Seychelles - Seicheles

Flag of Seychelles.svg
Basic information
CurrencySeychelles Rupee
Areatotal: 455 km2
Water: 0 km2
Earth: 455 km2
Population80 098 (est. July 2006)
LanguageEnglish (official), French (official) and Creole (official)
ReligionRoman Catholic 86.6%, Anglican 6.7%, other Christian religions 2.5%, other 4.1%
phone code 248

At seychelles (Seychelles) [1] are a country of east africa consisting of 115 islands located north of Madagascar. Its paradisiacal beaches and luxury resorts make this country one of the most visited in Africa.


Seychelles is an island nation, located northwest of Madagascar and about 1590 km east of Mombasa, Kenya, between 4-5 degrees south of the equator. The number of islands in the archipelago is in various situations given as 115, but the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles lists 155. However, only 33 of these are inhabited.

Seychelles has 81,500 inhabitants, the vast majority of which are concentrated on Mahé Island, the island where the capital is located, Victoria. The archipelago's population is made up of a wide variety of ethnicities: the descendants of French settlers, Indian, African and Chinese immigrants.


The first known European record of the sighting of the islands took place in 1502 by Vasco da Gama, who crossed the Almirante Islands. The first visit to the islands, however, took place about a century later, in 1609, when they were visited by the crew of the Englishman Ascension. The islands were occasionally used by pirates until 1756, when the French began to control the archipelago. The islands were named after Jean Moreau de Séchelles, Minister of Finance to Louis XV.

Control of the islands was disputed with the British between 1794 and 1812. The administrator of the Seychelles, Jean Baptiste Quéau de Quincy, decided not to offer any resistance to the enemies. Instead, he successfully negotiated capitulation to the British, which gave the colonists a position of neutrality.

Eventually, the British took full control after the surrender of the Mauritius 1812), then formalized with the Treaty of Paris in 1814. The Seychelles became a colony separate from Mauritius in 1903 and became independent in 1976. A coup d'état in 1977 deposed James Mancham, the republic's first president, this being replaced by France Albert René. The 1979 constitution established a one-party socialist state, remaining so until 1991. The first draft of the new constitution failed to secure the required 60% vote, but an amended version was approved in 2011.


The climate of the islands is tropical, temperate and very humid, due to the maritime influence. The temperature varies little throughout the year. The south-east trade winds blow regularly from May to November, this being the most pleasant time of year. Most islands are not hit by cyclones very often, and strong winds are rare.


Map of Seychelles
Inland Islands (Mahé, praslin, La Digue, island of silhouette, Inner corals)
They constitute the main nucleus of the country, including the capital. Victoria. They are a group of 42 islands in the northeast region of the archipelago, forming 54% of the total surface of Seychelles and comprising 98% of the population.
Aldabra Islands (Aldabra Atoll, Asuncion Island, Cosmoledo Atoll, Astove Atoll)
They are located in the southwest of the archipelago, about 1000 km from the capital Victoria. The only inhabited island is the Assumption Island.
Admiral Islands (Isle of Remire, Isle D'Arros, Atoll of St. Joseph, Isle of Desroches, Isles Poivre, Isle Marie Louise, Isle Desnœufs, African Banks, Isle of Étoile, Isle of Boudeuse)
The total area occupied by the archipelago is 9.91 km². The population is less than 100, with the majority of the population concentrated in the village of Desroches (50 inhabitants).
Alphonse Islands (Alphonse Atoll, St. François Atoll)
They are located about 403 kilometers from the capital, Victoria. Only Alphonse Island (on Alphonse Atoll) is inhabited.
Farquhar Islands (Farquhar Atoll, Providence Atoll, Isle of St. Pierre)
They are located more than 700 kilometers from the capital. It occupies a total area of ​​less than 11 km², but the total area of ​​the atolls it occupies is about 370 km². There are only two villages. The main one is located on Île du Nord (part of Farquhar Atoll), and the other on Providence Island (part of Providence Atoll).
South Coral Group (Coëtivy Island, Platte Island)
Made up of two very separate islands, about 171 km apart from each other. Both are sand islets and both are inhabited. The main settlement is on Coëtivy Island.


  • Victoria - One of the smallest capitals in the world (with about 25 000 inhabitants) and the main port of the country, located in the northeast of the island of Mahé. is well known for the miniature Vauxhall Clock Tower (a clock in London).
  • Anse Boileau - is a village in Mahé, south of Victoria. This small village captures the natural wonders that made the country famous: it is situated at the foot of a steep, green mountain, in an inlet of the Indian Ocean, and inland there are streams, mini-forests, ponds.
  • Beau Vallon - Also in Mahé, it has the most frequented beach on the island, also serving as a base for diving. The long, white sandy beach sits in a large, calm bay, with a mountainous landscape in the background.
  • Anse Royale - Anse Royale is the longest beach on the island of Mahé, and probably the second most popular. It lies between a long bay and a mountain range. It is sheltered from the sun by a cluster of palm trees.
  • Anse Takamaka - It has one of the most beautiful beaches in the country, despite having strong currents at certain times of the year. It's perfect for relaxing and getting a tan.
  • Baie Ste. Anne - In praslin. It is the main entry point to the island, with a busy dock. Most people live along the beach, but far from it, near the hills.

