Constance (Germany) - Costanza (Germania)

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Constance (Germany) - Coat of arms
Constance (Germany) - Flag
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Constance, in GermanKonstanz is a city of Germany on the lake of the same name.

To know

Geographical notes

Constance is the southernmost city in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg and the largest of the German cities on Lake Constance (Bodensee in German). At the point where the city rises, the Rhine river (the largest and most important German river) originates from the lake and continues northwards, forming the natural border. frank-GermanThe other peculiarity of Constance is that it is located directly on the Swiss border, marked by the nearby city of Kreuzlingen. Its new part extends on the German side of the lake, while its old town is located on the Swiss side. Its border position in a breathtaking natural landscape is what makes Constance a unique city in the German landscape, with its own dialect (not to be confused with Swabian, spoken in every other corner of the region), its own tradition and a strong mix of German and Swiss elements.

The same Zurich, as well as the capital of the federal state, Stuttgart they are easily accessible both by train and by bus.

When to go

Old town with the cathedral

The best time to visit Costanza is certainly the period between late spring and early summer, when the fog no longer prevents you from enjoying the beauties of the city and the nature surrounding the lake and because in this period it is easy to organize small excursions to the nearby Mainau Island, home to an immense and magnificent floral park.

However, even the winter months will not disappoint the visitor who will be able, for example in February, to enjoy the ancient and sumptuous carnival of Constance, an event deeply felt by the population since the Middle Ages. During the days leading up to Lent, the city officially belongs to the Narren (the crazy ones) and its streets are colored with lively and bizarre demonstrations, parades and events.


The foundation of the city is due to the Roman emperor Constantius Cloro who threw it in the 4th century AD. the foundations of modern Constance. A century later Constance was promoted to a diocesan see and in a very short time it became the largest and most important diocese in southern Germany, competing with Bremen, the largest spiritual center in Northern Germany.For four years, from 1414 to 1418, Constance hosted a famous council of bishops, which went down in history as Council of Constance. During the council, with a rather tormented development, the reigning pope (Gregory XII) was forced to resign and the Czech reformer Jan Hus, rector of the University of Prague and founder of the Hussite heresy was sentenced to death and burned in the same city. Beyond these tragic events, the election of Martin V as pope is due to the Council of Constance, a decision that marked the end of the forty-year division of the Church catholic between popes and antipopes.

How to orient yourself

View from the Duomo

The city develops along the two banks of the Rhine which, after having thrown itself on Lake Constance, continues its journey.

The ferry port is located on the northern outskirts, not far from Maunau Island. While the old town and the station develop to the south, beyond the Rhine.

How to get

By plane

The closest airports are those of:

  • Friedrichshafen, just over an hour by train from Constance (with change at Radolfzell am Bodensee).
  • Zurich, the main airport of the Switzerland.
  • Stuttgart, 2 hours by car and 2.5 to 3 hours by train.
  • Basel, about 2 hours by car. By train, 2 hours from Constance to Basel Bad Bahnhof, then around 45 minutes by tram or regular bus to the airport.

By car

From Germany

For those coming from Germany it is very easy to reach Costanza; just follow the A81 motorway until Singen and then continue for a few kilometers on the Singen-Konstanz expressway. In the outskirts of Constance the highway ends to give way to country roads, however well asphalted and full of road signs. Especially in the summer months and during the holidays these streets can be incredibly busy.

From Switzerland

Even for those coming from Switzerland (and therefore also for those starting from Italy) the journey to Constance does not present particular difficulties: The Swiss A7 motorway leads directly to the German border and therefore near Constance. As soon as you leave the A7 you will be approximately 1-2 km from the historic center of Constanta.

However, as it is easy to imagine, the proximity of such a large road artery as the A7 directly behind the historic center often causes endless queues. A wise solution would be to leave the car in the large Swiss car park in Kreuzlingen, near the ice hockey stadium and from there continue by public transport, which is frequent, reliable and also quite cheap. From Kreuzlingen to Konstanz it will only take you 10 minutes by bus.

