Tivoli - Tivoli

View of Tivoli from Villa d'Este
Coat of arms and flag
Tivoli - Coat of arms
Tivoli - Flag
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Tourism site
Institutional website

Tivoli is a city of Central Lazio, in the province of Rome.

To know

Tivoli is one of the oldest cities in Lazio and one of the most popular tourist destinations in central Italy. At the gates of the city there are two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Roman Villa Adriana, the Renaissance Villa d'Este. Furthermore, in the heart of medieval Tivoli, it is possible to admire the waterfalls of the Aniene, the millenary rocks on which the city was founded, the Roman temples and stroll in a garden built in the nineteenth century.

Geographical notes

The municipal territory of Tivoli occupies the slopes of the Tiburtini mountains between the Roman countryside to the west and the territory of the municipalities of Castel Madama is Vicovaro in the upper Aniene valley.

When to go

The town is popular during all periods of the year.


The ancient urban nucleus known by the Latin name of Tibur is believed to be older than Rome. According to the historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus Tibur was founded by the Aborigines as a consequence of the rite of the sacred spring. Submitted by Rome, expanding in the 4th century BC, it was recognized as a Roman municipality in the 1st century BC. From the late Republican age, the town became the site of many villas of wealthy Romans. In the Middle Ages, Tivoli was a bishopric and an important center of the Lazio hinterland, it defended its independence from the Roman barons and from the Benedictine fief of Subiaco. During the Second World War the city suffered heavy bombardments from the Anglo-American aviation aimed at interrupting the rail and road connections between Rome and the Adriatic.

How to orient yourself


  • 1 Arci
  • 2 Campolimpido
  • 3 Tivoli Terme - This hamlet is known for the presence of warm suphurous waters since ancient times.
  • 4 Hadrian's Villa - the hamlet that takes its name from the archaeological site.

How to get

Tivoli motorway exit

By car

Tivoli is located along the SS5 Via Tiburtina Valeria and is served by the homonymous motorway exit located along the motorway A24Rome-L'Aquila-Teramo connected to the motorway A25Torano-Pescara.

On the train

The FL2 line of the Lazio regional railway service connects Rome Tiburtina with Tivoli through the Rome-Avezzano-Sulmona-Pescara.

By bus

Buses serve Tivoli from Ponte Mammolo metro station on line B of Rome. The bus also stops near Hadrian's villa.

How to get around

By public transport

City bus 4 runs from the city to Villa Adriana. Better to avoid making the route on foot because the distance is not short and the road signs are not good. Also you will need all your time and energy to visit the Villa.