Other destinations

Anse Source d'Argent.
  • Anse Source d'Argent, La Digue - The most famous beach on the island of La Digue and across the country, much sought after for being one of the best beaches in the world, due to its magnificent coastline, its palm trees and its exoticism.
  • St. Anne's National Marine Park, Mahé - The National Marine Park of Ste. Anne is located about 5 km from the country's capital, Victoria, and consists of six small islands near the island of Mahé. The marine park was created in 1973 for the preservation of wildlife. Fishing and water skiing is prohibited.
  • Château Saint-Cloud, La Digue - As well as other plantations, in La Digue.
  • bird island, Inner corals - It is the northernmost island in the country, about 97 km from Mahé. The small island is known for its large number of birds, such as the dark tern, the white tern, as well as the hawksbill and the green turtle. Today it is a private resort with 24 bungalows.

World Heritage

  • Vallee de Mai Nature Reserve, praslin - A forest in its original state, perfect for an excursion into nature, to enjoy its magnificent waterfalls and its coconut de mer, characteristic of the island. It is known as one of the most beautiful places in the country.
  • Aldabra Atoll, Aldabra Islands - An uninhabited atoll and one of the most beautiful natural attractions in Seychelles. It is the largest atoll in the world, formed by four islands in a ring, and it is very visited because of the giant tortoise-de-aldabra, a turtle characteristic of the region.

To arrive

A visa is not required to enter the country, regardless of nationality. It is, however, necessary to present the following at the airport: a valid passport; return ticket; proof of the existence of accommodation, including contacts; enough money for the stay. The presentation of these guarantees a visitor's permit, issued upon arrival by the Seychelles Department of Immigration. The visitor's license is valid for the visit period of up to one month. You can get an extension of up to three months. The visitor license is free for the first three months, after which it costs around SCR1,000 per three month extension.

By airplane

The only international airport is the Seychelles International Airport (SEZ) close to Victoria. Air Seychelles [2] fly to London, Paris, Johannesburg, Pomegranate, Milan, Frankfurt, Mauritius and Singapore with Boeing 767 planes. In addition to these, there are flights from Nairobi (Kenya Airways [3]), Dubai (Emirates [4]) and doha (Qatar Airways [5]), as well as charter flights from Frankfurt (Condor [6]) and Amsterdam (Martinair [7]). Air France [8] it also carries out some flights to the islands.

Of boat

The strict control of cruises entering the island has been decreasing since the early 1990s and the rules are no longer so complicated. However, there are still some restrictions, mainly for the environmental protection of the islands, which are surrounded by coral reefs close to the surface.


By airplane

Air Seychelles [9] operates several daily flights between Mahé and praslin. There are more than two dozen flights to various destinations on the islands, with intervals ranging from fifteen minutes to two hours, depending on the time of day.

Air Seychelles also operates daily or several times a week flights between Mahé and bird island, a denis island, a Frigate Island, a Desroches Island, O Alphonse Atoll. THE Assumption Island and the Coëtivy Island can be reached via a charter flight.

Of boat

The Cat Cocos is a high-speed catamaran that sails two or three times a day between Mahé and praslin. The journey usually takes an hour.

There are 5 or 6 round-trip schooner trips between praslin and La Digue. The trip takes about 30 minutes and times are made to synchronize with Cat Cocos.

It is also possible to take small boats from Mahé until La Digue, although they are often late and the journey takes around 3 hours.

By car

In Seychelles you drive on the side left of the road.

Having a car is a good idea. There is little traffic, making this the best way to travel on the islands. However, you can only rent cars in Mahé and Praslin. You can find a car for only 45 euros a day, but you have to be at least 21 years old, with a valid driving license, and have at least three years of experience.

taxis are also a popular means of transport for short rides and day rental and can be found almost anywhere.

By bus/bus

The Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (SPTC) has regular bus services to the islands of praslin and Mahé from morning to night on almost every road on the island. There is usually a bus every 15 minutes.

by helicopter

THE Seychelles helicopter[10] carry out flights between the main islands of Mahé, praslin and La Digue, as well as charter flights to and from most other islands. Helicopter Seychelles is the only scenic flight operator in Seychelles. Depending on the day, helicopter flights can also reach the islands of Cousine, Félicité, Grande Seour, Curieuse and Cousin.


speak up English and French. There is also a local Creole dialect, Seychelles Creole.





The currency of the islands is the seychelles rupee (SCR). ATMs usually have the best exchange rates, however airports and banks also have good rates.

Trading in foreign currency, until recently illegal, was legalized in November 2008. This destroyed the once extensive black market, which offered twice the official rate. The euro was worth fifteen rupees in October 2009.


