Lébény - Lébény

Lébény (Leiden)
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Lébény (Eng. Leyden) is a town in the county Győr-Moson-Sopron, about halfway between Mosonmagyaróvár and Győr. The small town has had city rights since 2013 and is widely known for the Romanesque St. Jacob's Basilica, a former fortified church. It is located on the M 1 Budapest - Vienna motorway and has its own motorway exit. Lébény is a stop on the Hungarian Way of St. James, which begins at kilometer 0 in Budapest and arrives at the basilica via Győr (German Raab) at kilometer 200. It leads via Slovakia to Austria, where it connects to the Camino de Santiago, which runs through all of Europe. Lébény is connected to a wide network of cycle paths. Lébény is located in the Hanság nature reserve, only about 30 kilometers near the Austrian border and similarly close to Bratislava, Slovakia.


getting there

By plane

By train

1 Lébény-Mosonszentmiklós train station (approx. 2 km northeast of the town center): regional trains between Mosonmagyaróvár and Gyor stop here. For long-distance traffic you can change at one of the two train stations. From Vienna (Central Station) you can travel with one of the hourly regional express trains to Győr without having to change trains, whereby you can buy a Euregio ticket (Vienna-Győr and return from 15 euros, return trip valid for three days, travel time approx. 90 min.)

By bus

In the street

M1 Budapest-Vienna motorway: Exit 142 Lébény Ásványráró - approx. 1.5 km northeast of the town center.


Map of Lébény

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Szent Jakab Templom, Damjanich utca, right in the center of the village. St. Jacob's Church, Romanesque cathedral, built from 1208, one of the most important medieval architectural monuments in Hungary.








Practical advice


Similar monumental church buildings from medieval Hungary can be found in Ják (at Szombathely), Ócsa (southeast of Budapest), Nyírbátor (approx. 40 km east of Nyíregyháza), Galații Bistriței (at Bistrița, Romania) and Mălâncrav (near Sighișoara, Romania).


Web links

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