Muccia - Muccia

Muccia - foreshortening
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Travel Notice!ATTENTION:THE earthquakes that on 24 August, 26 and 30 October 2016 they hit the area of ​​central Italy and caused damage or collapses to many buildings. After the last devastating earthquake, the town of Muccia was evacuated.

Muccia is a center of Marche.

To know

It stands in a beautiful position at the junction of the Val Clementina with the Val di Chienti.

Geographical notes

On the Marche Apennines of Macerata, Muccia is 10 km from changing room, 42 from Fabriano, 36 from Foligno and 49 from Macerata.


Its position, at the point where two Apennine valleys meet, has always been a reason for the development of trade and has made Muccia a center of trade. In ancient times its economy was essentially based on the processing of cereals; it had a substantial number of mills that served a large district. It was part of the domains of the Varano family who expanded the existing castle, which was damaged after being sacked. Currently of castle of Jupiter no trace remains; the castle of Massaprofoglio instead has been renovated.

The name Muccia is linked by some to the legend of the Roman Muzio Scevola, but scholars tend to derive from Gens Mutia. The existence of the town in Roman times is in fact well documented by many archaeological finds which are preserved in the Museum of Ancona.

How to orient yourself


The towns of Col di Giove, Costafiore, Giove, Maddalena, Massaprofoglio, Rocchetta and Vallicchio are other inhabited centers of its municipal territory.

How to get

By car

Muccia stands at the intersection of the

  • state road 77 Val di ChientiFoligno - Civitanova Marche with the
  • provincial road 256 Muccese which connects it with the Val d'Esino.

How to get around

What see

Muccia - parish church
  • 1 Parish church of San Biagio. In the square of Muccia stands the parish church; it retains a beautiful bell tower which probably had defensive functions in the past. A wooden statue of the fifteenth century depicts San Sebastiano.
  • Prefoglio Castle (in Massaprofoglio). Built in the fifteenth century by the Varano dukes, today only a few ruins remain. It can be reached on foot, on a hill overlooking the Valle Sant'Angelo.
  • Church of Santa Maria Di Varano. The church built by the Varano in the sixteenth century has an octagonal plan and houses works by Andrea de Magistris.
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna in Col di Venti, 39 737 646214. It dates back to the seventeenth century, and its construction is linked to the legend according to which two German pilgrims, who wanted to bring the 14th century table of the Madonna and Child to Rome, were forced to stop in this place.
  • Massa Tower (Torraccia) (at Massaprofoglio). It dates back to the thirteenth century, and represents a ruin of the fortifications commissioned by the Varano. It is within walking distance. The round tower, in a dominant position over the Chienti Valley, was probably built on plants of ancient Lombard origin.
  • Villa La Maddalena, via La Maddalena. Cardinal Angelo Giori in the first half of the seventeenth century had a pre-existing building restructured and modified bringing it to the aspect and dimensions that can be seen today. The Villa is privately owned.
  • 2 Hermitage Beato Rizzerio (Hermitage Sanctuary Beato Rizzerio) (in Coda di Muccia), 39 0737 646527, 800 135599, fax: 39 0737 646527, @. Simple icon time.svgopen all the year. Blessed Rizzerio was a disciple of San Francesco; in this hermitage, built in 1970, his remains are preserved.

Events and parties

  • Patronal feast of San Biagio. Simple icon time.svgFebruary 3.
  • Triennial celebrations of the Madonna di Col de 'Venti. Simple icon time.svgFirst week of July.
  • Handmade Tagliatella Festival. Simple icon time.svgSecond Sunday in July.
  • At full speed. Simple icon time.svgIn mid-July.
  • Trout Festival. Simple icon time.svgFirst weekend of August.
  • Truffle Festival (Massaprofoglio hamlet). Simple icon time.svgSecond half of August.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 1 Moreni Pharmacy, piazza Barilatti 3, 39 0737 648727.
  • 2 Parapharmacy Moreni, Maddalena junction, 39 0737 648727.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 3 Italian post, Piazza Barilatti, 5, 39 0737 646338.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Muccia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Muccia
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).