What see

Hadrian's Villa
Mosaic of the villa Adriana
  • unescoMain attraction1 Hadrian's Villa, Largo Marguerite Yourcenar, 1 (Located in the direction of Rome with respect to the center of Tivoli and to reach it take Via Tiburtina), 39 0774 768085, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 10, Reduced € 5. Integrated ticket for Villa Adriana and Sanctuary of Hercules Winner € 12.00. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 8: 30-17: 00 from January 2 to January 31, Mon-Sun 8: 30-18: 00 from February 1 to February 29, Mon-Sun 8: 30-18: 30 March, Mon- Sun 8: 30-19: 30 from the last Sunday of March to 31 August, Mon-Sun 8: 30-19: 00 from 1 September to 30 September, Mon-Sun 8: 30-18.30 October, Mon-Sun 8: 30-17: 00 from the last Sunday of October to 31 December. Archaeological site among the most important in Italy, declared heritage ofUNESCO in 1999. The villa was an imperial residence starting from the 2nd century AD. country refuge of the emperor Hadrian. It is a very large property (the largest known Roman villa) with ruins at various levels of conservation.
Audio guides cost € 4 and require proof of identity. There are about 20 rather long audio tracks for some key locations, but each zone also has a large sign with the same content written as the audio in four languages. The car park is on the left as you approach the villa and there is also a restaurant, cafe and bookshop at the entrance. Villa Adriana on Wikipedia Villa Adriana (Q272777) on Wikidata
Fountain of Neptune
Villa d'Este
  • unescoMain attraction2 Villa d'Este, Piazza Trento, 5 (Close to the city center), 39 0774 332920, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 10, Reduced € 5. From November 1st to March 15th after 4pm ticket at € 5 (reduced visit areas). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 08:30 to: January: 16:45; February: 17:15; March: 18:00 (with summer time 19:00); April 19m15; from May to August: 7.30pm; September: 19:00; October: 6:15 pm (with standard time 5:15 pm), November and December: 4:45 pm. Monumental Renaissance style villa recognized as a heritage ofUNESCO in 2001. This villa is a truly unique place with fascinating frescoes on the ceilings, however the main reason to visit this place is the terraced gardens below. These were designed and built between 1550 and 1572 by Cardinal d'Este. The numerous fountains, both large and small, rely on the natural pressure of the water, which takes advantage of the steep slope on which the gardens are built. The water comes mainly from the Aniene River, which has been partly diverted to the city. For a long time in the 18th and 19th centuries the gardens were left to fall into a state of decay, but they were taken over by the Italian government at the beginning of the First World War and have gradually been restored to something like their original splendor. The gardens are said to have been inspired by Hadrian's Villa and, probably, some of the statues used were also stolen from there. In turn, many statues were stolen from Villa d'Este when it fell into disuse. Villa d'Este (Tivoli) on Wikipedia Villa d'Este (Q746063) on Wikidata
Villa Gregoriana
Parco Villa Gregoriana, the waterfall in the Hell Valley
  • 3 Villa Gregoriana Park, Largo Sant'Angelo, 1 (Located at the foot of the Roman acropolis of Tivoli), 39 0774 332650, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 8. Simple icon time.svgFor more information on timetables and costs, visit the website. Large natural area of ​​historical and landscape value called Parco Villa Gregoriana since Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846), who officially commissioned it in 1835 and recovered by the FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano. The park was built around the course of the Aniene river, including caves and waterfalls, including the second highest artificial waterfall in Italy and the first in the world for the production of alternating hydroelectric energy. In this place, located in the city center, it is possible to immerse yourself in an evergreen nature enriched by the colors of those plants with an exotic taste typical of the nineteenth century, as well as visit the ruins of the splendid Villa of Manlio Vopisco (I century AD) and the two Temples of the Acropolis, symbol of the city of Tivoli. Villa Gregoriana Park on Wikipedia Villa Gregoriana (Q625312) on Wikidata
Rocca Pia
  • 4 Rocca Pia, Vicolo Barchetto. Simple icon time.svgSat-Sun Visiting hours 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45, 13:15, 13:45, 14:15, 14:45, 15:00, 15 : 30. Fortress dating back to the fifteenth century, it was at the center of the disputes between the parties of the Guelphs and Ghibellines and subsequently of the Orsini and Colonna families. The visits last 30 minutes. Rocca Pia (Tivoli) on Wikipedia Rocca Pia (Q3437427) on Wikidata
Temple of Vesta (left) and Temple of the Sibyl (right)
  • 5 Temple of Vesta (A short distance from the Temple of the Sibyl). Circular Roman temple of the 2nd century BC it was transformed into a church, with the name of Santa Maria Rotunda. Temple of Vesta (Tivoli) on Wikipedia Temple of Vesta (Q1219688) on Wikidata
Temple of the Cough
  • 6 Temple of the Sibyl, Via della Sibilla (near the famous temple of Vesta, inside the Villa Gregoriana), 39 0774 332650, @. Simple icon time.svgFor information on timetables and costs: www.parcovillagregoriana.it. Roman temple of the 2nd century BC Despite the attribution of the temple to the Albunean sibyl, the divinity to which it was dedicated is not well known. The Temples area is an integral part of the monumental complex of Parco Villa Gregoriana, in state concession to the FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano, which has been maintaining and using it since 2002. Temple of the Sibyl on Wikipedia Temple of the Sibyl (Q784000) on Wikidata
  • 7 Temple of the Cough. Roman construction located on the ancient Via Tiburtina. The building has a circular shape and is closed by a dome similar to that of the Pantheon (i.e. with an oculus) which measures more than 12 meters in diameter. It was transformed into a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the 10th century and restored with material from the nearby sanctuary of Hercules. Temple of the Cough on Wikipedia Temple of the Cough (Q3983216) on Wikidata
One of the rooms of the Sanctuary of Ercole Vincitore
Mausoleum of the Plauzi
  • 8 Sanctuary of Hercules Victor, Via degli Stabilimenti, 5, 39 0774 330329. Ecb copyright.svgfull ticket € 5.00, integrated ticket for Villa Adriana and the Sanctuary of Ercole Vincitore € 12.00. Simple icon time.svg11:00 - 17:00 from January 2 to February 29, 11:00 - 18: 30 March, 10:00 - 19: 00 from the last Sunday of March to September 30, 11:00 - 18: 30 month in October, 11: 00-17: 00 from the last Sunday of October to 31 December. One of the most important sacred complexes of the 2nd century BC. According to Suetonius, the emperor Augustus administered justice in this place. The sanctuary, dedicated to Hercules was born here in Tivoli and then will arrive in Rome. Sanctuary of Hercules Victor on Wikipedia sanctuary of Hercules Victor (Q3949876) on Wikidata
  • 9 Mausoleum of the Plauzi (Mausoleum of the Plautii). It is a monumental tomb datable to the earliest years of the 1st century. d. C. The mausoleum is circular in shape and covered with travertine. Mausoleum of the Plauzi on Wikipedia Mausoleum of Plauzi (Q56682405) on Wikidata
Lucano Bridge
Great waterfall of the Aniene
  • 10 Lucano Bridge (Logano, or Lugano) (Next to the Plauzi Mausoleums). Roman bridge over the Aniene along the Via Tiburtina. Not far from the bridge, around 1150, Frederick Barbarossa met Pope Adrian IV. Ponte Lucano on Wikipedia Ponte Lucano (Q3396627) on Wikidata
  • 11 Aniene Falls, SP 31a (The use of the car is necessary). The Great Aniene Waterfall was built between 1832 and 1835, based on a project by Clemente Folchi, winner of the tender issued by Pope Gregory XVI for the protection of the city of Tivoli. The Great Waterfall, as well as the waterfalls and part of the path of the Aniene river, are an integral part of the monumental site called Parco Villa Gregoriana. On the Via di Quintilio Varo, it is possible to stop on a panoramic terrace from which it is possible to see the large artificial waterfall in its entirety.
  • 12 Bleso amphitheater. Simple icon time.svgSat-Sun 10: 00-15: 30. Tibur amphitheater (Q28978094) on Wikidata
  • 13 Arci aqueduct (It crosses Via Empolitan in the locality of Arci). Ruins of a Roman aqueduct that crosses the Via Empolitan
  • 14 Arch of the Constituent Fathers, Garibaldi Square. It is a work of 2009 by the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro typically known for its split spheres. In this case it represents an arch that wants to remember the fathers of the Italian Constitution.


