Mięćmierz - Mięćmierz

Mięćmierz, (often Tumbler) - village in Poland, in Lubelskie Voivodeship, in Puławy poviat located on the shore Vistula, 3 km southwest of downtown Kazimierz Dolny.


Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 18′29 ″ N, 21 ° 54′35 ″ E

A windmill on a slope in Męćmierz
Krowia Wyspa on the Vistula River in Męćmierz, ornithological reserve

The village is kept as an open-air museum, thanks to thatched old cottages, some of which have been moved here from other places.


Mięćmierz is an old rafting settlement, today a holiday village located on the Vistula River, 3 km from the center of Kazimierz Dolny, administratively part of it.

It is like a living open-air museum - many old cottages have been moved here from other places by new property owners - representatives of the intelligentsia, mainly from Of Warsaw and Lublin. Today, these houses, which would be at risk of annihilation elsewhere, are used as holiday homes. A windmill standing on a steep slope performs a similar function - a post, moved here from Bałtów wheel Pulaw.

Mięćmierz is indeed a magical settlement - a tiny village, in its center a well covered with a shingle roof with a well, hence the field roads divide into four directions of the world disappearing among the hedges shaded with trees. And silence all around.

Natural environment

In the vicinity there is Cow Island - a fauna reserve protecting the breeding sites of many bird species. They nest here, among others. lapwing, ringed plover, little ringed plover, white-headed gull, black-headed gull, common gull, the white-cheeked tern, common tern, oyster catcher. The name of the reserve comes from the fact that the island was formerly used as a pasture. The waterfowl reserve has recently been threatened by increasing water tourism and numerous motorboats.


In the very heart there is a well covered with shingles, and attention is drawn to a trestle windmill (koźlak) visible from the nearby mountain of Albrechka, moved here from Bałtów near Puławy.

The trestle windmill on the Vistula River belongs to the oldest and most numerous type of windmill in Poland. Its name comes from the trestle - a wooden structure supporting the building, which was rotated along with the wings, depending on the wind direction, around a vertical wooden pole, embedded in the trestle. A special drawbar protruded from the rear wall of the windmill, with the help of which the building was adjusted to the direction of the wind. The Koźlak had three storeys - the lower one, out of use, was occupied by a trestle, and on the two upper storeys, grain was ground into flour.

Today, the windmill facing the Vistula has a residential function and no one changes its position depending on the direction of the blowing wind.


Today, a tourist village, it used to be a rafting settlement, the inhabitants of which transported across the Vistula River to the opposite Janowiec. From Kazimierz you can get here along the banks of the Vistula River, over the Albrechtówka Mountain (entrance next to the quarries) or through Czerniawy and Słoneczna Streets. From Albrechtówka you can see the Vistula River gorge. You can get here by walking through the city forest. On the way, we pass the ruins of the still picturesque and imaginative villa of Szukalski from the beginning of the 20th century. We come to a hill called Albrechtówka, named after its former owner, Albrycht, where there is a viewpoint on the Vistula gorge. Hence the slope covered with a sparse one narrow-leaved oman with yellow flowers we go down - to the village of Męćmierz.

We can return to Kazimierz by the path on the bank of the Vistula River. A tunnel made of shrubs and trees will effectively shield the tourist from the scorching sun.

gallery Climates - art gallery and guest rooms, Męćmierz 5 invites you to artistic events of the highest rank and a stay at the home of creative work throughout the year.

Where next

Inhabited by about 1,000 inhabitants.

The buildings of Janowiec stretch along a narrow strip along the Vistula escarpment. The ruins of a castle from the beginning of the 16th century - the residences of the Firlej and Lubomirski families dominate the area.

The picturesque landscapes of the Lesser Poland Gorge of the Vistula, a rich cultural offer, many hiking and biking trails, and the proximity of the artists' favorite city - Kazimierz Dolny, attract tourists.

Geographical Coordinates