Savona - Savona

Tourist port of Savona.jpg
Coat of arms and flag
Savona - Coat of arms
Savona - Flag
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Tourism site
Institutional website

Savona is a city of Liguria.

To know

Geographical notes

The city is located on the western Ligurian Riviera, near the mouth of the Letimbro he was born in Quiliano. It is the third largest city in Liguria, after Genoa is Spice, and is the provincial capital.

It borders to the north with the municipality of Cairo Montenotte, to the south with the Ligurian Sea, to the west with Cairo Montenotte, Altar, Quiliano is I'm going to Liguria and to the east with Albisola Superiore is Albissola Marina.

When to go

The climate is temperate, of the Mediterranean type, but with continental influences beginning in the hinterland.

Summer is moderately hot and rarely stuffy. During the winter, periods with sunny days alternate with temperatures that are not very low when Liguria is protected by the countercyclone of Azores to others that are more rigid when low pressures are formed on the Gulf of Genoa. This causes strong northerly winds and sometimes snowfall to the coast. In these cases, Savona is one of the coldest places on the entire Ligurian coast.

As soon as the effects of the north wind cease, the warm winds of the deep Ligurian Sea return, and in Savona the temperature rises to more moderate values. The climate is mild for much of the summer and spring.


The first traces of the town date back to the Middle Bronze Age, when a first settlement was built on the Priamar hill. Ancient center of the Ligurian Sabazi, the city was allied with Carthage during the Second Punic War, against Rome already allied with Genoa. Rome finally subdued Savona around 180 BC.

In the 15th century it was called the "City of the Popes". This was due to the fact that one of the most influential families of the city, the Della Rovere, had among its members two Popes: Francesco della Rovere (Sixtus IV) and his nephew Giuliano Della Rovere (Julius II). The first, promoter of the Sistine Chapel; the second, patron of Miguel Angel, Bramante and Raffaello. The symbol of Savona is the Tower in León Pancaldo square, built in the 14th century at the strategic crossroads of the port. The Priamar (pri-a-mar, stone around the sea) is a fortress built on the Prolungamento and built by the Republic of Genoa in 1542.

How to orient yourself

44 ° 18′28 ″ N 8 ° 28′52 ″ E


Bosco delle Ninfe, Ciantagalletto, Ciatti, Cimavalle, Conca Verde, Galleria Ranco, Madonna del Monte, Marmorassi, Maschio, Montemoro, Cat's Nose, San Bartolomeo al Bosco, San Bernardo in Valle, Sanctuary of Savona, Strà, Zinola, Legino and Lavagnola.

How to get

By plane

By car

The city is located on the junction of two highways: the Autostrada dei Flowers that unites Genoa with Ventimiglia and the highway A6 Savona-Turin. It is easily accessible by car from Genoa. The journey takes just over half an hour, on the A10.

From the West Savona is about an hour from Sanremo and two hours from Nice. This scenic route largely follows the coast.

From Turin, taking the A6, the journey takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes.

On boat

  • 2 Port of Savona. Savona is affected by the arrival of the cruise ships of the Costa Cruises shipping company, which are handled in a dedicated terminal.
In the neighbor I'm going to Liguria there are ferries to the Corsica and the Sardinia. Port of Savona on Wikipedia port of Savona (Q3909286) on Wikidata

On the train

Savona station
  • 3 Savona station. Trenitalia operates regular services from Genoa. Regional services, which take 40 minutes to an hour, are very frequent and generally cost around € 10 for a return ticket. Faster InterCity services take around half an hour, but are less frequent and cost around € 18 for a second class and € 21 for a first class return. Savona station on Wikipedia Savona station (Q3970921) on Wikidata
  • 4 Sanctuary station. Sanctuary Station on Wikipedia Santuario station (Q3970900) on Wikidata
  • 5 Savona Parco Doria Station. Savona Parco Doria station on Wikipedia Savona Parco Doria station (Q16609872) on Wikidata
  • 6 Savona Marittima station. Savona Marittima station on Wikipedia Savona Marittima station (Q16609869) on Wikidata

By bus

Most of the towns and larger cities in the province of Savona have reliable bus services to the city, although departures may not be very frequent.

