Seniga - Seniga

Bell tower
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Seniga is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

Seniga rises in the Lombard plain on the left bank of the Oglio, in the Bassa Bresciana, just upstream from the point where the Mella flows into the river.


Seniga rises on the left of the Oglio river, in an area that has given many finds from the Roman era. Its importance, however, developed in the Middle Ages, when the town was fortified and equipped with a castle, to defend the territory of the Contado di Brescia, as opposed to the right bank controlled by Cremona. To the disputes between Brescia and Cremonese, which aimed at the complete control of Oglio which was then a great route of commercial traffic, were added the devastation of Frederick II of Swabia and the struggles between the Visconti of Milan and the expanding Republic of Venice on the mainland in the Brescia and Bergamo areas, with sights also on the plain between the two rivers Po and Oglio.

Its fortress was destroyed by the Ghibellines but was rebuilt by Carmagnola in the first half of the 15th century; Seniga remained in the possession of the Republic of Venice until its fall in 1797.

How to orient yourself


In addition to the capital, the municipal territory of Seniga includes the fraction of Regona.

How to get

How to get around

What see

Villa Fenaroli
Villa Fenaroli
  • Villa Fenaroli. Built towards the end of the seventeenth century on a project by the architect Gaspare Turbini, the Villa Fenaroli shows the noble façade towards the bank of the Oglio river and a park sloping down towards the river with an Italian garden, with centuries-old plants and a pond of romantic taste. The entrance portal has a majestic appearance and is equipped with Ionic columns that support the balustrade adorned with high obelisks. It is a subsequent construction to the Palazzo, which was built by the Poncarali family, which was one of the most powerful and ancient families in Brescia. The protruding parts are the transformation of the towers of an ancient castle, probably the fortress on the river that made Seniga a military outpost of the Contado of Brescia first, then of the Republic of Venice. The building is also part of a large rural courtyard.
Parish church of Santa Maria di Comella
Parish church of Santa Maria di Comella
  • Parish church of Santa Maria in Comella. In the open countryside, in Regona, the center of the Seniga area, the Pieve di Santa Maria di Comella was built around 1200; re-proposes, in smaller dimensions, the basilica of LenoIn the 1920s, a skilful restoration eliminated the baroque superstructures, highlighting the terracotta that characterizes the church with three semicircular apses and splayed windows. Its decline began in the fourteenth century, until its aggregation in the fifteenth century to the parish of Seniga. The attribute of the name derives from the fact that it is located near the mouth of the Mella nell'Oglio: Caput Mellae, Co 'del Mella, precisely in the sense of the mouth of the Mella, that is where the Mella ends up joining its waters to those of the Oglio.
  • Church of Sant'Apollonio. It contains a painting by Cossali as well as sixteenth-century frescoes and wooden carvings.
Parish church of San Vitale
The bell tower
  • Parish church of San Vitale. The church of San Vitale is the town's parish and was built in 1697; it preserves frescoes from the pre-existing sacred building and works by Sante Cattaneo, Bagnadore and Trainini. It has the particularity of having the bell tower completely separated from the body of the building; it is in fact on the other side of the side street, in the corner of the crossroads next to the church, and forms part of the houses that line the streets.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Italian post, Via G.Marconi 2 / B, 39 030 9955010, fax: 39 030 9955010.


  • Scandolara Ripa d'Oglio - The castle residence, with a moat still full of water and an entrance tower, once with a drawbridge, makes a fine show at the entrance to the town, almost in symbiosis with the nearby parish church.
  • Cicognolo - Exposed terracotta and marble make the impressive and varied appearance of the imposing Manfredi castle, scenographic in the green of the lawn that embellishes the ground in front of the main facade, with a romantic garden and moat behind it.
  • Cremona - It has a monumental historic center - the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Town Hall - one of the most distinguished in Lombardy. It was a Roman city. It was powerful at the time of the Communes and rivaled Milan, which finally subdued it. His violins (Stradivari and Amati), his Torrazzo and even more his torrone, are known everywhere.
  • The Oglio North Park is a river park in the Lombardy region established by the regional law of 1988; it includes the territories of the right bank and the left bank of the Oglio river in the river section between the exit from Lake Iseo and Seniga on the left bank, while on the right bank it reaches Gabbioneta Binanuova.
It occupies an area of ​​14,170 hectares and includes the coastal lands of the territories of 34 municipalities in the Bergamasco, Brescia and Cremonese areas: Alfianello, Azzanello, Bordolano, Borgo San Giacomo, Calcio, Capriolo, Castelli Calepio, Castelvisconti, Chiari, Cividate al Piano, Corte de 'Cortesi, Corte de' Frati, Credaro, GabbionetaBinanuova, Genivolta, Orzinuovi, Palazzolo sull'Oglio, Palosco, Paratico, Pontevico, Pontoglio, Pumenengo, Quinzano d'Oglio, Robecco d'Oglio, Roccafranca, Rudiano, Sarnico, Scandolara Ripa d'Oglio, Seniga, Soncino, Torre Pallavicina, Urago d'Oglio, Verolavecchia, Villachiara, Villongo.
The administrative seat of the Oglio Nord Park is in Orzinuovi, while the cultural one is in Soncino.
The stretch of river downstream of Seniga and Gabbioneta Binanuova up to its introduction into the river Po constitutes the South Oglio Park.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Seniga
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Seniga
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