Masera - Masera

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Masera (Mascìra in local dialect) is a municipality in the region Piedmont.

To know

When to go

All the year. Snowfalls are not uncommon in winter. In summer, temperatures can reach 35 degrees.


The first historical mentions of Masera date back to documents of the 10th century and precisely in an exchange parchment of June 970 in which we read that the Bishop of Novara Aupaldo gave the priest Dododei of the place of Vogogna (capital fief of the Lower Ossola) a plot of land located “in loco et feudo Maxerie”, another mention is made in 994 in a sales document. In the twelfth century Masera was part of the Novara territory that belonged to Count Guido di Biandrate, as shown in a confirmation diploma of Emperor Frederick I of 1152; after the peace of Constance, Masera, with the Lower Ossola, came to form a jurisdiction that took the name of "Vicariatus Ossolae". In a document of 1278 there is the first mention of the parish church.

How to orient yourself

From the numerous hamlets emerge villas and rural houses of considerable value which are evidence of the wealth and good taste of the Ossola bourgeoisie of the past and of Ossola emigrants who returned to enjoy the fruit of their enterprising activities; some are still in an excellent state of conservation and are currently in use, while others are waiting to be restored to their former glory such as the “Villa Caselli” built in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Hamlets: Carale, Casa Benvenuta, Casa del Secco, Cresta, Melezzo, Menogno, Ronco, Rivoria, Rogna, Veriago (including Ariola, Merro, Piazza, Quartavolo, Rancaldina) and numerous other uninhabited hamlets.

How to get

Railway station

By plane

The international airport of Milan Malpensa is about 95 km away. You can reach the city of first Domodossola using direct bus services or the Milan-Domodossola railway line and then reach Masera by car, bus or train.

By car

To reach Masera, starting outside the province of Verbania, you have to pass on the E62 (A7) motorway towards Gravellona Toce-Sempione, go through the SS33 towards Sempione and take the Masera exit.

On the train

It is possible to take the Vigezzina railway line with departure from Domodossola and destination Locarno. The first stop, starting from Domodossola, will be the Masera station. Starting from Locarno, Masera station will be the penultimate stop.

There are no connections with medium-large Italian cities. However it is possible to reach Domodossola from Milan, Novara, Venice and then use the Vigezzina line.

By bus

Comazzi buses can be used from the city of Domodossola. Departure, every two hours starting at 8:00 am, is located at the bus stop near the Domodossola railway station.

How to get around

By public transport

It is possible to use the buses of the line Comazzi, available every two hours. The main stop is located in front of the headquarters of the Municipality of Masera.

By taxi

There are no taxi services within the municipality of Masera.

By car

Getting around by car is very simple. There are numerous parking lots.

What see

  • 1 Oratory of Sant'Abbondio. located at the entrance to Masera from the entrance to the Vigezzo Valley. It was built on a rocky spur and is characteristic for its recently restored 11th century Romanesque bell tower.
  • 2 Parish church of San Martino. not far from the oratory of Sant'Abbondio. In Lombard Gothic style with three naves, it was built in 1883 on the area of ​​the ancient church of pure Lombard style of the eleventh century.
  • 3 Villa Caselli, Via Rivoria / Rivoria hamlet (Via Rivoria, on the road to Veriago or Frazione Rivoria, on the road to the Divin Porcello restaurant).
  • 4 Alpe Pescia. Typical Ossola Alps with private huts, fountains, picnic area with benches and tables. Ideal for a half day excursion.

Events and parties

  • Grape festival, Via Paolo Ferraris (At the sports facilities of Masera. Take via Paolo Ferraris near the church of Masera.). Simple icon time.svgThu-Mon 18: 00-24: 00. Every year, the second week of September, the Grape Festival takes place, with its numerous attractions of a cultural, entertainment and food and wine nature. All days represent moments of great aggregation both for popular games and for gastronomic specialties. On Sunday there is a large folk parade in which the folk group "i bakan" from Masera, the Banda Musicale and folk groups from all over Piedmont and neighboring Switzerland participate; the parade is also composed of allegorical floats, set up by the fractionists who compete every year for the "Palio delle Frazioni". The Grape Festival was born in the 1920s as a propitiatory feast for the grape harvest, today it is organized and the entire Maserese citizenship and the numerous associations of the town work there.

What to do

  • Jogging. Jogging or walking at the sports facilities, the Melezzo river, or at the Casa Benvenuta hamlet.
  • Sport fishing, Lake of Onzo (Continue past the hamlet of Ranco).

How to have fun

  • Tati Cafe, Via Provinciale, 28 (Near the headquarters of the Municipality of Masera), 39 0324 232876.
  • Old Post Bar, Provincial road (Near the headquarters of the Municipality of Masera).

Where to eat

Average prices

  • Bunch of grapes, Via Provinciale, 65, 39 0324 232875. Simple icon time.svg9:00-23.30.
  • The Divin Porcello Typical Restaurant, Cresta hamlet, 11, 39 0324 35035. Ecb copyright.svg30-45€. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 11: 30-01: 00. Characteristic place located in a historic hut. The typical dish of this restaurant is the Lauscera: a red-hot soapstone is served with which the customer can grill the veal produced by the local butcher.
  • Trattoria Vigezzina, SS337, 56 (The restaurant is part of the municipality of Trontano but is closer to the center of Masera than that of Trontano. So don't be fooled: to reach the restaurant you have to go to Masera.), 39 0324 232874. Ecb copyright.svg30-45€. Simple icon time.svg12:00-22:00.

Where stay

Average prices

  • Brencio house, Casa Brencio hamlet 8, 39 3402784898. Ecb copyright.svg90 €. Check in: 16:00, check-out: 10:00.
  • Casa Tomà B&B, Via Menogno, 5,, 39 0324 35839. Ecb copyright.svg45-75 €. Check in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00.

How to keep in touch

Post office

There is a post office near the headquarters of the municipality of Masera.


There is excellent telephone coverage of mobile networks.


Good coverage for 2G and 3G mobile connections.


The neighboring municipalities are: Crevoladossola, Domodossola, Druogno, Montecrestese, Santa Maria Maggiore, Trontano.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Masera
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Masera
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