Pattada - Pattada

Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Institutional website

Pattada is a center of the Sardinia, in the province of Sassari.

To know

Church of Santa Sabina
Church of the Rosary

Geographical notes

Pattada is located in the historical region of Monteacuto and borders on Well all, Buddusò, Bultei, Nughedu San Nicolò, Nule, Oschiri, Osidda (Nuoro) is Ozieri.


Of particular importance is the nuragic site, between Pattada and Buddusò, near which some objects belonging to the culture of Ozieri, a pre-Nuragic culture developed in Sardinia, have been brought to light. Furthermore, in the territory it is possible to observe some interesting tombs of the giants, funerary monuments of Nuragic origin.

During the medieval period, Pattada was part of the curatoria of Monte Acuto, in the Giudicato of Torres. Not far from the inhabited center there are the ruins of the castle of Olomene where an important coin storage room dating back to the Middle Ages was found, a period during which the castle was of considerable importance. At the fall of the Giudicato (1259) it was annexed for a certain time to the Giudicato of Arborea. When the island was conquered by the Catalan-Aragonese, around 1350, Pattada became a fief. It was part of the dioceses of Castro. In the 18th century it was incorporated into the duchy of Monte Acuto, under the lordship of the Tellez-Giron of Alcantara, from whom it was redeemed in 1839 with the suppression of the feudal system.

Heir to the medieval urban tradition, the town has a picturesque-looking historic center, characterized by cobbled alleys and streets overlooked by small Art Nouveau buildings and granite houses which, in some cases, still retain the typical wooden window frames . Next to the stone houses there are some buildings with sober neoclassical facades.

How to orient yourself



The districts of the town are:

  • Almutedu
  • Biddanoa (new country)
  • Binza 'e Cheja (church vineyard)
  • Carrucalza (name probably due to the fact that in the past it was a very popular place for wagons)
  • Crown
  • Cunventu (convent)
  • Fronte 'e Concas (facing the region called "Concas")
  • Funtan'altu (fountain above)
  • 'Ia manna - the main entrance to the village
  • Istria (witch)
  • Malchitu
  • Marmuradas
  • Mesu 'e Coltes (in the middle of the courts)
  • Pedra 'e Mola (millstone)
  • Loddero Bridge
  • Riu Toltu (crooked river)
  • Sa 'and don Caralu
  • Sa 'e Mazocu
  • Sa Funtana 'e Colveddu
  • Sa Garrera Longa (the long route)
  • Sant'Ainzu (San Gavino)
  • Santa Rughe (Santa Croce)
  • Santu Juanne (San Giovanni)
  • Sa Pala 'e Corona
  • Sa Piedade (mercy)
  • Sa Raga (the braga)
  • Sa 'Uca' and aidu
  • S'Ena
  • S'ena 'iterates
  • S'Enighedda (the venuzza - stream)
  • S'Ispideru Santu
  • S'Oltu 'and Malta
  • S'Oltu 'e s'iscrianu (the scribe's garden)
  • Sos Alinos
  • Sos Pirastros' and Itoro
  • Su Campusantu 'ezu (the old cemetery)
  • About Cucuru
  • On 'Eladolzu
  • Su Filigalzu - the area of ​​the Pineta
  • About Fossu
  • Su Fossu 'and Caddura
  • Su Galminu (Carmel)
  • On Gialdinu 'e Manca
  • On 'Iddizolu
  • Su Pebianu (composed of "pe" and "pianu": the flat foot)
  • Su Poju - sas Presones
  • Su Rualzu (roveto)
  • Su Sotziu (the meeting of the company)

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Pattada.

By car

  • Take the SS 129 Macomer-Nuoro, then, take the exit for Ozieri and take the SS 128 bis up to Pattada.
  • From the North-West instead take the SS 131 Carlo Felice, then take the exit for Mores, continue in the direction of the latter and take the SS 128 bis up to Pattada.
  • From Olbia take the SS 729, then exit at Ozieri. Once here, take the SS 128 bis towards Pattada in order to reach it.

On boat

From the ports of Porto Torres, Olbia- White Island, Golfo Aranci, Tortolì-Arbatax is Cagliari.

By bus

You can reach Pattada from Sassari with the ARST 761 line or from Ozieri is San Teodoro with the ARST 9213 line.