On boat

The port of Constance
  • 1 Port of Constance (Near the station of Constance). From here you can take the catamaran for Friedrichshafen from 06:00 to 19:00, taking about an hour.
Another company called the Bodensee Schifffahrt runs several services on the Lake Constance, which can take longer, but include more cities.
  • 2 Ferry port (This port is located a few kilometers from the city center.). THE ferries (people and cars) from Constance to Allmansdorf is Meersburg they travel several times an hour every day and once an hour during the night. The crossing of the lake takes an average of 10-15 minutes and allows you to enjoy - in the absence of fog - a magnificent view of the Swiss mountains and the Austrian border.
Besides Meersburg is Friedrichshafen, ferries to and from Constanta go to Überlingen (1.5h), Lindau in Bavaria (2h) e Bregenz in Vorarlberg, in Austria (4h). The timetable is quite complicated and not all departures include all stops.
From the port it is then possible to reach the old city every 20 minutes using line 1 of the city bus service (Stadtwerke).

On the train

Constance station
  • 3 Railway station (Bahnhof Konstanz). Konstanz central station is located near the lakeside harbor. The trains departing from Karlsruhe and cross the Black Forest. Regional and interregional trains coming from the station stop at the station Switzerland (Biel is Zurich), very frequent throughout the day. Constance Station on Wikipedia Constance station (Q438791) on Wikidata

By bus

Reference point for interregional and international bus traffic is the 4 Square am Döbele (Döbeleplatz). Almost all buses from major European cities arrive here and of course the square itself is a meeting point for buses leaving the city.

By bike

On the Swiss border, not far from Kreuzlingen, passes the Rhein-Radweg, one of the main German cycle paths which, starting from Switzerland, follows the course of the Rhine.

Another possibility is the Rheintal-Weg which extends north from Constance via Radolfzell.

How to get around

Unfortunately, the historic center of Konstanz has very few parking and parking spaces. Parking prices are therefore quite high (up to € 7 for 5 hours). For this reason, most of the inhabitants and tourists travel by bike or public transport.

The historic center can be easily explored on foot; easily accessible from both the port and the station (also reachable on foot or by bus), it contains most of the historical and cultural attractions of Constanta.

By public transport

A bus from Constance

All city buses head to a single terminal, the aforementioned station in Piazza am Döbele. From here buses leave for the historic center and those for the suburbs.

The main bus lines can be summarized as follows:

  • 1: to and from the port (Fähre)
  • 4: to and from the island of Mainau;
  • 5: to and from Bodensee-Therme / Hörnle;
  • 9: with terminus at the University of Constance;
  • 908: to and from the Swiss border, connects Constance to the cities of Kreuzlingen is Landschlacht.

Up this site A good map of the bus service in Constance is available.

By bike

In the city there is a bike sharing service that can be activated upon registration with the app or at the website. The prices are competitive compared to renting a bike at a shop as the maximum price for a day can reach € 7 against about € 15.

What see

The cathedral of Constance
  • 1 Constance Cathedral (Konstanzer Münster). Ecb copyright.svg€ 2, reduced € 1, free for children under 14. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 10: 00-17: 30, Sun 12: 00-18: 00. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Cathedral dominates the historic center of the city. Its towers can be visited and offer the visitor the challenge of 193 steps each. The church complex was designed and built starting in 1089, while the towers are additions from the Gothic period and date from the 14th-16th centuries. The crowning of the towers is the most recent architectural element and was built during the 19th century.
This cathedral is not only important for architectural or aesthetic reasons, but also for historical reasons. It was inside it that the Council of Constance took place in the 15th century and right under its vault that Jan Hus was sentenced to death. Konstanz Cathedral on Wikipedia Constance cathedral (Q427812) on Wikidata
  • 2 Church of Santo Stefano (Stephanskirche), Sankt-Stephans-Platz 12 (in the historic center).
  • Roman camp (Römerkastell) (a few steps from the cathedral).
  • 3 city ​​Hall (Rathaus), Kanzleistraße 13/15. The building is immediately recognizable because compared to others it has a painted facade with representations that recall the Council of Constance.
  • 4 Market Square (Obermarkt). The large market square was, during the Middle Ages, the seat of the city court.
  • Surrounding towers. In particular, two of these deserve to be seen closely: the Rheintorturm and the Schnetztor.
  • 5 Murals of the council of Constance (At the north underpass of the Rhine bridge). In this mural the important historical event for the city is remembered.


