Portobuffolé - Portobuffolé

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Portobuffolé is a center of the Veneto.

To know

It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy and was awarded the orange flag by the Italian Touring Club. The town was once fortified, and was of considerable commercial and strategic importance, so much so that the Venetians granted it the title of City and its own gorgeous coat of arms.

Geographical notes

It is located on a bend of the Livenza river, now dry after the deviation of the river carried out in 1911. Once the Livenza was a busy commercial route, and the town had its own river port whose memory is eternalized in its name. On the left bank of the river, it stretches out into the Friulian countryside. It is 10 km from Oderzo, 13 from Sacile, 14 from Motta di Livenza, 16 from Pordenone, 22 from Conegliano, 34 from Portogruaro, 40 from Treviso.


Septimum de Liquentia is the ancient village that later developed into Portobuffolé, located seven miles from Oderzo. Around the year 1000 the place was fortified; in fact it was defined as a castle in documents. It was from time to time dominated by the Patriarchate of Aquileia, by the Bishop of Ceneda, from Treviso and finally Venice. With the Serenissima Portobuffolé lived years of prosperity, becoming a center of trade and services, also obtaining the elevation to the rank of City.

After the Napoleonic parenthesis, with all the Veneto it entered the Lombard-Veneto Kingdom until it was annexed to the new one Italy after the third war of independence, in 1866. Like many other centers in the region it suffered the phenomenon of emigration. After the Second World War, a period of economic and employment adjustment began, which led the country to become a center of furniture production, an activity that suffered a severe blow following the disastrous floods of the years 1965 and 1966.

Gaia da Camino

Among the characters who took turns in the history of Portobuffolé, the figure of Gaia da Camino is certainly the most remembered and most celebrated. She was mistress of the city in the fourteenth century; daughter of Gherardo, lord of Treviso, and wife of Tolberto, was an artist and patron and gathered in his palace a splendid court of intellectuals, making Portobuffolé a place renowned for its refinement and culture. Its perennial fame is also decreed by Dante, who names it in a canto of the Purgatory, on the occasion of his encounter with the soul of Gaia's father.

How to orient yourself

Its municipal territory also includes the inhabited centers of Faè, Ronche and Settimo.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

