Orzinuovi - Orzinuovi

The fortress
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Orzinuovi is a city of Lombardy.

To know

Fortified center of the ancient County of Brescia, which was opposed to the opposite bulwark of Soncino belonging to the County of Cremona. In its surroundings, other manors have been preserved, all built by the Martinengo family who for a long time held vast territories in the Lower Brescia area: Villachiara, Padernello, Barco .

Geographical notes

It is located on the left bank of the Oglio, in the Lombard Po Valley of the Lower Brescia; It is 30 km from Brescia, 34 from Cremona, 50 from Bergamo, 27 from Cream.


The Brescians founded it towards the end of the 12th century, five kilometers from Orzivecchi, towards the Oglio bank with the aim of contrasting the opposite with a fortified center. Soncino. The fate of Brescia when it entered the domains of the Republic of Venice, whose atmosphere it maintains in the architecture and stylistic features of the urban organization; a lion of San Marco, placed on the facade of the present Town Hall, still recalls the Venetian domination. Around 1520 the city was fortified with a round of bastion walls, with a star design, which unfortunately were demolished in 1834.

How to orient yourself

A part of the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

The vast Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, with a wide-ranging and decidedly character Veneto left by the domination of the Republic of Venice, is the hub of the city; the main monuments show you, with the Rocca which appears to define one of the short sides of this important urban space, the Duomo which is placed in the middle of a long side, close to the Podestà's Palace, now the municipal seat. There are also noteworthy patrician palaces and palaces of good workmanship, among which one in particular appears decidedly in need of a radical restoration.


Its territory includes the inhabited centers of Barco, Coniolo, Ovanengo, Pudiano and Rossa.

How to get

By car

How to get around

The center can be easily visited on foot. Except on market day you can comfortably park in the wide open spaces of the central squares. The visit of the castles and palaces located in the hamlets requires a trip by car.

What see

Tower cel castle
  • 1 Castle of San Giorgio. What is currently seen of the ancient Rocca, in the square that borders the large Piazza Vittorio Emanuele I, is a very small part of a fortification that surrounded the city and developed with star-shaped bastions and walls. The remaining tower was the main gateway to the city; it was then incorporated into subsequent renovations and transformed into a keep. The Republic of Venice in 1477 provided for the further expansion of the fortifications, still called Venetian walls, by building a structure with four circular towers inserted in a pentagonal circle of walls. Of the three doors, two are partially preserved: Porta San Giorgio is Porta Sant'Andrea, from which the roads for Cremona is Brescia. In 1828 the Austrians demolished most of the fortifications, depriving the city of a work of great historical and urban interest. The castle came into the possession of the Municipality at the end of the nineteenth century, and was used for a certain period as a prison, then as a school. It currently serves as a cultural container.
Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta - interior
  • 2 Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, piazza Vittorio Emanuele I. Santa Maria Assunta is the most important religious building in Orzinuovi; it is located about the middle of the elegant Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, near the Town Hall. Its foundation is ancient, as it dates back to 1193; the current aspect, however, is that resulting from the restorations and renovations carried out in the following centuries. The interior with three naves in the Gothic style is impressive; the side chapels were added in the early seventeenth century; The current façade dates from the seventeenth century in which we can read in transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque taste. The church of Santa Maria del Carnerio was joined to the church in 1853, so that a neo-Gothic complex was formed.
  • Obici Palace - Maffeis. Of imposing forms, built at the end of the sixteenth century, it has a corbel cornice and two decorative orders., With a small loggia in the center. It has a large body of the building in the side street, enlivened by windows and mullioned windows, with railings of the type breast of pigeon.
Palazzo Podestarile, now the Town Hall
Plaque with the Lion of San Marco - facade of the Podestà's Palace
  • 3 Podestà's Palace. Now the seat of the Municipality, it has Gothic characteristics; on one side of the building there is a Lion of San Marco, a reminder of the Venetian domination. The building was enlarged and remodeled in 1567. It preserves important paintings in the Council Chamber.
  • Corniani Palace. While recalling the style of the Obici - Maffeis Palace, it is of more modest forms with only three arches and three windows with wrought iron balconies and triglyphs on the string course.
  • Pavoni Palace. It was built on the remains of the municipal lookout tower. In style sforzesco, has pointed arches in the portico.
  • 4 Santa Maria del Carnerio. Small sacred building on the parish churchyard was erected in 1492; forms part of the Duomo.
  • San Domenico. The church was part of the Dominican monastic complex and was built in 1561. At the end of the eighteenth century the Dominican Convent was used as a hospital, a function it still performs today.
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna di Caravaggio. Not far from the town, along the road to Soncino, was built in the mid-eighteenth century by popular will encouraged by the hermit Bartolomeo Zorzi. On one side of the Sanctuary there is a portico which in the intentions of the original project was to extend from the church to the town of Orzinuovi.
  • Convent of Santa Maria Assunta in Aguzzano.
  • San Lorenzo in Bigolio (Madonna della Pieve). It was a religious center of considerable importance, when the Madonna della Pieve was the object of great devotion for the population of a vast territory, a veneration that is widely accepted even today. The religious building has three naves, and shows a pronaos of a certain elegance rebuilt in the sixteenth century.