How to get around

The historic center of Savona is relatively small and can be easily explored on foot. Bus services can be useful for getting to the beach.

By public transport

By taxi

What see

Religious buildings

Cathedral of the Assumption
  • 1 Cathedral of the Assumption (Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption), Via Ambrogio Aonzo. Ecb copyright.svgA donation is required to see the choir stalls. Simple icon time.svgGuided tours of the cathedral are available from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 17:00 on Saturdays and from 16:00 to 17:00 on Sundays. Tourists cannot visit during the celebrations. The Cathedral of the Assumption as it is was largely built in the late 16th century, although the cloisters have some medieval elements. It was built to replace the previous cathedral which was demolished by the Genoese to build the Priamar fortress. While the exterior is from the early Baroque, the interior is richly decorated and dates back to the 18th century. The earliest surviving elements include the richly carved wooden choir stalls by Anselmo De Fornari and Elia De Racchi, made between 1520 and 1521, the Byzantine font and the pulpit, which was partially recovered from the old cathedral. The treasury contains a small collection of high quality Renaissance paintings, including works by the Master of Hoogstraeten and Tuccio d'Andrea. Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption (Savona) on Wikipedia Cathedral of the Assumption (Q2942803) on Wikidata
  • 2 Oratory of Our Lady of Castello. Proclaimed a national monument, it houses the monumental polyptych painted by Vincenzo Foppa and Ludovico Brea in 1490. Also interesting are two imposing processional chests. Oratory of Our Lady of Castello on Wikipedia Oratory of Our Lady of Castello (Q3884614) on Wikidata
  • 3 Sistine Chapel, Via Ambrogio Aonzo. Ecb copyright.svg€2. Simple icon time.svgSat-Sun 10: 00-12: 00 and 16: 00-17: 00. Although modest compared to the Sistine Chapel of Rome, this late Gothic church, in the cloisters of the Cathedral, is worth a visit. It was built by order of Pope Sixtus VI between 1481 and 1483 to house the tomb of his parents, Leonardo della Rovere and Luchina Monteleoni. The interior decoration is in extravagant Rococo, dated from 1762 to 1764, and is in excellent condition. Behind the altarpiece there are some traces of the original frescoes of 1489. A rare surviving from this period is the organ from 1764, with its original case, built by the Genoese organ builder Filippo Piccaluga, restored in 2008. Sistine Chapel (Savona) on Wikipedia Sistine chapel (Q3657379) on Wikidata
  • Episcopal Palace, Via Pia. Simple icon time.svgGuided tours are available on Saturdays at 4pm. The Bishop's Palace is an imposing building, built in 1589 and substantially remodeled in the 18th century. The museum inside houses a collection of Italian landscapes and marine paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries. You can also visit the papal apartments, where Pope Pius VII was imprisoned by Napoleon between August 1809 and June 1812 and even briefly in 1814 - the reception rooms where the Papal Court was temporarily housed have been restored.
  • 4 Oratory of Saints John the Baptist, John the Evangelist and Petronilla. Dating back to 1890, it preserves works by Anton Maria Maragliano. Oratory of Saints John the Baptist, John the Evangelist and Petronilla on Wikipedia oratory of the Santissimi Giovanni Battista, Giovanni Evangelista and Petronilla (Q3884442) on Wikidata
  • 5 Oratory of Saints Peter and Catherine. Dating back to the 18th century, it preserves works by Paolo Gerolamo Brusco and Renata Cuneo. Oratory of Saints Peter and Catherine on Wikipedia oratory of the Santissimi Pietro and Caterina (Q3884443) on Wikidata
  • 6 Oratory of the Risen Christ. It preserves a valuable fifteenth-century wooden choir of the German school as well as a processional chest by Anton Maria Maragliano. Oratory of the Risen Christ on Wikipedia oratory of the Risen Christ (Q3884451) on Wikidata
  • 7 Church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo. Eighteenth-century church containing a Madonna and Child by Defendente Ferrari. Church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo (Savona) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo (Q3672441) on Wikidata
  • 8 Church of San Pietro. Seventeenth-century church, it was built by the Discalced Carmelites. Richly frescoed, it has some relief paintings inside. Church of San Pietro (Savona) on Wikipedia church of San Pietro (Q3671684) on Wikidata
  • 9 Church of San Giovanni Battista in San Domenico, via Paleocapa. It dates back to the 16th century. Church of San Giovanni Battista in San Domenico on Wikipedia church of San Giovanni Battista in San Domenico (Q3670498) on Wikidata
  • 10 Church of Santa Lucia. Located along the ancient road connecting with Albissola Marina. Church of Santa Lucia (Savona) on Wikipedia church of Santa Lucia (Q3673123) on Wikidata
  • 11 Charterhouse of Loreto. Erected by Stefano Embruno in 1480 and later enlarged. It was perhaps built on the previous Loreto Castle. Charterhouse of Loreto on Wikipedia Charterhouse of Loreto (Q3665202) on Wikidata
  • 12 Convent of the Capuchins. Built starting from 1539, it is located in a dominant position on a hill behind the city. Convent of the Capuchins (Savona) on Wikipedia Capuchin convent (Q3689452) on Wikidata
  • 13 Former church and convent of San Giacomo. Built in the 15th century, it is the only example of a late medieval church preserved in the city and one of the few in Italy. Former church and convent of San Giacomo on Wikipedia Former church and convent of San Giacomo (Q16554850) on Wikidata
  • 14 Oratory of the Beghini. Beguinis Oratory on Wikipedia oratory of the Beguines (Q3884446) on Wikidata
  • 15 Church of Saints Lorenzo, Biagio and Donato. Church of Saints Lorenzo, Biagio and Donato on Wikipedia church of Santi Lorenzo, Biagio and Donato (Q3668244) on Wikidata
  • 16 Church of Santa Maria Giuseppa Rossello. Church of Santa Maria Giuseppa Rossello on Wikipedia chiesa di Santa Maria Giuseppa Rossello (Q3673398) su Wikidata
  • 17 Church of San Francesco da Paola. Chiesa di San Francesco da Paola (Savona) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Francesco da Paola (Q3670155) su Wikidata
  • 18 Church of Maria Ausiliatrice. Chiesa di Maria Ausiliatrice (Savona) su Wikipedia chiesa di Maria Ausiliatrice (Q3669332) su Wikidata
  • 19 Church of the Sacred Heart. Chiesa del Sacro Cuore (Savona) su Wikipedia chiesa del Sacro Cuore (Q3668597) su Wikidata
  • 20 Monastery of Santa Teresa. Monastero di Santa Teresa su Wikipedia monastero di Santa Teresa (Q3860562) su Wikidata
  • 21 Chapel of San Michele. Cappella di San Michele (Savona) su Wikipedia cappella di San Michele (Q3657604) su Wikidata


