bus runs every 30 minutes from Monday to Friday until 7pm, then every 60 minutes; sat until 6 p.m. every 30 minutes, then every 60 minutes; so every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves at 12:29 a.m. from Hilversum NS, 00:15 a.m. from Amersfoort.
  • 100 from Hilversum NS to Huizen, bus station via Blaricum. The bus runs Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. every 15 minutes, then every 30 minutes; Sat until 6.30 p.m. every 15 minutes, then every 30 minutes; so every 30 minutes. The last bus leaves at 01.07 a.m. from Hilversum NS, 00.54 a.m. from Huizen.
  • 105 from Hilversum NS to Naarden-Bussum NS via 's-Graveland, Hilversumsche Meent and Bussum. The bus runs every 30 minutes from Monday to 8 pm, then every 60 minutes; so every 30 minutes until 6 p.m., then every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves at 11.27 p.m. from Hilversum NS, 11.57 p.m. from Bussum.
  • 106 from Hilversum NS to Weesp NS via 's-Graveland, Kortenhoef, Horstermeer and Nederhorst den Berg. The bus runs Mon-Sun every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves at 11.35 p.m. from Hilversum NS, 11.16 p.m. from Weesp.
  • 107 from Hilversum NS to Huizen, bus station via Bussum and Naarden. The bus runs every 30 minutes from Mon-Sat until 6.30 p.m., then every 60 minutes; so every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves at 10:41 pm from Hilversum NS, 10:55 pm from Huizen.
  • 108 from Hilversum NS to Huizen, bus station via Laren and Blaricum. The bus runs every 30 minutes from Monday to 7 pm, then every 60 minutes; so every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves at 00:04 am from Hilversum NS, 11:33 pm from Huizen.
  • 109 from Hilversum NS to Naarden-Bussum station via Eemnes, Laren and Blaricum. The bus runs every 30 minutes from Monday to Friday until 9.30 p.m., then every 60 minutes; every 30 minutes until 8 p.m., then every 60 minutes; every 30 minutes until 7 p.m., then every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves at 11.46 p.m. from Hilversum NS, 11.53 p.m. from Bussum.
  • 121 from Hilversum NS to Mijdrecht, Kogger via Nieuw-Loosdrecht, Oud-Loosdrecht, Koenen aan de Vecht, Loenersloot, Vinkeveen and Wilnis. The bus runs mo-sa every 60 minutes every 30 minutes, then every 60 minutes. The last bus leaves Mon-Fri at 4.48 p.m., Sat at 5.16 p.m. from Hilversum NS, Mon-Fri 6.48 p.m., Sat 4.20 p.m. from Mijdrecht.
  • 156 from Hilversum NS to Almere Centrum NS via Blaricum and Almere Hout. The bus runs Mon-Fri every 30 minutes. The last bus leaves at 7:22 p.m. from Hilversum NS, 6:15 p.m. from Almere Centrum NS.

Tourist Attractions

Fortress town Naarden
Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid
  • Prehistoric burial mounds
  • Dead paths leading to St. Janskerkhof (cemetery) in Laren to lead
  • The only Eschdörfer (counterpart to the German Angerdorf) in the province of Noord-Holland with recognizable Brinken: Laren and Blaricum
  • The fortress Naarden with their fortress museum
  • The old fishing port and center of the village Huizen
  • The northern part of the Hollandse Waterlinie
  • Hilversum: City of architecture, radio and television studios
  • Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (Institute for Image and Sound) in Hilversum, museum and archive of the Dutch radio and television
  • That from buitenplaatsen embossed area around ’S gravel land
  • The National Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug - northern part


Hiking trail in Goois Natuurreservaat, south of Hilversum

Originally the Gooi was covered with forest and the open areas with heather; Much of it is still preserved (Spanderswoud, Westerheide, Bussumerheide, Zuiderheide, Blaricummerheide, Table mountain heather, Franse Kampheide, Hoorneboegse Heide). Today these are all protected natural areas, mostly from the foundation Goois Natuurreservaat managed. Also the national association Natural monuments is headquartered in 's-Graveland. The nature of the Gooi has a great attraction for local recreation, especially for nearby Amsterdam. In addition to around 20 riding stables, the Gooi also has the oldest nature reserve in the country, the Naardermeer with its unique colony of black cormorants (phalacrocorax nigra).

The Loosdrecht Lake District (Loosdrechtse Plassen) form a striking contrast to the heather and forest. However, the pressure exerted by local recreation is very high here, so that there is little space for natural development.

  • Zanderij Crailoo natural bridge: This green bridge of the Goois Natuurreservaat extends between Bussum and Hilversum. Construction began in December 2002 and was completed in 2006. This largest natural bridge in the world cost € 14.75 million. It is an 800 m long and at the narrowest points 50 m wide connection between the Spanderswoud and the Bussumerheide. With the help of a dike and two bridges, the Naarderweg, the Hilversum-Bussum railway line, the NS premises and the Craillo sports park were spanned. The natural bridge also offers space for a bike path and a walkway.





For the Gooi that is Police region Gooi- en Vechtstreek responsible. The hoofdbureau van politie (Police headquarters) is in Hilversum, Groest 69.

More guards are in

  • Huizen (districtsbureau), Graaf Wichman 1;
  • Naarden, Amersfoortsestraatweg 12;
  • Laren, Groene Gerritsweg 2B;
  • Loosdrecht, Nieuw Loosdrechtsedijk 2;
  • Muiden, Het Anker 2;
  • Weesp, Hoogstraat 70.

The offices can be reached via the central number 0900-8844.


  • Tergooiziekenhuizen Hospital with two locations in Gooi:
    • Locatie Hilversum Van Riebeeckweg 212, 1213 XZ Hilversum; Tel: 035-6887777.
    • Locatie Blaricum Rijksstraatweg 1, 1261 AN Blaricum, Tel: 035-5391111.
    • General Practitioner Gooi- en Vechtstreek on the grounds of the Tergooiziekenhuizen Locatie Blaricum. Tel. For urgent family doctor help in the evenings, at night and on the weekends: 0900-9359 (€ 0.10 / min.)
    • Service pharmacy (next to the family doctor's practice) Opening hours: Mon-Sun 00-24 h.


Web links

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