Tivoli Cathedral

Events and parties

  • Fair of San Giuseppe. Simple icon time.svgMarch 19.
  • Tiburtine Carnival.
  • Procession and feast of Santa Sinforosa. Simple icon time.svgJuly 18.
  • Procession and feast of San Lorenzo. Simple icon time.svgAugust 10.

What to do

  • 1 Thermal baths, Via Tiburtina Valeria, km 22.700 (Baths of Tivoli). Location known as Tivoli Terme and used since ancient times for the springs of sulphurous mineral waters. Aquae Albulae on Wikipedia Aquae Albulae (Q4712753) on Wikidata
  • Guided Tours Tivoli, Via Servio Tullio, 9 (Rome L'Aquila motorway), 39 335 5733516, @. Tivoli tourist guide offers guided tours of Villa d'Este, Villa Adriana and Villa Gregoriana, in foreign languages English, French, Portuguese, Spanish.


  • 1 Le Palme Shopping Center, Via Italo Calvino (Baths of Tivoli), 39 070 753 0487. Simple icon time.svg8:00-22:00.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 The Ape 50, Via Ponte Gregoriano, 5, 39 0774 556471. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 12: 30-15: 00 and 18: 30-24: 00. Restaurant with outdoor seating with various local specialties.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • Aniene Valley
  • Monte Catillo Nature Reserve
  • Inviolata Park

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tivoli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tivoli
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