  • 22 Palazzo Della Rovere. Work of the architect Giuliano da Sangallo, it was built by Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, future Pope Julius II. The start of the works dates back to February 4, 1495 under the supervision of Urbano Vegerio, his procurator. In 1496 some surrounding houses were purchased to extend the palace, which however remained incomplete (in this regard, note the isolated columns of the entrance, which in the original intentions were part of a different context, complete with a coat of arms, etc.). The project is by the Florentine Giuliano da Sangallo, assisted by Matteo De Bixono, to whom in 1500 the Elders of the city granted Savona citizenship in merit of the project. Having been used in the 17th-18th century as a convent of the Rev. Clarisse, it is also known as Palazzo Santa Chiara. Palazzo Della Rovere (Savona) su Wikipedia Palazzo Della Rovere (Q3890009) su Wikidata
  • 23 Ferrero-Colonna-Cambiaso Palace (Villa Cambiaso). Historic building, registered in the Italian monumental heritage, where Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII stayed, among others, on a retreat of prayer in the consecrated chapel of the building. Palazzo Ferrero-Colonna-Cambiaso su Wikipedia Palazzo Ferrero-Colonna-Cambiaso (Q3890095) su Wikidata
  • 24 Palazzo delle Piane, Corso Italy. Also known as “Palazzo delle Palle”, due to the six large copper spheres placed on the roof and supported by a structure in the shape of a brazier, it is one of the greatest artistic peaks of Savona's Liberty style. It is the work of the engineer and architect Alessandro Martinengo and was built with the collaboration of Adolfo Ravignetti, between 1910 and 1911. For the occasion, Martinengo was inspired by a current of the Floral spread in Milan by the head of the school Somaruga.
  • 25 Palazzo dei Pavoni, Via Pietro Paleocapa. Built in 1910 and located in the very central Via Paleocapa, it is a significant example of Liberty, clearly inspired by the Viennese Secession for the choice of combining large smooth surfaces with colored ceramic inserts together with majolica bands decorated with peacocks.
  • 26 Former San Paolo Civic Hospital. Located in the central Piazza Giulio II, it was finished in 1857 and is one of the most successful works of the architect Carlo Sada of Bellagio. It has recently been renovated and is intended for commercial and residential use. Ex Ospedale Civico San Paolo su Wikipedia Ex Ospedale Civico San Paolo (Q3735797) su Wikidata
  • 27 House of the Colombo, Via di Porta Soprana, 39 0104490128. One of the houses of Christopher Columbus is located in Valcada, on the heights of Legino: the great navigator, in his youth, settled for several years, together with his family.
  • 28 Boselli Temple, Via Dante Alighieri. It is a neoclassical temple of the late eighteenth century made by the ceramist Giacomo Boselli. Saved from the demolition of the "Boselli factory" in 1931, it was restored and placed in a new location in the "Dante Alighieri" public park.