Imperia statue
Detail of the naked pope ruled by Imperia
  • 6 Imperia, Hafenstraße. Over time, the statue of Imperia has become a symbol of Constance. It was installed in 1993 by the artist Peter Lenk on the city pier. The statue represents, in a highly provocative way, the council of 1414. A woman, half-naked both near the breasts and the pubis, represents the "Belle Imperia" of Balzac's novel. In the novel, Balzac criticized the corruption of the clergy and the aristocracy. In Lenk's work, the imperial seductress holds the pope and the emperor in both hands, both deformed and naked, and therefore ridiculed. Imperia (statue) on Wikipedia Imperia (Q449017) on Wikidata
  • 7 Lenk Fountain (Lenkbrunnen), Untere Laube. This fountain is also the work of Peter Lenk; around the fountain many provocative figures are sculpted, typical of Lenk's style.
  • Husenstein. The Stone of Hus, in memory of the heretic Jan Hus burned here by decision of the council, is placed in the exact place where Jan Hus was burned.
  • Commemorative plaque to Johann George Elser (Johann Georg Elser Gedenktafel). This plaque, actually quite hidden from the eyes of tourists, recalls the attack on Hitler by JG Elser, active in Constance between 1925 and 1932, and his consequent arrest by the SS and deported to the camp of concentration of Dachau where he died in 1945.

Cultural institutions

  • 8 University of Konstanz (Universität Konstanz), Universitätsstraße 10, 49 7531 880. The University of Konstanz, although very young (it was founded in 1966), has always been ranked among the top German universities and among the top 30 European universities. This makes Constance a very popular city for students from all over Europe and the world, who give Constance its youthful and cheerful character and its international atmosphere, despite the centuries-old and important historical tradition. Particular is also the architecture of the university buildings, all built according to - then - the most modern techniques with concrete, glass, metal and wood. Some buildings almost show some really nice architectural games.
  • 9 Cultural center (Kulturzentrum der Stadt), Wessenbergstraße 43, 49 7537 900900. The building houses a library, an art gallery and the Wessenberg Gallery
  • InternetseiteKulturzentrum K9.
  • Kulturladen Konstanz.


  • 10 Regional Archaeological Museum (Archäologisches Landesmuseum), Benediktinerplatz 5 (in the Petershausen district on line 1 from the harbor to the center), 49 7531 98040. Ecb copyright.svg€ 6 full price, € 2 audio guide. A nice three-story museum with archaeological finds and reconstructions from the Lake Constance area. From prehistoric to medieval finds.
It is advisable to take the audio guides to understand something of the museum since in addition to the captions, the brochures are also in German.


  • 13 Lakeside (Seepromenade), Seestraße. This scenic boulevard, surrounded by a park overlooking the lake, starts from Petershauser near the old Rhine Bridge. On the way you can see some beautiful villas and some attractive (and excellent) restaurants.


Chinese style bus stop
  • 14 Bismark Tower (Bismarckturm) (Raitebergweg 45). The tower can be climbed and offers a magnificent view over the city; at the entrance there is a very bizarre exhibition on Bismark, including the "cutlets" eaten by Bismark.
Murals of Constanza
  • Bus stops in Bismarksteig and Königsbau.
  • Chinese style bus stop.
  • 15 Italian murals of Constance (In the underpass along Marktstätte). This mural bitterly makes fun of the bad habits of Italians and is very particular for this reason.
  • 16 Murals of the council of Constance (Bridge underpass on Seestraße). Inside the underpass there is a beautiful mural that recalls the historical event with the representation of the Pope and the powers of the time recalled to the city.