How to get around

What see

Church of San Gavino
Country church of San Nicola
Funtana 'e sa Piedade


  • 1 Church of Santa Sabina. Church of Santa Sabina (Pattada) on Wikipedia church of Santa Sabina (Q3674217) on Wikidata
  • 2 Church of the Madonna del Carmelo (Nostra Segnora 'is on Garminu).
  • 3 Church of the Rosary (Nostra Segnora 'and su Rosariu). Church of the Rosary (Pattada) on Wikipedia church of the Rosary (Q21183639) on Wikidata
  • 4 [Santu AinzuChurch of San Gavino]. Church of San Gavino (Pattada) on Wikipedia church of San Gavino (Q21183638) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Holy Spirit (S'Ispideru Santu).
  • 5 Church of San Giovanni (Santu Juanne). Church of San Giovanni (Pattada) on Wikipedia church of San Giovanni (Q21183640) on Wikidata
  • 6 Church of San Nicola (Santu Nigola). Country church. Church of San Nicola (Pattada) on Wikipedia church of San Nicola (Q21183636) on Wikidata
  • 7 Church of San Michele (Santu Miali). Country church.
  • Church of Santa Caterina. Country church ruins.


  • 8 Culter International Knife Museum, Via Vittorio Emanuele 64, Giagu-Deroma building, 39 079 755918, 39 348 6542753, 39 346 6627174. Ecb copyright.svgFull: € 4.00; reduced: € 2.00 (groups of at least 20 people, children aged 6 to 18 and adults over 65); free for disabled people, children under 6 and residents.. Simple icon time.svg1st April-30th September: Mon-Sat 9: 30-13: 00 and 16: 00-19: 30, Sun 16: 00-19: 30; 1st October-31st March: Mon-Sat 9: 30-13: 00 and 16: 00-18: 00, Sun 16: 00-18: 00. Exhibition of local handcrafted knives and handcrafted knives from other parts ofItaly and the world.

Civil architectures

  • Funtana 'and Colveddu.
  • Funtana 'e sa Piedade.
  • Funtana 'and Piatza (About Pebianu).
  • Drinking water depot in via Istria.
  • 9 Square on Pebianu.
  • 10 Monumental portal of the cemetery (It is located inside the cemetery).

Archaeological sites

Protonuraghi and nuraghi

  • About Anzu I.
  • About Anzu II.
  • Badde Sinara.
  • Bisellà.
  • Sa Cadrea.
  • Campus House.
  • Su Casteddu 'and Olomene.
  • Crabiles.
  • Sas Domos de sa Terra.
  • Donnigheddu.
  • Elvanosu.
  • Sas Giobadas.
  • Sa 'e Lambrone.
  • 11 Lerno. With a nuragic village and, nearby under the waters of Lake Lerno, a prehistoric village.
  • Liolco.
  • Lithu Pedrosu mannu.
  • Litu Pedrosu minor.
  • Malzanitu.
  • Mandrana.
  • Muzzone.
  • About Nelo.
  • Nennori.
  • Sa Niera.
  • 12 Norchetta.
  • Nuridolzu.
  • Olisè.
  • Ortusanu.
  • Otinera.
  • 13 Sant'Elia.
  • Sa Patada.
  • Sa Pedra 'e s'Abba.
  • Sa Pira.
  • Sa Punta 'e Bisellà.
  • Sa Puzonina.
  • Serra 'and Sorighes.
  • About Sauccu.

Prehistoric tombs

  • Norchetta. Allée couverte.
  • Sant'Elia. Tomb of the Giants.
  • Otinnera. Tombs of the giants.

Nuragic sacred sources

  • Sa Niera.

Megalithic walls

  • Lamparigos.
  • Sa Chidade.

Other sites

  • Roman road (North of the town in the localities of Sa Pedra Peltusa and Badu 'e Crasta). Roman road remains.

