Niedernhall - Niedernhall

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Niedernhall is a city in the Hohenloher level.


The districts of Giebelheide and Hermersberg belong to Niedernhall. The name Niedernhall goes back to a salt spring that was operated until the 19th century and then was no longer economical.

Niedernhall is on the Württemberg Wine Route and markets its wines under the name "Distelfink". This name goes back to an ancient occurrence: a mayor in the distant past had a tamed goldfinch. One day this bird seized the opportunity and flew out of the open cage. So that the bird could not escape from the city, the mayor quickly closed all city gates. People with such intellectual excellence are usually referred to as "Hamballe" in Hohenlohe.

getting there

By plane

By train

In the street

By bicycle

The Kocher-Jagst cycle path goes through Niedernhall.


Map of Niedernhall

Tourist Attractions

  • the listed old town with wall and defense towers with the 1 Säuturm and the 2 Salt Gate
  • the 3 Götzenhaus
  • the 4 St. Laurence
  • the 5 Hermersberg hunting lodge, privately owned
  • the historical wine press


Brine bath in Niedernhall
  • 1  Brine bath in Niedernhall, Brückenwiesenweg 29. Open: Mon 1 p.m. - 9 p.m., Tue-Fri 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sat, Sun, holidays 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.Price: Adult day ticket € 8.






Practical advice

  • Telephone code: 07940
  • Postal code: 74676



Web links

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