Events and parties

  • Carnival, in the historic center. Simple icon time.svgduring the days before Lent. These days the city belongs to the "madmen" and the city streets are colored by many bizarre events, mixing Christian and pagan traditions.
  • International Bodensee Week (In the port and surroundings). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgIn May. This festival is all about boats and includes nautical exhibitions, regattas and water ski shows and competitions.
  • LGBT parade. Ecb copyright.svg14€. Simple icon time.svgend of June.
  • Wine festival (St. Stephan's Platz, in the old town). Simple icon time.svgend of July. Cheerful city festival in which good wine and good music are the main ingredients.
  • Lake Festival (Seenachtfest), all along the lakeshore in Konstanz. Ecb copyright.svg12 € (adults), children up to 12 years enter for free. Simple icon time.svgmid-August. One day party where water shows, musical performances, good music and good wine combine perfectly creating a magnificent and lively atmosphere. At the end of the evening a particular fireworks display takes place on the lake.
  • Rock on the lake (Rock am See), Bodensee Stadion (stadium) (the east-most point of Konstanz (on bus route 5)). Ecb copyright.svgabout 60 €. Simple icon time.svgThe end of August. One-day rock festival, on average at the end of August, during which you can listen to local and international artists performing to the rhythm of rock throughout the day.
  • Oktoberfest. Simple icon time.svg11:00-24:00. Much smaller in relation to Munich's more famous festival, Oktoberfest is an unmissable South German tradition. The advantage over Munich is the much cheaper cost of the beers for sale. For the rest, between tastings, concerts and theatrical performances, fun is guaranteed.
  • Christmas markets (harbor and old town main market (Marktstätte)). As in every German city, even in Constance for about four weeks before Christmas, the streets of the historic center and the main square are decorated for the festivities and filled with dozens of small and large stands where you can buy many strange or everyday objects. daily. A great source for gift ideas and a great place to enjoy typical Wurstel while sipping hot Glühwein.
  • Campus festival. Every year, on the first weekend of June, a music festival is organized at the North car park of the University of Constance, where numerous bands from Germany alternate, whose sound is mainly electronic.
  • Eurokonstantia. Eurokonstantia is a tournament organized by the University of Constance, which sees teams from all over Europe challenge each other in various sports during the 3 days of competition. The tournament is surrounded by numerous food and wine stands and musical entertainment with themed evenings.

What to do

  • 1 Old Town (Historische Altstadt). A stroll through the narrow streets of the center of Konstanz will give you an overview of the medieval architecture of the city. There are still many buildings that have stood the test of time and have stood majestically since the 12th century.
  • Bathing in Hörnle. the Hörnle is the furthest point of the lake within the Constance area. Here there is a public beach complete with a nudist stretch. Entry is free even if a parking ticket is required, unless you arrive here by bus (line 5).
  • Boat excursion. You can buy tickets on board or at the port. In about 15 minutes the ferry will take you from one side of the lake to the other. To take advantage of it, especially in summer, when the good weather guarantees a magnificent view of the region bordering the 3 states (Austria, Germany and Switzerland).
  • Visit to the wellness center - thermal baths (Bodensee Therme), Zur Therme 2 (Bus 5 to the Therme stop. By car, follow the directions for Therme). Ecb copyright.svgfrom € 7 per hour (pool only) or € 20 per day including swimming pool and sauna. Simple icon time.svg09:00-22:00.
  • Tour of the historic center. A tour of the historic center will take you to explore the Niederburg, which is the old medieval-style part where the Münster is also located. In a couple of hours you will be able to easily visit the historic center and the port area, where the statue of Imperia dominates.Website:
The "Arenenberg" boat cruising on the Rhine


  • LAGO shopping center. The LAGO shopping center is the largest on Lake Constance and is within walking distance of the station and the city's port. Here you will find over 70 shops, bars and restaurants and the Cinestar cinema. The opening hours are 9: 30-20: 00, from Monday to Saturday. The shopping center has a large car park.
  • Markstätte. In and around Markstätte you will find a large number of clothing, home and personal products shops (eg in Müller and Dm), bars and restaurants.

