Mogoro - Mogoro

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Mogoro is a center of the Sardinia, in the province of Oristano.

To know

Geographical notes

Mogoro is located in the historical region of Marmilla and borders on Gonnostramatza, Masullas, Uras, San Nicolò d'Arcidano, Pabillonis (UP), Sardara (SU) e Collinas (UP).


The area was inhabited in the Nuragic and Roman times, due to the presence in the territory of some archaeological remains.

During the Middle Ages it belonged to the Giudicato of Arborea and was part of the Montargia curatoria, also known as Part Montis, of which it was also the capital after Gonnostramatza. The town of Bonorcili stood in the area in the Middle Ages, destroyed by the Barbary peoples before the 14th century due to its proximity to the sea. Some ruins remain of this town.

At the fall of the Giudicato (1420) it became part of the Marquisate of Oristano, and at the definitive defeat of the Arboresi (1478) it passed under the Aragonese dominion and was incorporated into the Incontrada di Parte Montis, becoming a fief of the Carroz counts of Quirra. In 1603 it was incorporated into the Marquisate of Quirra, a fiefdom first of the Centelles and then of the Osorio de la Cueva, from whom it was redeemed in 1839, with the suppression of the feudal system.

- the church of San Bernardino

How to orient yourself


How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Mogoro.

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and take the exit for Mogoro.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

On the train

The Uras-Mogoro station
  • 4 Uras-Mogoro station (Located in Uras). The station, located along the Cagliari-Golfo Aranci line, is at the service of the municipalities of Uras and Mogoro. Uras-Mogoro station on Wikipedia Uras-Mogoro station (Q20010067) on Wikidata

By bus

From Oristano it is possible to reach Mogoro with the ARST 410 line or from Cagliari with the ARST line 122.

How to get around

What see

- the church of the Carmine
- the church of Sant'Antioco


  • 1 Church of San Bernardino.
  • 2 Church of Sant'Antioco.
  • 3 Church of the Carmine. Chiesa del Carmine (Mogoro) on Wikipedia Chiesa del Carmine (Q30887812) on Wikidata
  • 4 Church of Santa Maria Cracaxia. Country church.
  • 5 Church of Sant'Ignazio (TO Morimenta).

Archaeological sites

The Su Gunventu nuraghe
The Cuccurada nuraghe

In the territory of Mogoro there are 27 nuraghi, of which 13 single-tower and 14 complexes; only the Cuccurada nuraghe, visible from the SS 131, has been excavated. The site is now open to the public and can be visited from April to October from Tuesday to Sunday.

In the territory of Mogoro there are the remains of the important ancient town of Bonorcili, seat of the homonymous curatoria of the Giudicato of Arborea; Mogoro was instead part of the curatoria of Parte Montis.

  • 6 Nuraghe Cuccurada, 39 328 1156539, @. Simple icon time.svg10 March-31 May and 1-9 October: Tue-Sun 10: 10-13: 00 and 15: 10-19: 00; 1 June-29 July and 4-30 September: Tue-Sun 10: 10-13: 00 and 15: 10-20: 00; 30 July-3 September: Mon-Sun 10: 10-13: 00 and 15: 10-20: 00; 10-31 October: Sat-Sun 10: 10-13: 00 and 15: 10-19: 00; November 1st-March 31st: by reservation only, min. 10 people. archaeological area of ​​Cuccurada (Q55678797) on Wikidata
  • 7 Nuraghe Su Gunventu.

Events and parties

  • 5 Artistic handicraft fair of Sardinia, Martyrs of Liberty Square, 39 0783 997034, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull: € 3.00; reduced: € 1.50 (children under 12 and adults over 65); cumulative ticket: € 5.00 (ticket to visit the archaeological site of Cuccurada as well as the fair). Simple icon time.svgFrom July or August until September. Local handicraft exhibition.

What to do


How to have fun


Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Kingstone, Via Antonio Gramsci 200, 39 348 0007283. Simple icon time.svgTue 6: 30-4: 00, Wed-Sun 7: 00-3: 00. Bar and grill.
  • 2 Ditto cafe, Piazza Sant'Antioco 8, 39 345 8142683. Bar and grill.
  • 3 Valerio's, Via Antonio Gramsci 85, 39 377 2870399. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 18: 00-24: 00. Pizzeria.
  • 4 F.lli Troncia, Via Virgilio 2, 39 348 7264718. Pizzeria.
  • 5 Beware of those 2, Via Antonio Gramsci 301, 39 389 9070530. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sat 17: 30-21: 30, Sun 9: 00-13: 00 and 17: 30-21: 30. Pizzeria, rotisserie, deli and rotisserie.
  • 6 Geap Villanovaforru Srl, Via Nuova 33, 39 0783 990745. Pizzeria.
  • 7 Ziu Ninnu, Via Nuova 22, 39 331 2932345. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 19: 00-24: 00. Pizzeria.

Average prices

  • 8 The Heron, Via Antonio Gramsci 26, 39 389 8299900. Simple icon time.svgFri-Wed 19: 00-24: 00. Restaurant Pizzeria.
  • 9 By Egisto Orrù, SS 131, km 62,500, 39 0783 997021. Simple icon time.svgTue-Thu 12: 30-15: 15, Fri-Sat 12: 30-15: 15 and 20: 00-22: 00, Sun 12: 00-15: 15. Restaurant.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • 4 About Entu, Manghilla locality, 39 339 4350053. Farmhouse.


Useful numbers

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 8 Post Office, Via Giosuè Carducci 16, 39 0783 990501, fax: 39 0783 990506. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Mogoro
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Mogoro
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