Nuraghe Losa - Nuraghe Losa

Nuraghe Losa
View of the nuraghe
Institutional website

Nuraghe Losa is an archaeological site of the Sardinia.

To know

Interior of the nuraghe

Built entirely of basaltic rock, the Losa nuraghe consists of a central keep and a trefoil bastion in turn surrounded by a rampart.

The whole nuragic complex, including the village, is surrounded by a vaguely ellipsoidal wall of 172 x 268 m.

Geographical notes

The Losa nuraghe is located in the municipality of Abbasanta and is visible from the SS 131 Carlo Felice. It is located at 304 m a.s.l. on a plateau of basalt rock not far from the town of Abbasanta. Nearby there are also the remains of a tomb of the giants.


The keep dates back to the XV-XIII century BC, while the bastion, the wall and the walls date back to the XIII-end XII.

Already in the early Iron Age, the finds show a decrease in the number of people visiting the site, which however did not completely fall into disuse.

It was also used for funerary purposes as evidenced by the finds from the VII-VIII century.


The first excavations of the site were conducted by Leon Gouin in the 1880s and then by Filippo Vivanet, assisted by Filippo Nissardi, from 1890 and concerned the bastion.

In 1915, Antonio Taramelli conducted a new excavation campaign bringing to light new structures and the surrounding village. In the 1950s, Giovanni Lilliu examined the finds found in previous excavations.

In the 1970s Ferruccio Barreca carried out further excavations and restoration interventions, thus making the monument open to visitors.

From 1989 to 1994, further investigations were carried out on the keep and the bastion.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach the nuraghe Losa.

By car

  • From Cagliari, Oristano, Macomer, Sassari, Porto Torres is Alghero take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and exit at "Nuraghe Losa".
  • From Olbia is Nuoro take the SS 131 d.c.n. towards Abbasanta-Cagliari. Arrived at the junction with the SS 131 Carlo Felice, continue towards Cagliari and, after crossing the flyover that passes over the SS 131 Carlo Felice, after a curve to the right, turn left towards the Losa nuraghe.

On boat

From the ports of Porto Torres, Cagliari, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

Permits / Rates

  • The entrance fees are as follows: Full: € 5.00; groups (minimum 20 people): € 3.50; children from 6 to 13 years: € 2.50; free:

Children aged 0 to 5, disabled, ICOM members and MiBACT staff.

  • The site is open from 9am until one hour before sunset. During the summer the site is also open to night visits.

How to get around

Once you arrive at your destination, leave your car in the parking lot and continue on foot.

What see

  • 1 Nuraghe Losa.

What to do


Where to eat

Inside the site there is a refreshment point and a picnic area.

Where stay

  • 1 About Baione (2 km from Nuraghe Losa), 39 0785 564107. Check in: 14:00-22:00, check-out: By 10:00. Country hotel.


How to keep in touch

Useful information


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Nuraghe Losa
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Nuraghe Losa
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