  • 29 Ceramics Museum, Palazzo Gavotti, Piazza Chabrol, 39 019 8310256, @. Ecb copyright.svgThe ticket is also valid for the Civic Art Gallery located in the same building. € 8, € 5 reduced, free for minors, disabled people and students (ticket also valid for the Civic Art Gallery). Simple icon time.svgTue 10: 00-13: 30, Wed-Fri 10: 00-13: 30, 15: 30-18: 30, Sun and holidays 10: 00-13: 30. The Ceramics Museum is located in a 16th century building in the historic center of Savona, and boasts one of the finest collections of ceramics in the world. The collection is strongly focused on Ligurian ceramics, with two floors dedicated to production from the 16th to the 18th century. There is also a reconstruction of a 16th century apothecary's shop with over a hundred original objects. The museum features a rich collection of modern ceramics, including the famous sculpture by Arturo Martini Nena and Maria Galfré's Tree de Kaki, a life-sized terracotta tree. Detailed information on the displays is available in English and Italian in each room. Museo della ceramica di Savona su Wikipedia Museo della ceramica di Savona (Q65128887) su Wikidata
  • 30 Municipal Art Gallery (Gavotti Palace), Chabrol square, 39 019 8310256, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 8 (ticket also valid for the Ceramics Museum). Simple icon time.svgTue 10: 00-13: 30, Wed-Fri 10: 00-13: 30, 15: 30-18: 30, Sun and holidays 10: 00-13: 30. The collection is unusually rich for a regional gallery, especially given the presence of the Crucifixion by Donato de 'Bardi, which dates back to 1448 and is the oldest oil on canvas painting. There is an impressive collection of local religious painting from the 15th and 16th centuries. The modern art collection housed on the ground floor is also worth seeing and includes many other obscure works by great artists, with Magritte's enigmatic Capital Trust being a particular highlight. Picasso, Miro, De Chirico and Fontana are also represented. Palazzo Gavotti su Wikipedia Palazzo Gavotti (Q3890174) su Wikidata
  • 31 "Leon Pancaldo" Nautical Arts Museum Exhibition, Cavallotti Square (at the State Lyceum Chiabrera Martini). It houses about 1000 parts of various seafaring culture such as models of ships and working steam engines, ancient navigation and meteorological surveying instruments dating back to the mid-1800s, scale sections of ships, navigation instruments. The flagship is the functioning historical planetarium, one of the four existing in Italy today.
  • 32 Picture gallery of the episcopal seminary, Via Ponzone 5. Simple icon time.svgon reservation. It houses about a hundred paintings mainly of the Ligurian school. Among the most significant artists are Gioacchino Assereto, Giovanni Battista Carlone, Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione known as Il Grechetto, Antonio Travi, Carlo Giuseppe Ratti, Paolo Gerolamo Brusco. Very interesting is a fifteenth-century wooden crucifix from the Catalan school.
  • 33 All About Apple Museum, De André square. Located inside the old dock, it is the best-stocked Apple museum in the world. The collection includes practically all the production of personal computers, peripherals, accessories and prototypes from the dawn of the company to the present day. Museo All About Apple su Wikipedia Museo All About Apple (Q3867572) su Wikidata