How to have fun


Night clubs

In the historic center there are numerous bars and pubs where you can comfortably enjoy a good beer. Among all, they deserve a visit:

  • Heimat.
  • Klimperkasten.
  • Logan's. Irish pub

To continue the evening there are:

  • Shotz. Vast choice of shots with the most bizarre names.
  • P-Club.
  • Rockbar.

If you love bars with a very quiet and relaxed atmosphere, where there is also the possibility of smoking inside:

  • Destille, Sternenplatz.
  • 107.

For those who love to dance, there are numerous discos and night clubs in the area called "Industriegebiet", just outside the center. Some examples are:

  • Berry's. Ecb copyright.svgFree admission on Mondays before 11pm for university students.
  • Alteschachtel.
  • Gray.
  • Kantine.
  • Kula.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Hollys, Reichenaustraße 19a, 49 7531 1273116. It offers an international menu at rather moderate prices.
  • Defne. Turkish restaurant offering a wide choice of dishes at reasonable prices.
  • Eiscafe Imperia (In front of the port a few steps from the statue of Imperia). Ice cream shop.
  • Pampanin, Zähringerplatz. There you can find a wide choice of ice cream cups at rather low prices.
  • 2 Holsteins Backhaus, Rosgartenstraße 24, 49 7531 29719. A baker with seating and bar service with a wide choice.
  • 3 Pano Bread & Coffee, Marktstätte 6, 49 7531 3652555.

Average prices

  • Wirtshaus (On the banks of the Rhine). Regional cuisine. It has a terrace from which you can enjoy a splendid view.
  • Barbarossa (In the historic center). Regional cuisine.
  • TURM. Regional cuisine. The specialties are cutlets (Schnitzel) and cordon bleu, which can be found in different sizes.
  • Mamma Mia. Worth a visit if you want to enjoy a great pizza. The staff is nice and the atmosphere welcoming.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • Halm Hotel (In front of the station). Its restaurant has a beautiful Moroccan-style room and on the menu you can find delicious dishes of Moroccan cuisine.
  • Hotel Gästehaus Centro (In the historic center). Check in: from 15 to 22, check-out: until 11 a.m.. 3-star hotel with breakfast included, centrally located.
  • Barbarossa hotels (In the historic center).
  • Graf Zeppelin Hotel (In the historic center).


How to keep in touch


  • Singen (Hohentwiel) - With its magnificent medieval ruins.
  • Schaffhausen - Where the great Rhine river originates.
  • Meersburg - The small but picturesque village on the shore opposite Constance.
  • Friedrichshafen - The largest city on the lake after Constance, can be reached by catamaran, train or bus.
  • Reichenau Island - It can be reached comfortably by train or by bicycle. This small island is a UNESCO heritage site, thanks to the presence in the hinterland of the abbey of the same name, the cathedral and the two churches of San Giorgio and Santi Pietro e Paolo. By the lake, where you can walk or organize a picnic, you can enjoy a splendid view, especially at sunset.
  • Mainau Island - North of Constance, it is home to one of the most beautiful flower parks in Germany. In summer, when most of the flowers have blossomed, the park is an integral part of any tourist itinerary and therefore always very crowded.

From Costanza passes the Bodensee-Radweg, a famous cycle path that allows you to discover all the towns and villages around Lake Constance by bike. If you are a cycling lover, this is a possibility that you just can't miss.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Constance (Germany)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Constance (Germany)
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).