Apuseni mountains - Munții Apuseni

Apuseni mountains
The component mountains of the Apuseni on the map of Romania

Apuseni mountains are a mountain range of Transylvania, part a Western Carpathians. They are bounded on the north by Barcău River, south of Mureș river, to the west by the Hills and the Western Plain, and to the east by the Hilly Depression of Transylvania. The Apuseni Mountains are characterized by a karst relief, with over 400 in the chain grotto and more keys.

For those less interested in nature there are cultural tourism opportunities in The Land of the Moths or industrial, such as the trains from Abrud and Brad or the Roman galleries from Roșia Montană.


Crisului Mountains

Șes-Meseș Mountains

The Bihor massif

Mureș Mountains


Tourist attractions

  • Avenul Borțig
  • Avenul Negru, Gemănata
  • Baths May 1
  • Bucium Sasa (Detunatele)
  • Bologa Fortress
  • The fortresses of Ponor
  • Cheile Turzii
  • Cheile Galbenei
  • Ordancușii Gorges
  • Vârciorog Waterfall
  • Circus. Someșului Cald
  • Circus. Yellow
  • Ciucea-Goga Museum
  • The eruption of Tăuz
  • Izbucul Cotețul Dobreștilor
  • Izbucul Galbenii
  • Izvorul Crișului
  • Lake Leșu
  • Dragan Lake
  • Lake of the Fountains
  • The Lost World
  • Padiş
  • Arieșeni slope
  • The Old Man's Cave
  • The cave of the Old Woman
  • Ciur Cave
  • Coiba Mare Cave
  • Happy Cave
  • Living Fire Cave
  • Magura Cave
  • Meziad Cave
  • Onceasa Cave
  • Scarisoara cave
  • The Gate of Ionele Cave
  • Bihor Gates Cave
  • Magura Cave
  • Coliboaia Cave
  • Ponor Fortress Cave
  • Șura Boghii Cave
  • Bears Cave
  • Vadu Crisului Cave
  • Vârtop Cave
  • The Wind Cave
  • Snow Cave
  • The caves in the Sighiștel Valley
  • Belariara Staircase Reservation (Posaga)
  • Scărişoara
  • Stâna de Vale
  • Stâna Varjuvar
  • The fair in Negreni
  • Valea Negrilesii (Glade with daffodils)



There are no airports in the Apuseni area, but within a short distance from them are the airports in Cluj(wiki) (CLJ) - to the east and Oradea(wiki) (OMR) - the west. A little further are the Arad airports(wiki) (ARW), Baia Mare(wiki) (BAY), Satu Mare(wiki) (SUJ), Târgu Mureș(wiki) (TGM) and Timisoara(wiki) (TSR).


The Apuseni area is covered by the CFR 300 highway (between Cluj and Oradea) and the related secondary lines (see complete list on Wikipedia). Like the entire Romanian railway network, this area is also characterized by poor quality services, low frequencies and low commercial speeds.

For the program and tickets, you can consult the operators' websites:

In addition to the normal gauge railway network, there are also certain narrow gauge lines (Mocănițe), at Brad-Crișcior and Abrud-Câmpeni (part of line 309), remnants of old industrial lines.


There are five national roads that run through the Apuseni Mountains:

The rest of the road network is composed of county and communal roads. The quality is strongly variable. Many roads to tourist attractions have been paved or rehabilitated with European funds, but the main roads have only been repaired, leaving many bumps that do not allow high speeds.



There are both old cottages and new ones, the prices differing depending on the stars.


From Apuseni you can easily reach: