Pozzaglia Sabina - Pozzaglia Sabina

Pozzaglia Sabina
View of Pozzaglia Sabina
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Pozzaglia Sabina
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Pozzaglia Sabina is a center of the Lazio.

To know

Geographical notes

In Sabina of the Eastern Lazio, is 20 km from the Turano Lake, 40 from Rieti and from Tivoli.


It is known that theFarfa Abbey it possessed its territories in the ninth century; in 1297 Pope Urban VI confiscated Pozzaglia from the Colonna. The town was destroyed by Roman troops in 1360. It became a fief of the Orsini in the fifteenth century and finally passed to the Borghese who held it until the abolition of feudalism.

From the 18th century the Focolari family came to the fore, holding the administrative offices of the town until the 21st century.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

  • Rome Ciampino Airport
  • Rome Fiumicino Airport

By car

  • A1 motorway Italy.svg A1 Autostrada del Sole:
  • from the north in the direction Rome, Grande Raccordo Anulare, Roma Nord, exit at Fiano Romano, continue on the SS 4 Salaria towards Rieti, cross Borgo Santa Maria, Osteria Nuova, Poggio Moiano, turn onto the SP 36 to enter Pozzaglia Sabina.
  • from the south take the A1 del Sole motorway towards Rome, then follow the direction L'Aquila, take the A 24 Rome-L'Aquila motorway, exit at Vicovaro /Mandela, cross Vicovaro, Orvinio, turn onto the SP 36 towards Pozzaglia Sabina.
  • From Rieti take the Salaria SS 4 Salaria, go through Case San Benedetto, Poggio Moiano, turn onto the SP 36 towards Pozzaglia Sabina.

On the train

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Cotral bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

Church of Santa Maria del Piano
Bell tower of the church of Santa Maria del Piano
  • Church of San Nicola di Bari. Above the altar there is a fresco representing the Crucifixion made in the sixteenth century. The church houses the remains of Santa Ulpia Candidia Martire.
  • Abbey of Santa Maria del Piano (Santa Maria di Pozzaglia). It was erected by Charlemagne to celebrate his victory over the Saracens who infested the area.
  • Church of Santo Stefano Protomartire (Santo Stefano di Pietraforte). It is documented in an ecclesiastical inventory from Rieti dated 1252, but its present-day seventeenth-century appearance is due to the interventions of the Santacroce, feudal lords of the time.
The interior has a single nave with a coffered ceiling. The three altars are surrounded by fake columns and surmounted by baroque entablatures.
On the main altar is the painting from the school of Pietro da Cortona (by Raffaello Vanni da Siena) which depicts Saint Helena discovering the true cross. In the two secondary altars there is one Madonna of the Rosary with Saints it's a Martyrdom of Saint Stephen.
On the entablature there are floral representations. In some places on the walls, fake metopes and braided decorations conceal other earlier designs.
  • Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova. It dates back to 1655, when it was the private church of the Bonanni, vassals of the fortress of Pietraforte. The interior has a single nave with a trussed ceiling and brick walls placed in popular art. On the altar there is a Baroque representation with floral motifs.
On the altar wall there is a votive plaque with the Bonanni coat of arms and a niche with the seventeenth-century statue of Sant'Antonio da Padova.
  • Church of Santa Maria dei Casali. There are remains of it.
  • Ruins of the Ofiano Castle.
  • Arches. In the village you can see two pointed arches of irregular shape. The entrance arch to the former castle dates back to the first half of the sixteenth century, but modified by the Santacroce family.
The entrance arch to the Borgo (also known as "La Porta") was built by Valerio Santacroce in the first half of the 17th century as the coat of arms on the vault attests.

Events and parties

  • Patronal festival of Santa Ulpia Candidia Martire. Simple icon time.svgTuesday after Pentecost.
  • Feast of Santa Agostina Pietrantoni, patroness of nurses. Simple icon time.svgsecond Sunday of November. For the occasion they go to the celebration of Pozzaglia from different parts of Italy.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Pizzeria Quality and Courtesy, Via Roma, 39 0765 934058.
  • Bar Curti Fernando, Via Principe Borghese, 6.

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 1 Italian post, Viale dei Caduti 1, 39 0765 934352.


  • Turano Lake - It stretches at the foot of Mount Navegna (1506 m), a natural reserve covered with woods, and is characterized by the presence on its banks of ancient villages and castles that are reflected in the clear waters rich in many species of fish that reach considerable sizes: a true paradise for fishermen who flock to its banks.
  • Rieti - Considered by the authors of the classical age the geographical center of Italy (Umbilicus Italiae) was founded at the beginning of the Iron Age and became an important city of the Sabines; still today its territory is identified as "Sabina".
  • Tivoli - At the gates of the city there are two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Roman Villa Adriana and the Renaissance Villa d'Este.


  • Franciscan sanctuaries in the Rieti plain - A path of nature, faith and art in the Sabina crossed by San Francesco, to visit the four Sanctuaries of the Holy Valley: Greccio, Poggio Bustone, The Forest, Fonte Colombo.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pozzaglia Sabina
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pozzaglia Sabina
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