Montagano - Montagano

Abbey of Santa Maria di Faifoli in Montagano
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Montagano is a center of the Molise.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located in theMolise Apennines of the Central Molise; is 13 km from Campobasso, 37 from Bojano, 46 from Trivento, 47 from Larino.


Its name probably derives from "montis" plus "aganòs" which in ancient Greek literally means "beautiful mountain". The origin of the village dates back to the year 1039, when the princes of Benevento Pandolfo and Landolfo proclaim through a document known as the "Montaganese Parchment", the independence of the municipality and its recognition as a free village.

The predominant activity is certainly agriculture, flanked by livestock. Of particular importance is the production of excellent quality tomatoes, as well as Moscato wine obtained from an ancient vine called "moscatello". The artisan production of cured meats and hams is also very widespread, but also of cheeses, especially made with sheep's milk. Most of the population is represented by elderly people over 65. The inhabitants of Montagano are pleasantly "famous" for their dialect advertised by the theater company "li m'brenguli" with its comedies in the vernacular.

The town also has historical importance due to the fact that Pope Peter Celestino V studied and took vows (around 1230) at the abbey of Santa Maria di Faifoli, an ancient monastery dating back to the 12th century and located in Faifoli, about three kilometers outside the town. Achille Pistilli, a musician of the seventeenth century, was also born in Montagano, from which the town's band association takes its name. In 1996 the municipality signed a friendship pact with the Belgian town of Huy, which welcomes numerous emigrants of Montaganese origin who moved to Belgium starting from the early years of the twentieth century, in search of fortune.

Near the town are the archaeological excavations of Fagifulae. The name of the abbey of Santa Maria di Faifoli seems, in the word Faifoli, to be similar to Fagifulae.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg A14 Adriatic motorway towards Pescara go out to Termoli, follow the direction Campobasso/Larino, follow the signs for Campobasso along the SS 647 and the SS 87 (state road Bifernina), reach the SP 73A1DIR in the direction of Montagano.
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg A1 Autostrada del Sole:
  • from the north exit at San Vittore, follow direction Campobasso, reach the SS 17 following the Campobasso sign, continue on the SS 87 (Bifernina state road) towards Termoli, continue to the Montagano junction (SP 73A1DIR).
  • from the south exit at Caianello, turn in the direction of Benevento, continue for Campobasso and then for Termoli, continue on the SS 647 until the junction of Montagano (SP 73A1DIR).
  • From Campobasso take the state road 87 towards Termoli, turn onto the SP 73A1DIR in the direction of Montagano.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Matrice-Montagano-S.Giovanni in Galdo station (located in the municipality of Matrix, only 5.5 km from Montagano).
  • Campobasso station (about 13 km away).

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • Feudal castle. In the 12th century it was built as a control center of the countryside and was fortified by Frederick of Aragon in 1456. After the earthquake of 1805 it was restored and today it has the shape of an elegant building.
It is located on a hill in the Collerotond hamlet, perched on a rocky spur.
  • Janigro marquis palace. As a castle in the historic center, the palace was sold to the Janigro family in 1700. A tower is still visible, which has become a noble floor with hanging gardens towards the inner courtyard, commissioned by Costantino Janigro.
  • Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Faifoli. In the area of ​​the Samnite center of Fagifulae, which later became a Roman municipality, a Benedictine community was born in the Middle Ages from which the Abbey of Santa Maria di Faifula developed.
The first historical sources on the abbey date back to 1134. In 1230 it welcomed for the first time Pietro Angelerio, future Pope Celestino V, who later returned to Faifoli in 1276 as abbot, called by the archbishop of Benevento Capoferro to resolve the dispute with Simone Santangelo, feudal lord of Montagano. Charles I of Anjou with a letter dated 27 September 1278 asked the executioner of Terra di Lavoro to stop the abuses of the feudal lord of Montagano, but, given the ineffectiveness of the recall, the abbot transferred the monks to the monastery of San Giovanni in Piano , At Apricena.
Since then a phase of progressive decline began. The abbey remained Benedictine until 1808, when the order was suppressed by the French. The last monks who owned the abbey belonged to the Celestini congregation of Benevento, who were replaced by private individuals until the church was sold to the municipality of Montagano on February 28, 1998.
The church remains of the abbey, characterized by a gabled facade with a Gothic portal with pointed arches, above which there is first a small niche and then a semicircular window. : An inscription engraved on the left capital traces the portal back to 1263.
The interior has three naves, with the central double width compared to the side ones. On the six square pillars, which divide the naves and support round arches, there are two tombstones commemorating the restoration work commissioned by Cardinal Orsini.
The church preserves a wooden statue of the Madonna, called dell 'Incoronata, with the Virgin sitting on a tree trunk in place of the usual throne. Another important work is a painting of 1705 of the Virgin with the Child in her arms.
  • Fagifulae archaeological site. The site is located near the Biferno and the excavations of Larinum, Terventum is Saepinum; correspond to today's locality of Santa Maria a Faifoli in the municipality of Montagano.
Fagifulae, mentioned by the historian Livio in the narratives of the Second Punic War (214 BC) after the defeat of Canne, is described by Pliny in his Naturalis Historia as a Roman municipium.
The excavations show a very limited archaeological area ranging from protohistory to the Middle Ages, but the most important finds are mosaic floors and opus spicatum and apsidal building not well identified in its structure (whether it is a shop or an inhabited building or a other).
The limits of its extension are unknown.
The medieval church of the Abbey of Santa Maria di Faifoli was built at the site by reusing some elements of Roman temples.

Events and parties

  • Feast of the Parchment. The festival traces the history of the town, celebrating the parchment of 1039 which testifies to its foundation. The town comes alive with figures who revive the aspects of the ancient life of the village.
  • Let's get enchanted. Food and wine party.
  • Montaganese tomato festival. The party aims to make the product known tomato both natural and transformed.
  • Patronal festival of Sant'Alessandro. Simple icon time.svgJuly 9-10.
  • Feast of Sant'Antonio Antonio. Simple icon time.svgin June.
  • Feast of Santa Maria di Faifoli. Simple icon time.svglast Sunday of April.

What to do


The traditional craft activities, although not as widespread as in the past, have not completely disappeared: there are still artisans who are dedicated to woodworking with carving and mosaics

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 1 Montagano, Corso Umberto I, 14, 39 0874 451550. tel:

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Campobasso - The old city develops on a hill around the castle in a dominant position. The modern city has developed in the plan. It is the most populous center of Molise, of which it is the regional capital.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Montagano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Montagano
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