Events and parties

  • Sos fogos de Santu Juanne. Simple icon time.svgJune 23. The night before June 24 (day of St. John the Baptist), the boys of the village usually organize bonfires in various parts of the town. Alone or as a couple it is customary to jump them joyfully as a sign of good omen.
  • St. John Baptist. Simple icon time.svgJune 24. Immediately after the mass celebrated in the small church dedicated to the saint, the committee formed on the occasion of the day offers the population of Pattada a refreshment based on the typical sweets of the country.
  • Blessed Virgin of Carmel. Simple icon time.svgJuly 16. Every year a citizen undertakes the role of prior of the feast as a sign of thanks to the Virgin for some grace received and takes care of organizing the celebrations. On the afternoon of July 16, the day of the feast, he will be on horseback who, carrying "sa bandera" from the Madonna del Carmelo, will open the procession of the other knights with the other votive flags followed by the procession; the evening follows the banquet in the avenue below the pine forest with dishes based on sheep meat, potatoes, and good wine offered to everyone. The first Saturday of September of each year there is the passage of the flag of the Blessed Virgin of Carmel between the prior of the previous feast and the one who took the honor of organizing the next one (on July 16 of the following year).
  • Pattada knife exhibition (Biennial of the knife). Simple icon time.svgIn summer every two years.
  • Abbuconizos and Binu. Event to promote the cultural and culinary traditions of the country by designing a food and wine route through the streets of the historic center. The first edition saw the participation of about a thousand people who, in addition to tasting the typical dishes of the local tradition served in the historic cellars of the country, were able to visit the workshops of the artisans and the various production activities, discovering the most evocative aspects of entrepreneurship in Pattada.
  • Palio of Monte Acuto (At the Sololche gallop). Simple icon time.svgAt the end of July. Horse race reserved for Sardinian Anglo-Arab horses born and bred in Sardinia. The municipalities of Mount Acuto face each other in the race and are combined, by drawing lots, with a horse and a jockey who will compete in the ring of about 500 m of the track. Before the event there are other races reserved mainly for local jockeys.
  • Santa Sabina. Simple icon time.svgAugust 29. Patronal feast. The morning is dedicated to religious celebrations: the solemn mass is followed by the procession with the statue of the saint preceded by the parade of horses whose riders carry "sas banderas", traditional ex-voto from Pattada. The afternoon is the time for the folk parade in which many people from Pattadesi participate in traditional clothes, folk groups from other centers of Sardinia and horses from Pattada. The day ends in the square on Pebianu with the performance of folk groups and tenores. The days at the turn of 29 August are dedicated to civil celebrations enriched in recent years by the presence of exponents of music and entertainment such as Max Gazzè, Edoardo Bennato, Angelo Branduardi, Piero Marras, the Nomadi and the Tazenda, and comedy such as BAZ and the Tenorenis .
  • Palio of donkeys. Simple icon time.svgAt the end of August. The jockeys compete in the streets of the center in two qualifying heats for the final. There are ten districts participating in the palio and each jockey wears the jacket with the official colors of his district: Sa 'Uca e Aidu (dark green jersey), Riu Toltu (blue jersey), Istria (violet jersey), Su Eladolzu (gray jersey ), Pedra 'e Mola (yellow jersey), Fronte' e Concas (light green jersey), Sa Raga (orange jersey), Binza 'e Cheja (light blue jersey), Carrucalza (red jersey) and' Antina (black jersey). The day of the palio opens with the extraction of the donkey to be assigned to each district and the blessing of the parish priest to the citizens, the members of each district then retire for a common lunch. The real palio begins in the late afternoon, the route starts in via Vitt. Emanuele and the arrival is placed in the central Piazza d'Italia where the town pours to attend the fair in a carousel of colors and banners.
  • Su mortu mortu. Simple icon time.svgNovember 2. On the day of the Saints, the children and young people of Pattada go from house to house asking for "su mortu mortu", the adults then give them sweets and seasonal fruit making the bags heavier and the little ones happier.

What to do


Resolza, typical knife of Pattada

Craft knife shops

There are several local craft knife shops in Pattada including:


How to have fun

Night clubs

  • 1 Thomas Pub, Via Crispi 36, 39 345 1077323. Simple icon time.svgMon-Tue and Thu-Fri 12: 00-14: 30 and 18: 00-3: 00; Sat-Sun 11: 00-3: 00. Brewery and pub.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Useful numbers

  • 4 Carabinieri, Via Istria 14, 39 079 755122.
  • 5 Emergency medical Service, Via Mannu, 39 079 755617.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Post Office, Piazza Vittorio Veneto 10, 39 079 754051, fax: 39 079 754000. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pattada
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pattada
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