Military buildings

Priamar fortress
  • 34 Priamar fortress, @. It is a fortress located on the homonymous hill, between the gardens of the Prolungamento and the old dock, built by the Republic of Genoa starting from 1542 following the definitive capture of the city in 1528. It includes, among others, the Loggia of the Castle of Santa Maria or Castello Nuovo from 1417 and preserves the few remains of the ancient city cathedral. In 1830-1831 Giuseppe Mazzini was imprisoned there and his cell can still be visited today. The name derives from Pri-a-màr, stone on the sea according to one of the etymological interpretations, or "Pria mä", stone mala, according to a more accredited version. Fortezza del Priamar su Wikipedia Fortezza del Priamar (Q777001) su Wikidata
  • 35 Leon Pancaldo Tower (Turret or Torre della Quarda), Leon Pancaldo square. It is the symbol of the city. Built in the 14th century at the strategic intersection of the port, it is dedicated to the Savona navigator Leon Pancaldo, who accompanied Ferdinando Magellano in the first circumnavigation of the world. Torre Leon Pancaldo su Wikipedia Torre Leon Pancaldo (Q3995203) su Wikidata
  • 36 Brandale Tower (Campanassa), Brandale Square, 39 019821379, @. It is also called Campanassa from the name of the ancient bell that surmounted it. The upper part was demolished after the defeat in the wars against the Genoese and was rebuilt only after the bombing of the Second World War, when the bell was also reinstalled.
  • 37 Riario and Corsi towers, Brandale Square. Located in front of the Torre del Brandale, they were also cut off by the Genoese but resisted the bombings of the Second World War, which instead demolished the buildings around.
  • 38 Fort of the Madonna degli Angeli. Reachable via a dirt road, it is currently in a state of neglect. Forte della Madonna degli Angeli su Wikipedia Forte della Madonna degli Angeli (Q3748668) su Wikidata
  • 39 Sperone Castle (behind the Gabriello Chiabrera theater). Ancient medieval castle of which only some parts of the walls remain on the Monticello. Castello dello Sperone su Wikipedia castello dello Sperone (Q3662450) su Wikidata


  • 40 Rintocchi e Memorie war memorial, piazza Goffredo Mameli. The monument with a marble base and bronze figures (cast bronze removed from some enemy cannons) was created by the Sestrese sculptor Luigi Venzano at the request of the National Association of the Mothers and Widows of the Fallen. It was inaugurated on 18 September 1927 with a ceremony in which King Vittorio Emanuele III took part and since then every day at 18:00 in Piazza Goffredo Mameli the fallen of all wars are commemorated with 21 tolls of the bell, one for each letter of the Italian alphabet: during the tolling traffic and pedestrians stop as a sign of respect.
  • 41 Monument to Garibaldi, Hero square of the two worlds (in the gardens of the Prolungamento). It is a large equestrian monument dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi, by the sculptor Leonardo Bistolfi. Inaugurated in 1927 by the leader's nephew, the statue is positioned so that Garibaldi's gaze looks towards his hometown, Nice.
  • 42 Monument to the Resistance (Monument to the partisan), Martyrs of Liberty square. An imposing bronze work by Agenore Fabbri, it depicts a man torn apart by suffering and the yearning for freedom that tears the bars that imprison him.
  • 43 Monument to the Sailor. Placed at the entrance to the dock of the port, it depicts a man who scans the horizon with his lantern and is also the work of Renata Cuneo.
  • 44 Bridge of San Giacomo (Ponte Sisto IV), Via Cappa Paolo. It was built by Pope Sixtus IV in 1479 to join the Monticello to the Mangiaguadagno hill (today Colle di San Giacomo) and make the connection between the city and the San Giacomo convent complex easier.
  • 45 Fountain Fight between man and the shark (Fontana Del Pesce), Marconi square. It was built in 1965. It consists of three basins, one circular and two crescents below which receive a cascade of water from the one above. At the center of the circular basin, surrounded by jets of water on a boulder of green Stella stone, stands the statue of the Savona sculptor Renata Cuneo "Struggle between man and shark".

