Hohenloher level - Hohenloher Ebene

The Hohenloher level is in the northeast of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Location map of Baden-Württemberg
Hohenloher level
Hohenloher level

Regions and places

The Hohenloher level is one of the gauze landscapes of Baden-Württemberg, whose fertile soils are used intensively for agriculture. This level is traversed by the Kochertal and Jagsttal. It extends from the northern edge of the Swabian-Franconian Forest in the south up to Building land and Tauberfranken in the North. in the west that forms Neckar Valley, in the east the Swiss franc amount the border.

  • Lying on the edge of the Swabian-Franconian Forest
    • 1 Bretzfeld in the valley of the Brettach
    • 2 Öhringen in the valley of the Ohrn, former residence of the Hohenlohe family
    • 3 Pfedelbach
    • 4 Neuenstein (Hohenlohe), the castle serves as Hohenloh's central archive
    • 5 Waldenburg (Württemberg), Silhouette of the city, seal museum
    • 6 Copper cell
  • Are in the Kochertal
    • 7 Forchtenberg, medieval old town
    • 8 Niedernhall
    • 9 Künzelsau, Castle, old and new town hall
    • 10 Ingelfingen with Count Castle and Hagdorn Muschelkalkmuseum
    • 11 Doubts
    • 12 Weissbach (Hohenlohe)
    • 13 Braunsbach with the imposing Kochertal bridge
    • 14 Schwäbisch Hall, the old salt boiler town on the Haller level
  • In the Jagsttal
    • 15 Schöntal with Schöntal Monastery
    • 16 Krautheim (Jagst), Castle and Johanniter Museum
    • 17 Dörzbach decorate 3 castles and in 2001 the gold medal of the state competition "Our village should be more beautiful"
    • 18 Mulfingen
    • 19 Langenburg with renaissance castle
    • 20 Kirchberg an der Jagst
    • 21 Crailsheim
    • 22 Ilshofen on the Autobahn, between Kocher and Jagst
    • 23 Gerabronn lies east of the Jagst on a plateau
  • To the northeast of it lie
    • 24 Niederstetten
    • 25 Schrozberg with the part location 26 Bartenstein and its small baroque residence
    • 27 Blue heroes
    • 28 Red on the lake
    • 29 Wallhausen (Württemberg)

Other goals

Map of Hohenloher Ebene


Hohenlohe is actually the name of a noble family. Even after this property was incorporated into the Kingdom of Württemberg in 1806, the name remained Hohenlohe received as a geographical term, and it means the entire area of ​​the former Principality of Hohenlohe, which also included parts of the Swabian-Franconian Forest and protruded into Bavaria.

In the area of ​​the Hohenlohe plain are the river valleys of Stove and Chasing dominant, the surroundings are mostly agricultural areas, the loess soil is quite fertile. Nevertheless, the region is quite sparsely populated. Over time, even smaller streams have buried themselves quite deeply in the shell limestone of the subsoil. Height differences of over 100 meters between the valley and the plateau are not uncommon. Therefore, one finds different growth conditions in a small space: in the warm valleys of Kocher and Jagst around 200 m above sea level. Viticulture is very possible on the altitude with sometimes over 400 m above sea level. NN this is not possible.


When the Principality of Hohenlohe was dissolved in 1806, a large part of the area became part of Württemberg. But that did not mean that the Hohenlohe family became Swabians. The Hohenlohe dialect is Franconian, not Swabian. However, it is not a uniform language; there are large regional differences. As is the case with many dialects, the extremely typical expressions are almost only known to the older generation, the younger ones try to speak at least High German, which then often sounds strongly regional, but is generally easy to understand.

As with the Franconians, the Hohenlohern Rabbits "Hoose", and the Pants become "House". The Must becomes "Mouschd", and when you say in some places that there is free beer, some start to bark: "Wou? Wou?". A special feature was the typical diminutive with "lich", as well as "Maidlich" for girl or "Hittlich" for Huts. More examples: off rain becomes "Reeche", from Now is the day becomes "ezz werds dooch". Then there are expressions that are relatively unknown in other regions, e.g. "anneweech" for anyway, anyway.

The "Hoeloer" music group Anneweech sings her songs in Hohenlohe dialect, there is also a small dictionary on her homepage. More examples can be found on the Wikipedia page Hohenlohisch.

getting there

In addition to the A6 motorway that crosses the Hohenlohe plain from Heilbronn to Nuremberg crossed, there are the federal highways B 14, B19 and B 290, which open up Hohenlohe. Due to the sparse settlement, local public transport is rather less dense, but via the Hohenlohebahn from Heilbronn to Crailsheim there are many sights on the southern edge of the Hohenlohe Plain to be reached. This stretch stands out up Öhringen by a very dense light rail cycle. Another railway line that should be mentioned is the Taubertal Railway from Crailsheim to Wertheim, with Blue heroes, Schrozberg, Niederstetten, Weikersheim and Bad Mergentheim also touched some places in or on the edge of the Hohenlohe plain.


Tourist Attractions

  • 1 Limes view Zweiflingen (stake chub) at the Roman watchtower WP 9/23. A road leads to the Limesblick
  • 2 Limes view Öhringen, only accessible on foot
  • 3 Limes view Pfedelbach, at the Roman watchtower 9/51, which had a hexagonal floor plan. Only accessible on foot.
  • 4 Kochertal BridgeKochertalbrücke in the encyclopedia WikipediaKochertalbrücke in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKochertalbrücke (Q315075) in the Wikidata database



Wine and must

The Hohenlohe Plain is not particularly well known as a wine-growing region. Wrongly, because the rivers Kocher, Jagst and Tauber have cut deep into the Hohenlohe plain, and excellent wines thrive on the steep slopes of the Keuperstufe and the Muschelkalks. The Württemberg Wine Route starts in Weikersheim, an ancestral home of the Hohenlohe family, and meanders through the valleys of Kocher and Jagst and reaches at Weinberg the wine-growing area of ​​the lower Neckar valley. Up on the Hohenlohe plain, the climatic conditions are more suitable for fruit growing, as the still existing orchards testify. The Hohenlohe farmers made apples and pears out of their Mouschd(Must), but also Liquor(Fruit brandy) made from apples, plums, sloes and pears. Numerous taverns invite you to try them.

Pastry specialties



A specialty Langenburg are the Wibele. This biscuit was delivered to the Hohenlohe Prince in 1763 by a master confectioner named Wibel. The taste of the visually quite simple pastry convinced the prince, he still wanted this one Wibele. Real Wibele come from the bakery of Cafe Bauer in Langenburg.



Where the name comes from is controversial. This yeast pastry was already available in a similar form in the Middle Ages, mostly only during Lent. In Crailsheim there is a nice legend about it. When the city was besieged in the winter of 1379/1380 and food became scarce, the women of the city came up with a ruse: they baked this lent pastry with their last flour and threw it over the city wall at their enemies. When the mayor's wife showed her fat behind to the enemies from the wall, they were convinced that the city could not be starved and moved away. The shape of the pastry is said to be reminiscent of the buxom mayor.





Web links

Hohenloher Land on Youtube with the dialect group Annaweech

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