The best place to go shopping is Victoria, the capital, and more specifically the city center market, the Seychelles Buy and Sell [11]. There are some shops on the island of praslin, but few stores on other islands. Bigger hotels have boutiques, but shopping isn't one of the country's biggest attractions

While visiting the island, buy the classic and traditional Seychelles souvenir, coco-de-mer, or 'sea nut', a nut sourced from trees endemic to Seychelles - but this requires an export license. Other local souvenirs (though not as unique) include pearl and/or shell jewelry, textiles, and straw hats, as well as crochet and embroidery, paintings by local artists, and woodwork.


Most service providers already include a service charge of 5% - 10%. Tipping is not mandatory in the country, but it is much appreciated.

With the

Seychelles cuisine was heavily influenced by island culture. Creole cuisine, coconuts and curries are the most popular dishes. The country's main product, fish, is cooked in a wide variety of ways. One of the best is the red snapper, which is very tasty and popular with tourists.

The cheapest food can be found on the beach: pick some coconuts and find out how to break your frosting, not the shell, that's easy, but the thick lining of natural fibers; to open it: tap the coconut very hard several times against a corner. Sooner or later it ends up opening).

drink and go out

Seychelles offers a fantastic nightlife to its tourists. This is mainly located in the surroundings of the big hotels, and in addition to the theatres, cinemas and nightclubs, there are numerous modern restaurants.

If you like a good beer, you should try the local Seybrew beer, which tastes like beer. bavarian, essential to survive the crazy nights on the island. You can save money by buying beer 3m from roadside stands instead of buying it at hotels.

Another famous alcoholic drink on the island is Rum Takamaka, perfect for a weekend in Seychelles.


It is not a good idea to visit the islands without booking a hotel. Most accommodations are relatively expensive and some islands only have one hotel. Some islands do not even have permanent inhabitants and can only find accommodation in less than ten. The cheapest accommodation is a rented apartment or bungalow at very reasonable prices. Hotel prices go up in high seasons from December to January and from July to August. At Easter, hotels can get very crowded.

Most resorts can be found on the islands of Mahé and praslin. Some luxury hotels have their own private island, such as the one in the North Island.


THE University of Seychelles[12] it is the most frequented by foreigners, as it provides a medical degree to Americans.

Public education is free and compulsory for a period of ten years of primary school, for children aged six to sixteen since 1980. Primary education is followed by five years of secondary education. Seychelles does not provide university education, but there is a teacher training college, a polytechnic institute and, as mentioned above, there is the University of Seychelles - the American Institute of Medicine. Due to the absence of universities, many study abroad, especially in the UK.


Working and doing business in Seychelles can be difficult due to the humidity and heat. Don't wear a suit or anything that looks like one; opt for a thin cotton sweater and trousers instead. The atmosphere in Seychelles is very relaxed and it may take a lot of effort to achieve very little.

Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy. About 15% of the workforce is employed in the tourism sector, and banking, transport, construction and other activities are closely linked to tourism.


Contrary to popular belief, crime in Seychelles has been on the rise due to a methamphetamine epidemic, which leads to a high risk of robbery. All tourists must be very careful. Police are ineffective and judges are corrupt. The country has the 2nd highest number of violations per capita in the world (for comparison, the Australia is the number 3 and the Canada No. 5). Avoid dark streets and be careful not to leave your bag or suitcase alone or on beaches with few people; most locals are poor and would love to get their hands on a few euros. Swimming alone or on isolated beaches is inadvisable. If you are going to browse, don't bring values.


Dengue cases in the country have been reported. In addition, there is also the chikungunya virus, carried by mosquitoes, and it causes flu-like symptoms. It's a growing problem, and while it's rare to die from this virus, the joint pain it causes can take several months. You can use insect repellent, but there's not much else you can do as a precaution.

You can drink tap water in most of Seychelles, but water quality can vary by area. It is recommended that you only drink bottled water and that you avoid fresh water bodies such as lakes, rivers, ponds, etc.


A turtle in Aldabra.

The environment is one of Seychelles' greatest treasures and there are over 1000 species of fish recorded on the islands and in Knife, one of the atolls, has the largest population of giant tortoises in the world.

Stay in touch

The country's telephone code is 248.

there are several internet cafes in Mahé. Most large hotels manage to arrange a temporary account for their customers.

The main post office is in Victoria. Airmail is picked up at 15:00 on weekdays and at 12:00 on Saturdays. It takes about a week to reach Western Europe.


There are only six embassies and about a dozen consulates. The Chinese embassy is an attraction in its own right, while Victoria House, a beautiful colonial house on the corner of Francis Rachel and State House streets, has several consulates.

  • , Victoria House, Victoria, 224434.
  • , Victoria House, Victoria, 382500.
  • , Le Chantier, 224489.
  • , Anse aux Pins, 376441.
  • , glacis, 261200.
  • , Victoria House, Victoria, 225366.
  • , New Port, Victoria, 224710.
  • , Victoria, 371050.
  • , Oliaji Trade Center, Victoria, 225225.
  • , Victoria House, Victoria, 225189.
This country article is usable . It contains links to major cities and other destinations (all with states of usable or better), a valid regional structure, and includes information about the country's currency, language, cuisine, and culture. At least the most important attraction is identified with directions. A braver person could use it to travel, but please dig deep and help it grow!