Outside the built-up area

  • 46 Church of the Madonna degli Angeli. Chiesa della Madonna degli Angeli (Savona) su Wikipedia chiesa della Madonna degli Angeli (Q3668911) su Wikidata
  • 47 Church of the Name of Mary. Chiesa del Nome di Maria (Savona) su Wikipedia chiesa del Nome di Maria (Q3668563) su Wikidata
  • 48 Chapel of San Sebastiano. Cappella di San Sebastiano (Savona) su Wikipedia cappella di San Sebastiano (Q3657632) su Wikidata
  • 49 Filippo Maria Visconti Bridge. Located on the border with the municipalities of Vado Ligure and Quiliano, it was built in 1434. Ponte Filippo Maria Visconti su Wikipedia Ponte Filippo Maria Visconti (Q3907967) su Wikidata
  • 50 Fort Ciuto. Closed to the public and in a state of neglect. Forte Ciuto su Wikipedia Forte Ciuto (Q3748538) su Wikidata
  • 51 Fort of Madonna del Monte. Closed to the public, it is also in a state of neglect. Forte di Madonna del Monte su Wikipedia Forte di Madonna del Monte (Q3748684) su Wikidata


  • 52 Church of San Dalmazio (in the district of Lavagnola, near the chapel of San Martino). Contains a polyptych by Barnaba da Modena. Chiesa di San Dalmazio (Savona) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Dalmazio (Q3669836) su Wikidata
  • 53 Chapel of San Martino. The chapel is located on the left bank of the Letimbro stream, at the mouth of a medieval bridge and mirroring the chapel of Santa Maria located on the other end of the bridge, along the right bank. The building should date back to the eleventh century and retains the original bell tower, while the rest of the structure, with a single nave with a pronaos at the entrance, is the result of a nineteenth-century reconstruction. Inside it is interesting a commemorative plaque of the construction of the aforementioned bridge, dated 1264. It is a representation of God the Father flanked by two angels and is one of the few examples of medieval sculpture in Savona. In the lower part an inscription shows the name of Simone Doria, mayor of Savona in that year. Cappella di San Martino (Savona) su Wikipedia cappella di San Martino (Q3657598) su Wikidata
  • 54 Chapel of Santa Maria. Cappella di Santa Maria (Savona) su Wikipedia cappella di Santa Maria (Q3657681) su Wikidata
  • 55 Oratory of San Dalmazio. Oratorio di San Dalmazio su Wikipedia oratorio di San Dalmazio (Q3884643) su Wikidata
  • 56 Imperial Palace. Of fourteenth-century origins and rebuilt in the sixteenth century, it is located on the edge of the town at the confluence of the Lavanestro and Letimbro streams. Palazzo Imperiale (Savona) su Wikipedia Palazzo Imperiale (Q3890294) su Wikidata


Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy
  • 57 Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy, fraction of Sanctuary of Savona. It was built following the apparition of the Madonna to Antonio Botta, which took place according to tradition in 1536, and is dedicated to the patron saint of the city. It is a sumptuous example of Baroque architecture which, inside, can boast an altar by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and precious paintings by Domenichino. The statue of the patroness was crowned directly by Pius VII at the end of his captivity. Attached to the church there is a museum that collects objects of sacred art and ex voto. Santuario di Nostra Signora della Misericordia (Savona) su Wikipedia santuario di Nostra Signora della Misericordia (Q3949956) su Wikidata
  • 58 Treasure Museum of the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy (in the palace of the Duke of Tursi, adjacent to the sanctuary), 39 019833121. The museum was built between 1536 and 1540, with the annexed complex of the hospices of Our Lady of Mercy. The collections were formed thanks to the prestigious gifts and donations from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, and the votive offerings of aristocratic Savona and Genoese families. There are preserved precious vestments in woven or embroidered fabric, among which the planet of the Duke of Urbino (1623), eighteenth-century textiles in Revel and Bizzarre styles, liturgical furnishings and precious silverware, including the reliquary of the Cross of seventeenth-century Roman production, Il chalice of the goldsmith Vincenzo Belli (XVIII century), The golden crown known as of Pius VII. The exhibition complex also includes some wooden and ivory sculptures from the 15th and 16th centuries. In addition there are paintings on canvas in paper support of peasant and seafaring subjects, combined with typical models of boats in wood and in silver foil.
  • 59 Fountain of the Sanctuary. Built in the square in front of the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Misericordia (Savona) in 1708 by Giacomo Ponsonelli di Massa, a pupil of the Genoese Filippo Parodi; it was financed by the Genoese Marquise Teresa Spinola-Sauli, devoted to Our Lady of Mercy. The work, in full Baroque style, consists of a central basin in the shape of a quadrilobe with jets of water that spray from the edges towards the inside; it is surmounted in the center by a spire that holds the statue of an angel in twisting with open wings while holding a scroll with the Latin phrase "Haurietis in gaudio", that is, "You will quench your thirst in joy" (verse n. 12 of Isaiah ). In the position below the tub, there is a mask that makes the water flow into a tub below.

Events and parties

What to do

  • Beaches. The beaches of Savona obtained the Blue Flag in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
  • motor activities. There are also opportunities for cycling and hiking in the area. TO Varazze, to the east, begins the cycle path of the "Lungomare ciclabile" railway that leads to Arenzano. It is about 10 km long, has numerous tunnels and can also be easily explored on foot.


How to have fun

There are a few bars along the old harbor basin which mainly attract a younger crowd.


  • 1 Gabriello Chiabrera Theater. inaugurated in 1853 and named after the Savonaese poet and writer Gabriello Chiabrera. The oldest theater in the city is the Sacco Theater, opened in 1785. Teatro Gabriello Chiabrera su Wikipedia Teatro Gabriello Chiabrera (Q3981991) su Wikidata
  • Don Bosco Theater.
  • Theater-Cinema Nuovofilmstudio.

Where to eat

In addition to the seafood of the Gulf of Genoa, Savona is known above all for its Farinata and Foccacia. Farinata is a pancake made from chickpea flour, olive oil, salt and water that is eaten as a simple meal with a glass of wine. Focaccia is eaten for breakfast or as a snack.

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • 2 NH hotel, Via A. Chiodo, 9 (in the historic port "Vecchia Darsena", near the Brandale tower), 39 019 803211. The NH Savona Darsena is surrounded by history: Priamar Fortress, historic center, Piazza Brandale, Chiabrera Theater. Next to the shopping district, the building has a view of the Ligurian River and the beach.
  • 3 Idea Hotel, Vittorio square 2, 390192301700. Ecb copyright.svgsingle room from € 45.
  • 4 Motel Mirò, Via Nizza 62. Ecb copyright.svgPrice: single from 55 €.
  • 5 Mare Hotel, Via Nizza 41, 39 019264065. A little out of the center, but with a private beach and fish restaurant.
  • 6 Miramare, Via Giordano 11R, 390197700511. Ecb copyright.svgsingle from 45 €.
  • 7 Hotel San Marco, Via Ruggero Leoncavallo, 32, 39 019 813660.


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Savona
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Savona
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Savona
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).