On the train

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Municipal tower. It is what remains of the ancient fortifications, the only survivor of the seven towers of the castle. A rest of the fresco on the southern facade shows the allegorical female figures of Fame, Charity, Justice and Peace. The house at the foot of the high tower (28 meters) bears the date of its construction in 1187 inscribed. Upper Livenza Farmers and Crafts Museum.
  • 2 pawnshop. Created by the Venetians around 1400, it shows above the door a Leon in moeca, a rare example of a Venetian lion in a terrifying attitude, with the book closed, without the traditional writing Pax tibi Marce Evangelista Meus, which suggests that it was created in wartime.
  • 3 Porta Friuli. It is the entrance to the city, with the Lion of San Marco: the Friuli bridge leads you, a work from 1780 to replace the drawbridge. Once it crossed the Livenza, then diverted.
  • 4 Villa Giustinian. Before the Giustinian family, it belonged to the noble Cellini family, who distinguished themselves in Portobuffolé for having contributed to the construction of several places of worship. It is rich in frescoes, in bright and spacious rooms; its construction dates back to 1695. The villa is surrounded by a park which houses numerous statues. It was equipped with a dock on the Livenza, located at the end of an avenue closed by an ancient door. It is now home to a hotel restaurant.
  • 5 Duomo. A tradition would have it that the church was obtained in the fifteenth century from the synagogue of the Jewish community of Portobuffolé. However, this statement is not unanimously endorsed by local history scholars; on the other hand it seems probable that the current Cathedral, as the dedication shows, is to be identified with a chapel of San Prosdocimo di Rivapiana, attested since 1297.
It was consecrated in 1559; in 1603 a decree of the Doge Marino Grimani conferred on the church the title of archpriest, later confirmed also by the Roman Curia and by the bishop of Ceneda.
The exteriors are very simple, with the severe facade restored in 1868. The interior is structured in a single very bright nave. Two other small aisles were added in the twentieth century to expand the presbytery. The ceiling is decorated with a series of paintings from the early twentieth century, organized in panels: in the center the Triumph of St. Mark and St. Prosdocimo, on the sides the Translation of St. Titian, which took place, according to tradition, from Settimo to Ceneda, and St. Antonino and San Francesco.
The choir was built between the 17th and 18th centuries. The main altar comes from Portogruaro (1760) and, to its right, a large 16th century Crucifix stands out. There are two side altars, dedicated respectively to Saint Anthony (1700) and to the Madonna del Rosario (1762). To the left of the entrance is the stone baptismal font (mid-sixteenth century) with an octagonal wooden roof (seventeenth century). It is overlooked by a panel by Francesco da Milano, la Virgin assumed into heaven with the Apostles, St. Mark and St. Prosdocimo (About 1536). The two canvases on the right wall, the Crucifix and the Nativity, are by a contemporary artist.
The 472 pipe organ is the work of Gaetano Callido (1780). Above the instrument stands the coat of arms of the city.
  • 6 Town hall, Vittorio Emanuele square. On the facade of the building there are inscriptions and coats of arms of the podestà. A large loggia characterizes the building, which has oval-shaped windows of remarkable elegance. Inside a large room, called Fontego, was intended for the custody and storage of cereals and salt, products that were marketed throughout the Veneto.
House of Gaia da Camino
  • 7 House of Gaia da Camino, via Busnello.. It falls within the typology of the medieval tower-house, which combines a vague defensive aspect with the use of refined architectural devices, to denote the destination as a stately home. The façade is in fact embellished with elegant trefoil mullioned windows showing lotus capitals.
The upper floors of the house, where the family's living and representative rooms were located, preserve frescoes with courtesan scenes, warriors, allegories. Popular tradition also indicates the portraits of Tolberto and Gaia da Camino in the two figures around the window on the first floor. The author of the frescoes is unknown, indicating the transition from Gothic to Renaissance.,
  • 8 Church of San Rocco (Church of the boatmen), via Roma.. Built in the sixteenth century, the small church has a single nave and three altars.The main altar is in hard stone and preserves the statue of the Madonna of the chair, work of 1524, which holds the Child on his lap and has a very rare peculiarity: he wears earrings. You can also see the statues of San Sebastiano, San Valentino and San Rocco, a Last Supper in almost natural size and a canvas depicting San Francesco.
The building is also called church of the boatmen because it originally served the boatmen who were quarantining in the nearby hospital, and was also near the river.
  • Oratory of Santa Teresa. Built by the Cellini family, the building has statues of Faith, Hope and Charity on the façade, two arched bell towers and stuccoes and frescoes by Santis; the Triumph of Santa Teresa ceiling; the Immaculate Conception with San Giovanni Battista and Sant'Antonio Abate on the altar. It houses the tomb of the Giustinian family in the center.
  • 9 Church of San Prosdocimo (Basilica dei Servi), Provincial road.. Chiesa dei Servi is the name commonly used for this sacred building built following a testamentary bequest of 1497. Completed in 1500, the church replaced an ancient building also dedicated to San Prosdocimo, now dilapidated. Subsequently entrusted to the Servants of Mary who officiated it for two centuries and built an adjoining convent, it was alienated to finance the war of Venice against the Turks. The current temple, reduced in size (a nave and three altars) has a high altar in gilded wood and an altarpiece by Paolo Ongaretto depicting a Madonna and Child, little angels and Saints Filippo Benizzi and Pietro da Verona. An ancient wooden statue of San Prosdocimo and a nineteenth-century altarpiece of the Crucifixion decorate the other two altars.

Events and parties

  • 4 I was there, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. Simple icon time.svgNew Year's Day. Begun to celebrate the new Millennium, the party has then consolidated and is repeated every New Year. After the meeting in the square in the afternoon and the photo with all the participants, the evening continues with songs, ending with the tasting of typical dishes served hot, such as the classic nose with mulled wine. In the dark, at about 6 pm, a fireworks display and suggestive fire of the Tower.
  • 5 Antiques and collectibles market. Simple icon time.svgEvery second Sunday of the month..
  • 6 Portobuffolé 13th century. Simple icon time.svgLast Saturday of June. Costumed re-enactment of the Middle Ages, with over 300 figures, acrobats, flag-wavers through the streets of the village and a banquet with medieval dishes.
  • 7 Santa Rosa Fair. Simple icon time.svgLast Saturday of August. The ancient and important cattle fair was then accompanied by a series of celebrations with food stands (le tripe of Santa Rosa) and pouring of local wines, entertainment of various kinds and a Bio-Naturae Market.
  • 8 Autumn festival. Simple icon time.svgThird Sunday of October. Event for the promotion of local autumn products with re-enactment of the ancient peasant works.

What to do


The red wines of the Upper Livenza, honey, pumpkins are local products.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Local dishes are; dumplings with duck sauce, veal kidney, pigeon risotto, cod, tripe and crazy soup, with pumpkin, bread, milk and mushrooms.

Average prices

Where stay

High prices

Bed and Breakfast


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 10 Italian post, Via Businello 1, 39 0422 850171, fax: 39 0422 850066.



Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Portobuffolé
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Portobuffolé
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).