In Pudiano

It is a small town of a few dozen inhabitants; it is closer to Pompiano than to its own capital Orzinuovi, so much so that some services are carried out by Pompiano, such as the post office. The road by which it was reached was once between two rows of cypresses, unfortunately now demolished.

Pudiano - Palazzo Caprioli
  • Caprioli Palace. The Counts Caprioli had the town as a fief since the fifteenth century; to them we owe the construction of the great scenographic building that develops in the center of the town; on the back a large park reaches the square of the parish church.
  • Parish Church of San Giorgio. There are preserved the relics of San Bonifacio Martire, which are exhibited every five years, taking up an ancient tradition that had been interrupted. The last ostension was in 2012; therefore the next one will fall in 2017.

In Coniolo

  • Abbey.
  • Church of San Rocco.
  • Church of San Michele Arcangelo.

A Rossa

  • Church of San Pietro.

In Barco

  • Barco Castle. It was Gianfrancesco Martinengo, of the noble family that owned Barco and many other lands in the surrounding area, who had the castle built in the second half of the fifteenth century. It is one of the many castles that the Martinengos had built in their possessions, and it develops on the site of a previous castle: In 1487 the Republic of Venice invested Gian Francesco Martinengo, who was one of its most capable leaders, with the title of Count of Barco. The branch of the Martinenghi di Barco family died out in 1884, and the castle was sold; still today it is in private hands, who both own half of it. An internal hall preserves some frescoes in the mannerist style with correschi influences. : Some rooms of the castle are used for Hosteria which opens in the evening (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays), and on Sundays from 13.00-.
  • Parish church of San Gregorio Magno. Its foundation, like the castle, owes its foundation to the Martinengo feudal family; the building is simple and unadorned.
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna della Rosa (Madonna della Roggia). Built around the last decade of the sixteenth century, the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Rosa (or della Roggia) represented a great center of devotion. It was remodeled and enlarged towards the middle of the 17th century, when it was given the appearance it still retains. Some frescoes remain of the initial temple.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Night clubs

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

  • 1 Gambero Hotel, Via Verolanuova, 99, 39 030 9941231.


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 1 Magli, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 77, 39 030 941408.
  • 2 Dyed, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II 34, 39 300 941200.
  • 3 Fornari, Via Bembo, 11 (in Coniolo), 39 030 9940832.


  • 4 The squares, Via Einaudi 3 (c / o Le Piazze Shopping Center).
  • 5 Vittorio Emanuele, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II 36.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Italian post, via Giuseppe Mazzini 1, 39 030 9941562, fax: 39 090 9941102.
  • 7 Italian post, Vicolo Pozzo 1 (in Coniolo), 39 030 9940824, fax: 39 030 9940824.


  • Soncino - Fortified village with walls and a fortress in excellent condition, it was for a long time an outpost of the Cremonese against the Brescians. It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • Cream - Its Cathedral and the church of Santa Maria della Croce are the main reasons of interest; the city was for four hundred years in possession of the Serenissima, a period of which it retains many architectural influences and part of the Venetian walls.
  • Pandino - The wonderfully preserved castle, rich in frescoes for which it is an almost unique example in Lombardy, makes Pandino an important tourist destination in theCremasco and of the whole region.
  • Caravaggio - Known above all as a center of faith, its Sanctuary is one of the most popular in the region and one of the most monumental.
  • Castelleone - Populous center with a well-known Sanctuary, it has its most distinguished monument in the church of Santa Maria in Bressanoro. The medieval Torre Isso is what remains of the ancient fortifications.


  • Via Carolingia - European itinerary that crosses the places traveled by the court of Charlemagne between the 8th and 9th centuries to travel from Aachen to Rome, where Pope Leo III crowned the Carolingian sovereign emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas night in the 19th century.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Orzinuovi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Orzinuovi
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