Matrice (Italy) - Matrice (Italia)

Matrice-Montagano-San Giovanni in Galdo station
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Map of Italy
Institutional website

Matrix is a center of the Molise.

To know

Geographical notes

OnMolise Apennines, is 11 km from Campobasso, 36 from Bojano, 42 from Larino, 44 from Trivento, 62 from Isernia and 72 from Termoli.


The area where the matrix stands was affected by settlements of the Samnites, who have left traces of themselves especially in the surroundings of Santa Maria della Strada, near Colle Melaino. Here stood an agglomeration of rural houses called Vicenne. Not far away another nucleus was called Casale.

In 1456 an earthquake destroyed the two centers; the surviving inhabitants gathered in the Castello district, where they created a new town.

The precarious living conditions and the total lack of education dragged on until after the Unification. Also in these areas the phenomenon of banditry appeared, which led to further disasters for the lower social classes.

Emigration became the only viable way to seek an improvement in life. The phenomenon lasted until after the Second World War.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the towns of Contrada Abbazia, Contrada Piano Casale I, Contrada Scalo Ferroviario.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg A14 Adriatica motorway towards Pescara, exit at Termoli, follow the direction Campobasso/Larino, follow signs for Campobasso along the SS 647 and the SS 87 (state road Bifernina).
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg Autostrada del Sole A1
  • from the north exit at San Vittore, direction Campobasso, reach the SS 17 following the sign Campobasso, continue on the SS 647, continue on the SS 87 (Bifernina state road) and follow signs for Matrice.
  • from the south continue on the A16 motorway, follow the direction Benevento, in Benevento continue on the SS 88, exit at Campobasso, take the SS 87 (state road Bifernina) in the direction of Campobasso/Isernia, continue on the SS 17 always in the direction of Campobasso, continue on the SS 87, go through Campobasso and follow the signs for Matrice.
  • From Campobasso take the State Road 87 towards Termoli.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon It has a railway station on its territory, called "Matrice-Montagano-San Giovanni in Galdo" because it is at the service of these three countries.

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Santa Maria della Strada. Simple icon time.svgInv. Mon-Sun 9: 00-13: 00/15: 00-17: 00. Est. Mon-Sun 9: 00-13: 00/15: 00-20: 00.. Built in the 12th century and recognized as a national monument in 1889, the church represents one of the best examples of Italian Romanesque architecture. It is located on an isolated hill in the countryside north of the town of Matrice, near a sheep track (hence the name probably given to the building). The main portal is framed by a crushed pseudo-porch. Above this, and slightly receding with respect to the facade, is the rose window consisting of a central hole from which small pillars with capitals branch off, interspersed with twelve holes, perhaps symbolizing the twelve apostles. It is flanked by two oxen protruding into the void, a symbol of strength and patience in the work of evangelization, and is surmounted by an eagle on a small shelf, resting with its claws on three human heads, probably signifying Christ who carries souls to heaven and the resurrection of the soul.
The church also stands out for its external sculptural representations, a synthesis of biblical narratives and complex theological symbologies. The bell tower, placed in front of the building, is made of square blocks of nummulite limestone. Internally the columns that divide the three naves are affected by Arab and Byzantine influences. Along the left aisle, there is a valuable fourteenth-century sarcophagus carved in travertine and which consists of three sections weighing on four low columns with capitals with fringed leaves and bases made up of large dice or grinding lions.
  • 2 Parish church of San Silvestro abate. It is believed that it was founded in 1246, the date reported on a stone located in a corner of the bell tower. Reduced to precarious conditions, it was restored and reopened for worship around 1870. A fire ruined it in 1891; on that occasion the bones of Sant'Urbano, patron saint of Matrice, were also victims of the fire.
Completely remodeled by the renovations, the church no longer retains anything valuable of the ancient structure.
  • 3 Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova. Located in the center of the town, it has been remodeled several times. The last intervention dates back to 1948, when the two side altars were eliminated, leaving only the central one. There is no certain information on the epoch of the primitive foundation.
  • 4 Permanent nativity scene. It is located in Villa di Penta, in the house of religious of the community of the "Sons of Merciful Love", and it is an artistic nativity scene that is always set up.

Events and parties

  • Marathon of the two Sanctuaries. Simple icon time.svgin May. Foot race between Faifoli and Santa Maria della Strada
  • Feast of the Madonna della Strada. Simple icon time.svgThird Sunday of May.
  • Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Simple icon time.svgJune 13. Large bonfires are lit in some corners of the town and people pray and chat around them until late. The gang accompanies the begging that is made house by house; various kinds of food are collected and sold at auction to obtain the funds for the feast of the saint.
  • Feast of the Madonna del Carmine. Simple icon time.svghalf July. It is traditionally organized by a committee of contractors and construction operators.
  • Mid-August Matriciano. It includes the Feast of the Assumption and the Ham Festival.
  • Feast of St. Pio of Pietrelcina. Simple icon time.svgin September. It is held at the same time as the "Cavatiell e custatelli" festival.
  • Feast of San Michele Arcangelo. Simple icon time.svgin September. with the music review "Matrice Rock".

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Boccon Divino - bar osteria, Via Scalo FF.SS., 16, 39 334 8450110. Simple icon time.svg07:00-02:00. Local cured meats and cheeses, traditional local dishes accompanied by a great variety of wines.
  • 2 La Quiete di Re Bove - refreshment point, Contrada Colle Melaino (in Santa Maria della Strada), 39 387 596750, 39 3331 762411, 39 339 2105268. Simple icon time.svgMay-Sep. 3

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch


  • Campobasso - The old city develops on a hill around the castle in a dominant position. The modern city has developed in the plan. It is the most populous center of Molise, of which it is the regional capital.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Matrice (Italy)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Matrice (Italy)
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