Black Sea - Marea Neagră

Black Sea is the expanse of water in the geomorphological basin called the Pontic, one of the basins of the Tethysian tectonic complex, itself part of the Alpine-Himalayan orogeny, which includes the mountains that border it to the north (in Crimea), the northeast (Caucasus) and south (Pontic chains). It is located between Europe and Asia, having as riparian states Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. Through Cherci Strait It's about Sea of ​​Azov, through Bosphorus of The Marmara Sea, and through the Dardanelles Strait of Aegean Sea and so of Mediteraneean Sea. The Black Sea is, from a hydrological point of view, a remnant of the Sarmatian Sea and has a number of unique aspects in the world: brackish water (on average 16-18 grams of salt per liter compared to 34-37 in other seas and oceans) , stratification between oxygenated and deep anoxic surface waters (a phenomenon called eugenics), estuaries at river mouths, flora and fauna with many species-relics. In the area of ​​the Romanian coast, the salinity decreases even more, usually being between 7 and 12 per thousand.

The Black Sea covers an area of ​​423,488 km². The deepest point is at 2211 m below sea level near Yalta. The tides are generally small (about 12 cm).





Coastal cities

The most important 20 cities from the Black Sea coast:

Other destinations

Get in

By plane

By car

With train




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